Family Sharing Could Return to Xbox One

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A Microsoft representative says that the company may bring back family sharing to the Xbox One. Personally, I'm not sure why they ever had to remove it in the first place.

For one thing, he said, Family Sharing isn't necessarily gone for good. "If [Family Sharing] is something that people are really excited about and want, we're going to make sure that we find the right way to bring it back." It would require additional engineering to enable Family Sharing after always-online was dropped, so the feature was removed from the Xbox One launch window.
They never had to, it always could have applied to digital purchases without any trouble. They were just being a bratty child getting all pissy and leaving your house with his/her toys out of ignorance and anger.

Dumb c***s, I don't know how anybody would still pre-order this damn thing after all of this. :(
I just want four other controllers to be allowed on Xbox Live without having to pay. Fix that and you fix Xbox Live for good.
sharing isn't really the term I'd use.

If I share a pizza with my friend for dinner, I don't tell them they only have two bites of a single slice and then you have to give it back.

MS is realizing they might not have the hottest product out there, and they are beefing it up and or adding back the bells and whistles they thought they could nickle and dime you for. Too bad GTA5 comes on the 360, otherwise I'd have had to strongly consider buying the next Gen.
Microsoft: Please buy our targeted advertising box, we will give you all the good features back if you just let us have this one. /desperate.

Fuck off MS. Lose the Kinect or No sale.
It seemed like they removed it as some sort of penalty to gamers for changing their initial drm policies
It seemed like they removed it as some sort of penalty to gamers for changing their initial drm policies

No they just fired the guy who caused all this drama with the Xbox One.

He is the Zynga CEO now.

They were just being a bratty child getting all pissy and leaving your house with his/her toys out of ignorance and anger.

That's the way a lot of people see it. Just MS throwing a fit and taking it all off, rather than just the bad parts. That'll show 'em!

They have the name recognition, they have some solid games, the hardware is great (not as powerful as PS4, but still great), they have some great new features. But, there are those little things that turn me off. The fit they threw really made me question them. That, and the PR crap (Larry Hyrb being a dick was part of it... I had a lot of respect for the guy, but seeing him act like an ass was pretty disheartening).

I hope they bring it back and take care to do it right. They need to accept the middle ground. It may be too late for a lot of gamers to switch from the PS4 to the Xbox One, but they can save some face. It's a great feature (to share/loan games), but they had so much to go with it that made it not attractive anymore. I was one of the naysayers before they removed it. I HATED the one day checkin. I would not go for that. I bought SimCity, I know what it's like to pay $30 (sale!) and not be able to play a single player game because of no network connection. If I pay $500 and I couldn't play, I'd be beyond pissed. Pitchforks and torches and shit.
I've never seen a large company backpedal as much as Microsoft has in recent years. How could any investor possibly have any degree of confidence in an organization that appears to merely run around like a chicken that's had its head cut off?
Don't get excited at all about this--it's just regurgitated from the same Shack News article [H] already referenced the other day. That's the one thing I don't much like about Internet reporting, there's too much repetition with sites copying from each other--back and forth--sometimes it never ends.
Yeah it's that "maybe someday yaknow" from the IGN piece.

What this does need is to inform the masses who want it that it's not going to be that you and nine buddies chip in $6-$7 each and share and play a game.
What this does need is to inform the masses who want it that it's not going to be that you and nine buddies chip in $6-$7 each and share and play a game.

Who in their right mind actually thinks it would be like that?

It is most likely going to be a timed gameplay session just like valve is working on steam if the leaked coding is to be believed.
MS has NEVER stated any sort of timed sharing. More then likely, it'll be something along the lines of one person at a time, same as a physical copy.

Wish people would understand that the console hasn't been release yet. Everything up until then is just hearsay and speculation.

That said, I do expect a lot of outcry once it does release.

I'm not buying either. I'm speaking with my pocketbook and giving my money to PC manufacturers.
If the family sharing thing relies on always on to work and the XB One is running some variant of win 8 I don't see why they can't simply implement a software switch that enables family sharing and turns the always on to on at the same time.

Then those that need it to be offline for longer than it can be with the always on engaged can simply disable family sharing and go on about their lives.
I've never seen a large company backpedal as much as Microsoft has in recent years. How could any investor possibly have any degree of confidence in an organization that appears to merely run around like a chicken that's had its head cut off?
Investors likely signed off on this.

Which is one of the failings of our public ownership model for companies. Morons waddle in to owership positions. Either from the new board members or from execs who know what the new board members want to hear, stupid ideas are born and bounced around in the echo chambers until they convince themselves they have some thing successful.

If things go on schedule, the new owners disappear before things go to crap. But when things go to crap ahead of schedule, the board members find a scape goat. Either way they slink off to ruin a different company.
If the family sharing thing relies on always on to work and the XB One is running some variant of win 8 I don't see why they can't simply implement a software switch that enables family sharing and turns the always on to on at the same time.

Then those that need it to be offline for longer than it can be with the always on engaged can simply disable family sharing and go on about their lives.

This has been my opinion, instead of saying... if you box is online you can use all these cool features... If you are not online you can still play your installed games/DVDs but can't use the cool features.

I am willing to guess though that publishers and MS are worried about modders and pirated games. I would guess an offline mode would be the first thing they would use to distribute hacked/pirated games. Get a game "loaned to you", install, pull the network jack and play forever... Yet they forget that no matter what they do if they DON'T have a always online policy, off network hacks will exist.

At this point I think requiring always on will be more harmful then pirated games.

I am guessing MS gutted all the features with removal of DRM based on publishers demands (maybe a little pissyness). MS told them they had to get rid of some of the DRM due to reaction, and they said well no sharing then etc... Until they can hash out an understanding they will be quiet about it.

As for whether or not family sharing would have been timed gameplay or not, leaked quotes supposedly from the MS team said it was timed. I would expect MS to publicly say the statements were completely false and the restriction would be 1 concurrent player. If they don't, then I will assume it was timed all along.

Timed sharing is just a demo imo, demos should be freely available to all.