Far Cry + 9800Pro


Jun 23, 2003
I've been having issues with the in-game anti-aliasing setting and wanted to know if I'm all alone or what. Whenever I turn it on to any degree I get major flashing of random crap (as if I can see thru certain materials for a split second, random objects like trees pop into the middle of the frame, etc). I'm running the Cat4.3s, which have a "known issue" with the FarCry demo according to ATi(I got the same error in the demo as well), but that doesn't seem to be describing what I'm seeing. Is anybody else getting these same weird display errors? The ATi control panel AA settings seem to actually work, just thought it was weird that the in-game settings didn't.

At first I thought it was an overclocking thing, but this is the ONLY game it happens in (including the ATi DX9 demos, so it's not a DX9 thing) and underclocking didn't help at all.

Game settings:
All "very high"
1024x768, 4xAF
I leave AA off because it's just so damn annoying to play with all the flashing.

ABit nf7-s 2.0
1GB Corsair 3200LLPro, 200MHz@2-2-2-5 (thanks [H] :) )
Radeon [email protected]/357.75

By the way, has anyone else tried the different rendering modes? Pretty cool stuff, just like ATi's smartshader thing, but it's custom made for the game. Turning it to cartoon makes it look like XIII on steroids. Paradise is pretty cool, gives the outdoors a very subtle Ico/Prince of Persia glow (not nearly as strong as PoP, but noticeable). Improved and Cold just seem to sharpen the image a bit, Cold to the point where it makes it look ugly imo.
Yeah, I've had these issues as well, with the demo. I'll have to see about the full game when I get it.
I had some texture corruption in the demo with my Radeon 9800. Other than that, everything was solid (Didn't have anything pop-up like you're describing).

Rocks were especially noticeable.
9700pro here, no problems running the retail version with AA/AF here.

Except for a couple of the later levels, this game run very well (30FPS avg, yes that's very well for this game :) ) on my rig with everything cranked to the titties..


Mr. Pain

-- at 1024x768 res...
I had AA on 2x and high-very high on the other settings and did not notice anything. Running a 9800pro (stock speeds), 3ghz P4, 1gb of kingston hyperx pc4000. I had all kinds of probs with the demo, but my retail copy is runnin good.
Running fine on my system at high performance settings, etc. This game kicks!!!
I am getting something similar to what you are describing with my 9800xt and the newest drivers. It looks like shaded triangles flashing all over certain sections of the screen. Unfortunatly, C&C Generals and Serious Sam give me the same issue. It is driving me nuts. I am considering replacing my CPU & motherboard in hopes that it will solve the problem, but who knows.
Originally posted by Stanley Pain
9700pro here, no problems running the retail version with AA/AF here.

Except for a couple of the later levels, this game run very well (30FPS avg, yes that's very well for this game :) ) on my rig with everything cranked to the titties..


Mr. Pain

-- at 1024x768 res...
I havn't played it on my 9800 pro yet, my friend did though and he didn't say anything about having any corruptions after playing for a few hours.

I've been playing on my main rig that has an asus 9800xt I've got 6x aa and 16x af on max details, @ 1280x1024 and she's running good. Not sure what fps, what's the command or whatever?
Damn, that must be one good looking slideshow...

The command you're looking for is \r_displayinfo 1.

I'm running it at 1280x1024 without any AA and max AF and it still gets noticably chunky in spots on my 9800 pro @ 420/360.

Originally posted by Decibel
Damn, that must be one good looking slideshow...

The command you're looking for is \r_displayinfo 1.

I'm running it at 1280x1024 without any AA and max AF and it still gets noticably chunky in spots on my 9800 pro @ 420/360.


well the 9800xt is slightly overclocked. 35 FPS is good enough for me :eek: It's wierd though cause in other games, I find it very noticeable when the fps is that low. This game I can't tell at all. (I may have to turn some stuff down though, cause of that lazy aiming mechanizm when the fps is lower than like 45 or whatever).

Edit: I've only played for roughly and hour and a half so maybe that's why I havn't run into any "chunkyness" yet.
Make sure you have AA and AF set to application preference in the driver settings in your control panel. If you want AA/AF set it accordingly in game and your texture problems should go away.