Fallout 4 Patches Will Release On PC First


Aug 20, 2006
Looks like we might be getting a beta patch for the PC next week. Have you run into any significant bugs?

It doesn't go into specifics regarding what it's working on fixing, but the blog then explains Bethesda's approach to updates. "Our process for updating the game will include releasing a beta patch on Steam, followed by full release on PC, then release on the consoles," it explains. "This process has worked well for us in the past and allows us to get more fixes out faster."
the only bug I noticed was the Power Armor bug where the NPC's will become hostile to you right away.
I haven't yet noticed anything other than a few clipping issues. Maybe I'm just lucky but the game has been pretty good to me. This update plan seems fine to me.

I did make small tweals. I've put in mods to remove the base structure limits, allow craftable ammo at chemistry benches, and to put in exactly what your character would say, word for word.

Overall I'm happy with the game. Do I think the graphics could be improved? Sure, but they don't break immersion and the mechanics are so far solid. That said, I hope they are using a new engine with their next game. Fallout 4 should be the last game that uses this engine.
The only major issue i had was getting stuck in place coming out of terminals due to high FPS / Gsync apparently. I had to manually limit FPS most times i would use one, or i would always make sure to save before going in.. i found out the hard way when i had to go back 15 minutes the first few times it happened.

Other than that, nothing game breaking i have noticed. Really enjoying this game!
The only major issue i had was getting stuck in place coming out of terminals due to high FPS / Gsync apparently. I had to manually limit FPS most times i would use one, or i would always make sure to save before going in.. i found out the hard way when i had to go back 15 minutes the first few times it happened.

Other than that, nothing game breaking i have noticed. Really enjoying this game!

Can you use Adaptive V-Sync for the Fallout 4 application using NVIDIA's control panel? It helped me quite a bit.
Let's hope they add some more keybinding choices, especially for the keys that appear to be hardcoded (workshop, arrow keys, switch between 1st & 3rd person, etc.).

I haven't come across too many bugs either, but one that is starting to become very annoying is switching weapons. Both in 1st and 3rd person, sometimes A) the weapon doesn't appear and is usable, B) doesn't appear and isn't usable (??? - great during a fight), or C) doesn't appear immediately, but does after say 3-5 second.

This laggy behavior is experienced elsewhere too, for example with bring up the Pip-Boy, or putting it away. With Terminals (this is different than being stuck in them, you can get out but there is a delay). Its almost as if the game is trying to catch up with itself sometimes. I guess I can try overclocking my CPU more and see what happens - but that's an out in left field type solution.

There are also a few terminals here and there which won't let you use them straight up while wearing Power Armor. I can't imagine this is by design, especially in areas where you're moving through lots of enemies (not a cleared, non-populated, or deserted area).

Guess we'll see. Looking forward to it.
> 60 fps, please.

> 20 fps in that one place you go to find Shaun, please. I mean yeah, I'm still on a 560 Ti, but I can run GTA V on High and it looks brilliant. Fallout looks like HL2 on my rig.
Outside of just performance issues (though the newest AMD beta has helped A LOT) I've had a few issues.

One of the missions in Vault 81 is buggy and won't complete ("Dependency"), I still get stuck at terminals sometimes after trying to exit them, some of my companions have just disappeared forcing me to go back to where I originally found them to recover them. Oh and the controls...not being able to switch between controller and keyboard on the fly is a bitch and I've even had to reinstall because all of the controls just refused to work at one point.

The armor on my left leg and arm all of a sudden isn't showing right now (new problem) and I've had some enemies I've killed (a couple legendary as well) just disappear...no trace of them.

So yeah, the game hasn't been a staple of perfection at all...but other than some weird bugs here and there it's over all been pretty good. Haven't had any crashes or corrupt saves and after the AMD driver my single 290X is handling 4K pretty decently in a 99% of my play time at mostly ultra settings.

Definitely been better than their previous releases. I do think a performance patch at least is long over due.
Finally a patch. Right after I decided to use console commands to get me past the CTD bugs for the main quests. Good thing I found out that using the console will not disable steam achievements so I can continue my march towards 100% completion.
I started game this week. Do I have to start a new game to get benefits of a patch?

I've not noticed any issues so far but I know how stuff can pop up out of the blue.
This PC-first news pleases The Glorious Master Race.

the only bug I noticed was the Power Armor bug where the NPC's will become hostile to you right away.

I've noticed several...nothing totally game-breaking but still very annoying.

-Water purifiers don't produce excess like they should
-Clipping issues with items sometimes falling through floors
-Weapon goes invisible for no apparent reason
-Became unable to trade/swap gear with a certain settler for no real reason
-Pretty sure shops I am running aren't doing anything (I can buy from them but I'm not getting any income to speak of)
-One of my settlers appears to just be straight-up not there (I "gained" a settler according to the count, but no one ever showed up)

A lot of it has to do with the settler / base building mechanics...which are a lot of fun but it's annoying as fuck when half of the stuff doesn't work right.
Oh, also, if you cook Mutant Dog meat, it's supposed to remove 50 Rads, but it doesn't. It heals you but no Rad removal.
Only one thing I want fixed. I want to have triple screen options in the setup. Lacking that I need to have obvious settings in the text-files for HUD and FOV like in the other bethesda games. As it is, it is not a good triple screen experience. It's not like triple screen is extremely unlikely to be used for games like this. Basicly all non-competitive games released on PC these days should at least try to do something to make it possible for triple screen users.
Xbox One player here. I have encountered a few bugs some annoying and others downright funny. The one I have had the most is the game locking up when exiting a building which causes the game to reload. I had one were I was fighting some super mutants and I crouched and was thrown back a good 400m from where I originally was. This next one is funny, I was in the last major Minutemen town that you get and Dogmeat was standing by the crafting table sneezing uncontrollably while I was talking to other NPC's in the area :D.
This next one is funny, I was in the last major Minutemen town that you get and Dogmeat was standing by the crafting table sneezing uncontrollably while I was talking to other NPC's in the area :D.

I've seen this happen in Sanctuary and one of the other 'towns' also. He was standing next to a generator when this happened, so perhaps that's expected. What I would call a bug is that the AI did not move him from inhaling those toxic fumes (but since 1. it doesn't actually cause damage or ill effect, and 2. he's immortal -- its probably no different than standing anywhere else). I had a good laugh though! :p
I have a few amusing ones.

-there's a terminal with an off-angle chair at it... and you cannot access it because the chair doesn't move.
-If you come out of a terminal near your companion and something you did there makes them want to talk to you. You get weirdly stuck, can't move, and have to reload a game.
-A corpse dies near a car. Kick the corpse near the tire of the car and it picks the car up. Cars have no weight. Reverse of that, zombie gets up near a car and picks the car up.. SUPER ZOMBIE!! Nope. Feather car.
just the terminal bug which is easily fixed by capping.other then that it works flawless and smooth as silk.
> 20 fps in that one place you go to find Shaun, please. I mean yeah, I'm still on a 560 Ti, but I can run GTA V on High and it looks brilliant. Fallout looks like HL2 on my rig.
Probably because the game has crazy large textures for everything grass has something like 2048x2048 textures for no reason other than "we just increase the minimum specs who needs optimization"
Oh, also, if you cook Mutant Dog meat, it's supposed to remove 50 Rads, but it doesn't. It heals you but no Rad removal.

Worked for me, I'm sure of it. Will test asap, but remember eating it and health went up as rads went down.
Also, a few issues with:

Pipboy goes very wonky when crouched/invisible (some raider right leg invisibility item). Have to stand up to end invisibility so I can see pipboy.

Missing settlers. I took everyone out of Red Rocket but still says there is one. Been trying to fix all my supply lines. Red Rocket and Abernathy Farms seems wonky somehow and I can't fix them.

Also, need to show what settlers are assigned to (job function). Gets hard when you're trying to find someone to move elsewhere but don't know if they have a job or not. If you do move them, you have to check all your assignments to see if one is no longer covered.
i'll be happy if they fix
1. Disappearing hud/weapons/etc
2. Keybindings

Wouldn't hold my breath. However the modding community has come through fantastically with these two pain points in the past (particularly with Skyrim).
The only game breaking bug I have run into so far is when all ranged attacks, both mine and NPCs, stopping hitting though melee attacks worked fine. I first noticed it when trying to hit some flying insect and missed about five 95% shots in VATS and also missed using free aim. Dog killed it so I went on to find some super mutants and army robots going at it. I jumped into the fray and absolutely no ranged attacks were hitting. There was and assaultron with the army robots so that side won.

Reloading previous saves, even ones well before the bug happened, did not fix things. I had to exit the game and play again the next morning for guns to work right. Maybe something got messed up in an.ini or some other config file??
Just minor clipping bugs and the game crashes everytime during exit. Nothing game-breaking to speak of.