Faster USB 3.0 Is Coming

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
If you think USB is fast now, wait until you see the specifications we are seeing on the upcoming USB 3.0.

Intel stated that the USB 3.0 specification would be optimized for low power and improved protocol efficiency. The USB 3.0 ports and cabling will be designed with both copper and optical cable capabilities, meaning even higher speeds will be possible in the future.
Was wondering when USB would have speeds above firewire 800. About damn time.
As long as it retains the same level of backwards compatibility as 2.0, more power to them.
Was wondering when USB would have speeds above firewire 800. About damn time.
Heh.. how about Firewire 400 too.. lol. Most USB 2.0 devices can't even keep up with firewire transfer speeds.
I wish they would change the shape so its easy to tell how to plug it in. Its such a pain in the ass trying to plug stuff in since theres no easy way to tell which way its supposed to face. I wanted firewire to win just because it was easier to plug in...
I was thinking the same thing I hate not knowing which way to plug it in since my computer is under my desk
And here is the true carrot on a stick, they'll likely mandate Vista SP1 or later to be able to use it.

It'd be funnier if it wasn't so probable though.
I think the shape will always be the same because of backward compatibility. I agree it's hard to tell what way to plug it in.
Remember when USB First Came out when most people were transitioning from Windows 95 to Windows 98? It was a bitch and a half to get it working right. Those USB Modems were horrible.
I wish it had more power, so you could power a dvd/cd drive or external harddrive with just 1 usb plug and no external power adapter.
About time, USB v2.0 is starting to show its age speed wise, compared to the rest of the I/O system in a current computer.
So when will hard drives finally speed up enough to handle that high of a transfer rate?
Remember when USB First Came out when most people were transitioning from Windows 95 to Windows 98? It was a bitch and a half to get it working right. Those USB Modems were horrible.

I just find it awesome that USB's lasted (physically) at least a decade or so; drivers for your OS flavor are another story entirely. :rolleyes:

Then again, serial and parallel are hanging around too...but OS / software support is beginning to go poof. Anyone know if Vista 64-bit will work with a parallel add-in card?
Hard to plug in? Seriously? Each cable-end has a little USB logo on it...that should be enough to know which way to rotate the plug...

Anyway, 10x faster? Sweet.
The logo is pointless since computers dont have them, theres no telling which way the USB connectors are mounted inside the case, its also not on every cable anyways.
This is great news for those with external arrays.