Fan Issues with HD3870X2

Jun 10, 2004
Well, now that the powerplay bug has been taken care of, I have a bit of another issue. Well, to be exact, I always had the issue.

The top card in my system will boot and have a normal fan profile, revving up when it gets hot, but the bottom card will not. it sits at 5% duty cycle and doesn't change.

I figured maybe the bottom card has something wrong with it. So i took them out and switched them. low and behold, the same thing happens. Bottom card still won't rev up. So now I know it isn't just the one card.

Here is where it gets weird. Since I put both cards in, whichever card was on the top could easily have the fan cycle edited, but the bottom card, no matter what I set it at, would not speed up.

I open up Riva Tuner and I have 4 entries to choose from [Generic PnP Monitor, and 3 Default Monitors]. Before, I only had PnP Monitor and one Default Monitor entry. After I switched them I forgot to attach the crossfire bridge. So CrossfireX is not enabled, and I can see all 4 entries, and change the fan speed on both cards.

So I close out Riva Tuner. I go into the CCC and enable CrossfireX. Open up Riva Tuner and now I only have 2 entries again [PnP Monitor and Default]. Go to change the top card fan and it works fine, change the bottom card fan, and it sits at idle, no change no matter what.

So I exit Riva Tuner and disable CrossfireX. Open Riva and the 4 entries are back. ok, getting the hang of this. So I set both cards to 40% fan cycle, they both set just fine. NOW I go to the CCC and enable CrossfireX and the fan cycles stay. So far so good.

Only problem being now, in order to have my bottom card's fan run at an acceptable rate, I need to disable CrossfireX, set the fan in Riva Tuner, and then enable CrossfireX again. This is gonna be quite annoying if I have to do it all the time.\

This HAS to be another driver/software issue, because I switched the card's positions on the mobo and it's still only the bottom card that won't use the default fan profile. It actually overheated and froze during a session of Crysis. I looked at the graph in Riva Tuner and it went from 48 degrees at idle and then slowly but surely climbed to 98 before shutting down, the fan never kicked in. So obviously, this can't be a card BIOS thing, because it would have only happened to one, or both of the cards no matter which slot it was in. in this case though, Both cards only fail to use the correct fan cycle in the bottom pci slot.

Let me know if anyone else has had an issue similar to this. And again, maybe we can get ATI's attention on the matter!

Let me say though, beyond this issue now, the card are performing superbly. Crysis [with both cards at 40% fan] I can run at all High and get about 30-45 fps on average, 50-60 in some parts. No stuttering whatsoever.