Fastest Single Slot NVIDIA ?


Jun 13, 2007
With all this renaming i am completely lost.
I know 8800GT and 9800GT came in Single Slot configurations.
Basicly one slot and wheverever is next to it is stil open.

Now i was wondering what card is the fastest Single Slot card at this time.
I have not seen any decent cards that are single slot, from the nvidia camp according to the 8800 9800 gens. evne the renamed ones are now dual slots.

Can someone help me out here ?
There was a GTX260 single-slot version but it is pretty damn hard to find these days.
galaxy also showed off a single slot 470 @ one of the tech shows. don't know it just demo or if it will go into production
That 260 interests me alot but no sign of it to buy.

Same as the 5770 Single slot by XXX not XFX.

Its like hunting down an extinct species of graphics cards when it comes to high end single slots
well it is alot of heat to dissipate in single slow so much higher quality component and more expensive hs to prevent lots of rmas. also most people who want high end parts will allocate 2 or even 3 slot to get the card they want and don't really care about it using just one slot
well it is alot of heat to dissipate in single slow so much higher quality component and more expensive hs to prevent lots of rmas. also most people who want high end parts will allocate 2 or even 3 slot to get the card they want and don't really care about it using just one slot

While this is quite true, there should be a market for SFF gamers, so many people like to have a SFF gaming machine for LAN's and the like where single slot in a lot of cases is the only option, especially if you want a soundcard in as well. Obviously there are larger SFF cases that support bigger cards, but some do not. I'm fairly sure a single slot 465 and 5830 would be possible.

I would say that realistically the best single slot card you can get your hands on at the moment would be a nVidia GTS 240 or ATi 5670.
Galaxy may bring the 470 card out but when,where and how much are questions without answers at the moment.
Well yeah this is a build for a Compact work/gaming station.
I need the Graphic card power but i am trying to cram this into a mITX or mATX and need 2 slots that are next tot he card available.

Does any one know how much the 260 Galaxy single slot goes for New, and what a decent used price is for that card ?
Well yeah this is a build for a Compact work/gaming station.
I need the Graphic card power but i am trying to cram this into a mITX or mATX and need 2 slots that are next tot he card available.

Does any one know how much the 260 Galaxy single slot goes for New, and what a decent used price is for that card ?
I would guess it would be very expensive considering how rare it is. I personally have never came across one.
A single-slot 470... I'm really wondering how that cooler handles it. And that is one BUTT UGLY card.
I kinda like that plain look. But the price i wont like.
Hence i am interested in the 260 Galaxy with the same style heatsink
I am not sure. I think my Northbridge is in the way on the backside. If not the wifi card.
The upcoming workstation Quadro 4000 card will be single-slot:

I know that it will be ultra-expensive, but I was thinking if they were able to make that card as a single-slot (256 cores, 256-bit memory interface, 142W according to spec sheet), a gaming card with comparable performance should be feasible. Does anyone know what chip might be inside this Quadro? Is it possibly similar to the upcoming GTS 450?
Quadro [456]000 all have GF100 GPUs, well GF100GL, they just have 'cuda cores' disabled and lower clock speeds to lower power requirements & hence cooling requirements. On GeForce side only GF100 cards are the GTX465/470/480. GF104 is GTX460. There is a lower end GF108 that is coming but its just a super low end chip that is not for gaming, its even low profile too. A single slot GF104 is most realistic. You should just look for 3rd party coolers or something, Oh yeah theres also a GT106 but not sure wtf that is, but really do you want something slower than a GTX460? Might as well just go buy an old single slot 8800GT before bothering with those low end GF10x parts.
You'd think one of the AIB partners that do custom designs would have come out with a nice single slot GTX260 by now. Given the lower power requirements and thermal profile it should be quite easy to do...
I'm surprised that there are no single-slot GTX 460 cards, given how many OEMs had 3rd-party coolers AND custom PCBs at-launch. It would have been difficult, but not impossible to create a single-slot card.
Years later... Curious which card is the fastest 6xx card? The best one I could find that's for sale in retail stores is the bandwidth starved kepler based 640gt.

The dell oem version with ddr5 (even if it was available) takes up more than one slot space.

I'm particularly interested in kepler due to low power consumption and VP5 (latest GPU video encoding/decoding from nvidia).
Thanks so much. Im curious what's the fastest one for HTPCs (kepler and relatively low power consumption). My HTPC has a stock 350watt power supply which Im not willing to swap out.