Fastest-ripping BluRay drive?

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Limpness Supreme
Feb 8, 2005
Working my way through my DVD collection right now. Once I get done with that, it'll be on to my BluRay discs. I don't have a BluRay drive right now for my PC. My primary concern is ripping speed. I want to be able to rip these .ISOs as quickly as possible. Can anyone recommend a drive?
So the Pioneer BD drive READS BDs at 15x vs. 12x for most drives?

I've still got my Samsung 12x drive, but would love to rip BDs faster.
Correct the Pioneer is 15x while the LG is 16x speeds. But for the low price of the Pioneer 1x wouldn't hurt my feelings. If the sale is still going and the $10 off.

So the Pioneer BD drive READS BDs at 15x vs. 12x for most drives?

I've still got my Samsung 12x drive, but would love to rip BDs faster.
I had LG 16x and now have the Pioneer BDR-2208 (15x) and Pioneer is able to reach higher ripping speed.
The pioneer still has the $10 off. Seems they are few complaints about the color. Looks like it isn't a jet black but a charcoal color. Might be a issue to some on that problem.
The pioneer still has the $10 off. Seems they are few complaints about the color. Looks like it isn't a jet black but a charcoal color. Might be a issue to some on that problem.
I don't really care, as long as the Pioneer isn't riplocked. A 15X drive that can only rip at 2X is worth very little to me.

edit: Damnit, It looks like the BDR-2208 is riplocked. Looks like I'm buying the LG WH14NS40.
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