FAQ for Emachines M6805

Just got back from an excursion to Best Buy with my M6805 today.

My laptop had the crack problem, and the flicker problem, so after reading that they were replacing them at BB, I figured I would give it a shot. Went in, and spoke to the "Geek Squad" guys, and they said theyt hadn't heard anything about it, but I asked them to check their internal mail. 20 minutes later, he comes back, double checks that the serial was in the proper range and says, "I'll be damned, there was a notice towards the begenning of the month." Get the replacement authorized, and the CS rep tells me I have 1450 and change in store credit to pick a new laptop as they don't carry the 6805 anymore. So I go back to grab a 6810, and notice a sale on the 6811's for ~1550 with $150 Guft Card Rebate, and $100 check rebate. So I figured I would give it a shot, brought the 6811 up to the CS rep, and sure enough, 100 bucks out of my pocket, and 2 rebate forms in hand!

Assuming the rebates go through, I'm coming out 150 bucks ahead, with a better laptop!

Just thought I would share, incase anyone else is debating making the 6805->6810 exchange. Good luck!
Not sure what the range is, but as far as I know it is the series of 6805's with the hinge problem.
I'm within the range but haven't had a problem with the cracked hinge yet. You think they'd replace it just on the basis that it's in the bad serial range?
[RCKY] Thor said:
Just got back from an excursion to Best Buy with my M6805 today.

My laptop had the crack problem, and the flicker problem, so after reading that they were replacing them at BB, I figured I would give it a shot. Went in, and spoke to the "Geek Squad" guys, and they said theyt hadn't heard anything about it, but I asked them to check their internal mail. 20 minutes later, he comes back, double checks that the serial was in the proper range and says, "I'll be damned, there was a notice towards the begenning of the month." Get the replacement authorized, and the CS rep tells me I have 1450 and change in store credit to pick a new laptop as they don't carry the 6805 anymore. So I go back to grab a 6810, and notice a sale on the 6811's for ~1550 with $150 Guft Card Rebate, and $100 check rebate. So I figured I would give it a shot, brought the 6811 up to the CS rep, and sure enough, 100 bucks out of my pocket, and 2 rebate forms in hand!

Assuming the rebates go through, I'm coming out 150 bucks ahead, with a better laptop!

Just thought I would share, incase anyone else is debating making the 6805->6810 exchange. Good luck!

I bought my m6805 in January 2004 at Best Buy. I didn't think I had the cracked hinge until I looked really closely today and noticed the hairline crack on the left hinge. I have the eMachines extended warranty. Any chance Best Buy will swap it or am I better off sending it in to eMachines? Thanks!
jpf74 said:
I bought my m6805 in January 2004 at Best Buy. I didn't think I had the cracked hinge until I looked really closely today and noticed the hairline crack on the left hinge. I have the eMachines extended warranty. Any chance Best Buy will swap it or am I better off sending it in to eMachines? Thanks!

Try BestBuy first, you may end up with a better machine. Back up everything first.

(and try to find out the name/number for that internal Best Buy memo while your at it! We could all use that number!)
In addition to the memo number, the sereal range would really help.

On the swap, do they swap hard drives or will I be reinstalling everything? Reinstalling isn't so bad, it's calling microshaft for permission to install legit software on my computer that's so annoying.
skiguy said:
Reinstalling isn't so bad, it's calling microshaft for permission to install legit software on my computer that's so annoying.

Win XP Home should be preinstalled on the new computer, btw.
I use pro on mine, and had to take my 6809 in for the 6811. I also got 250 in rebates as well. My friend said the people there ripped his rebates up though :(
I went in today and they swapped my 6805 out once they realized that I had a service plan which still covered it. They had a 6811 on display. A 6810 would have matched my system "feature for feature" but they didn't have one on display, even though they had one in the cabinet below the 6811. I just pointed at the one I wanted and ended up with a 400Mhz/DVDRW upgrade. Nothing but :) here.

Incidentally, they didn't give me the rebates either. No biggy.
I noticed the crack in my hinge last night. So, do I just bring it to Best Buy and ask them to swap it? Should I pack it up in its box before bringing it back? Is there anything special I need to tell them? I do have the Best Buy service plan.
Has anyone had any luck with the BestBuy swap WITHOUT the BestBuy warranty?

AND.. would it be possible to buy the warranty/service plan today, and then have the swap work? (just curious)
scatpack said:
Has anyone had any luck with the BestBuy swap WITHOUT the BestBuy warranty?

AND.. would it be possible to buy the warranty/service plan today, and then have the swap work? (just curious)

Yes for the first part, RTFP I have stated a couple of times that you can get the swap WITHOUT the Best Buy ESP.

And on the second part, I am fairly sure you can, but best to be safe and call them up.
I have a 6805 and am wondering where the location of the cracks are. Also I noticed mention of a band of serial numbers and am wondering what this series is.

Thank you in advance.
Third and fourth number being 43,44,45,46,or 47 are the ones affected by the original hinge cover internal dimesnsion being too small. 48 and higher have a redesigned cover that fixes the problem.
I had a m6805. The screen had been flickering recently and I had the monitor hinge starting to crack. I took it into the BB where I bought it, and after some discussion and returning everything with the lappie, I was given store credit. They only had the m6811's so I dealt with it :D I was out a whopping $54 at the register, and I was given a $100 rebate :cool: Needless to say I am happy as could be and want to thank my fellow [H]'ers for giving some much needed info... you guys rock!!! :D
operaman said:
I had a m6805. The screen had been flickering recently and I had the monitor hinge starting to crack. I took it into the BB where I bought it, and after some discussion and returning everything with the lappie, I was given store credit. They only had the m6811's so I dealt with it :D I was out a whopping $54 at the register, and I was given a $100 rebate :cool: Needless to say I am happy as could be and want to thank my fellow [H]'ers for giving some much needed info... you guys rock!!! :D

Did you have a Best Buy service policy when you brought it in?
Last night I took my M6805 into Best Buy with a cracked hinge. They immediately offered to replace it, but they didn't have any M6805s. They offered an M6810 as an even exchange, but I went for the 6811 for $100 more. Actually, it was $200 more but there is a $100 rebate.
I checked the serial number on this one and it's within the range of the ones having problems. Does the cracked hinge problem affect all M68xx models or only the m6805?
scatpack said:
Did you have a Best Buy service policy when you brought it in?

No. I did not. Best Buy rules... :D Their customer service in this instance was outstanding, and I will not hesitate to make such an important purchase like a laptop there again...
I have to agree, I didn't have any problems swapping out my laptop. They were very accomodating to me. I do have a service policy with them though.
A friend of mine works there on the "Geek Squad" and told me that the service plans were crap if they had to send it out. When I bought the laptop, he said that the particular laptop I bought was not serviced and instantly replaced, so it was worth it because it will get me a new laptop everytime. He also told me that it was probably worth it because they instantly swap the batteries whenever you want. He told me to get a new battery every year through them. He also said that 9 times out of 10 they just let you keep the old battery as well. Regardless of the condition of my battery, next year I plan on bringing it in and telling them that it's not holding a charge like it used to. I'll get a new one, and hopefully keep the old one as well so I'll have a backup. I'll do it again a year later and so on. I'll also get a new one the day before my service plan ends with them as well.
Thanks to all the [H] members for all this info. I definitely want to do this swap / upgrade and my 6805 is in the right serial range.

The downer here is Microsoft. Their on-line software activation makes upgrading a pain. I've already had to call a few times to explain that I upgraded my computer and beg them to let me use the legit software I paid so much for.

I would love to ditch the MS-ware but can't for business reasons. How do you all handle this problem?
syarost said:
Third and fourth number being 43,44,45,46,or 47 are the ones affected by the original hinge cover internal dimesnsion being too small. 48 and higher have a redesigned cover that fixes the problem.


Mine is cracked and is from the same time (January) as the affected ones but my serial number starts with N303C
scatpack said:

Mine is cracked and is from the same time (January) as the affected ones but my serial number starts with N303C

I wondered the same thing. The numbers must refer to the Windows XP sticker on the underside of the laptop. The numbers under the second barcode resemble the numbers mentioned. My fourth and fifth numbers are "43," which I suppose means that it is in the affected range. I can see a hairline crack now on the left hinge. I've had the machine since January. I have no idea how long the crack has been there. It's not much yet, but I'm sure will develop as time goes on. I plan on going to Best Buy tomorrow to see if I can work a swap. Hope I can do as well as the others did above. Would be nice to come home with a 6811, even if I have to shell out a few extra bucks.
scatpack said:

Mine is cracked and is from the same time (January) as the affected ones but my serial number starts with N303C

I just read in another forum that someone's serial # on their 6805 begins "N3042". Mine begins "N303C" like scatpack's. Perhaps mine is not in the affected range after all. Still, I am seeing a hairline crack in the standard area on the left hinge. Can anyone comment on which series of numbers we're actually supposed to look at? Is it the fourth and fifth numbers of the serial number or the numbers under the second barcode on the Windows XP sticker? If it is the serial number, I thought it a little strange that mine has a 4 and a C as the fourth and fifth characters rather than two numbers. But then again I don't know anything about serial numbers. Thanks for the help!
jpf74 said:
I just read in another forum that someone's serial # on their 6805 begins "N3042". Mine begins "N303C" like scatpack's. Perhaps mine is not in the affected range after all. Still, I am seeing a hairline crack in the standard area on the left hinge. Can anyone comment on which series of numbers we're actually supposed to look at? Is it the fourth and fifth numbers of the serial number or the numbers under the second barcode on the Windows XP sticker? If it is the serial number, I thought it a little strange that mine has a 4 and a C as the fourth and fifth characters rather than two numbers. But then again I don't know anything about serial numbers. Thanks for the help!

The numbers are under the SN. Personally, if you got a crack, take it in and take care of it. I doubt you will have much trouble getting this laptop exchanged as BB has been pretty good about this thus far...
The M6811 that I just returned my M6805 for falls within the serial range. I told the manager at best buy about the problem. He said that if it happens again, just bring it back and they'll give me another one. No problem.
operaman said:
The numbers are under the SN. Personally, if you got a crack, take it in and take care of it. I doubt you will have much trouble getting this laptop exchanged as BB has been pretty good about this thus far...

That's my serial beginning as well.
Ok, couple of questions (it is friday I know!)

How can I 'wipe' the already deleted stuff off my computer before I return it? (In other words, I already deleted my TAXES file, but how can i make sure its gone gone?)

Did you bring everything back? Computer, box, manuals?

What can I say to the GEEK that will convince him that he should do this swap? Mention an internal memo? Plead for my case? Raise a hissy fit? Mention that a friend of a friend did it? What did you guys say when you brought yours back?

I imagine the first response Ill get is "Did you get our warranty? No? Contact the manufactuer."
scatpack said:
Ok, couple of questions (it is friday I know!)

How can I 'wipe' the already deleted stuff off my computer before I return it? (In other words, I already deleted my TAXES file, but how can i make sure its gone gone?)

Did you bring everything back? Computer, box, manuals?

What can I say to the GEEK that will convince him that he should do this swap? Mention an internal memo? Plead for my case? Raise a hissy fit? Mention that a friend of a friend did it? What did you guys say when you brought yours back?

I imagine the first response Ill get is "Did you get our warranty? No? Contact the manufactuer."

Bring the box and stuff makes it easier on them so they don't have to take parts out of the new one. Tell him about the memo, show him the crack, and he should not give you a problem about the warranty.

I don't undertand why everyone is so worried about it! I have said a ton of times that you don't need the warranty, they devo the laptop and take no loss! I have not just swaped out one laptop, but two! My new one cracked within a week, and i brought it back with no problem.
y2kdread said:
I don't undertand why everyone is so worried about it! I

I guess cause Ive dealt with Best Buy before. They double charged me for my BFG 6800 card, which i then returned. I still havent received one of the credits.
Well, I just got back from Best Buy, and I was able to pull off the swap. I put 54 down for the M6811, and am getting back a 100 rebate :)

Couple things you should know, chances are that they staff has NO clue what you are talking about. Also, they happened to have a 6805 that they initially wanted to give me. After looking at the serial number, and knowing that it was in the affected range, I pressured them until they gave me store credit. Basically, if you read enough of this thread, you should have all the info you need to get what you need.

Unfortunately, I had to give up the 80GB HD, I got them to swap HD's because I was unable to back up all the data. But the 3400 and DVD-RW helps a lot :)
Cheech said:
Unfortunately, I had to give up the 80GB HD, I got them to swap HD's because I was unable to back up all the data. But the 3400 and DVD-RW helps a lot :)

Very cool about the swap. WRT keeping the 60gb hard drive, was the swap smooth? Did Windows or any of your apps have license issues with the new hardware?

I wonder if BB could duplicate the hard drive contents to the new machine. Or could I use Ghost to a USB drive and later restore to the new machine?
They wouldn't let me. Told me it was listed as an unrepairable in their computers. Sounds like bs?
skiguy said:
I wonder if BB could duplicate the hard drive contents to the new machine. Or could I use Ghost to a USB drive and later restore to the new machine?

Yes to the the question about the USB drive. From my old 6805 to my 6811, XP, Office 2003 and all apps were fine. I had to reactivate Dreamweaver, but it reactivated on-line w/o any problem. I used Ghost and it worked like a champ. Only thing I did lose were my wireless network connections that were saved. No real major issues.
jpf74 said:
Yes to the the question about the USB drive. From my old 6805 to my 6811, XP, Office 2003 and all apps were fine. I had to reactivate Dreamweaver, but it reactivated on-line w/o any problem. I used Ghost and it worked like a champ. Only thing I did lose were my wireless network connections that were saved. No real major issues.

I can also speak to this. Booting for the first time with the new laptop was a bit slow, but that was because it was seeing the new devices (new DVD-RW, wireless). After that, it was completely normal. I also lost my wireless settings, but that was because the driver was reinstalled.

I really wish I would have ghosted my HD so I could get the 80GB HD, but I'm happy with not losing any data :)
Tip: Do not go to customer (dis)service. Go directly to the geek squad, show them the cracks and mention "6805".

The geek squad had no problem with the swap but the first store I went to was all out of m6811 models. The inventory control showed two in a store nearby but NONE on order or in transit to any stores. The sales guy suggested that they're not receiving any more because of the defect. (may be a good time to swap if you were waiting)

FYI, Store A would not issue a credit of any sort for use at store B or at a later date.

Ghost did an awesome job of backing up and reinstalling the entire old hard drive on the new machine. I used an external USB drive. Office XP had to be reactivated but everything else seems fine.

Question, does the 6811 take XP SP2 well?
I installed SP2 on my 6811 and have had ZERO problems. It works great and the new wireless features are really great as well.
Do you know if the pins on the notebook hd is the same as a normal hd. If so would it be possible to plug it in to my tower and copy every thing to my extra SATA hd.