Favorite Game Publisher Thread


Limp Gawd
Aug 4, 2004
Whos your favorite?

Mine is Red Storm/ Ubi .. i love the Tom Clancy games excluded the newest one.

Clsoe second is Valve
1. Shiny. David Perry is awesome as shit. Some of their games have been a bit questionable, though...

2. Square/Enix

Not sure if those are publisher (EA, etc) or developers (Dice, etc.)... But those are mine.
Easily Ubisoft. After them I don´t care really. Ubi soft just stands for quality.
1. SSI
2. Microprose
3. Mindcraft
4. Interplay

Why does anyone like Ubisoft? Don't they put the Starforce trojan on several of their titles?
Do you mean developer?

Publisher and developer are two completely different things.

Nintendo and Blizzard for developers.
retardedchicken said:
Do you mean developer?

Publisher and developer are two completely different things.

Nintendo and Blizzard for developers.

I took it to mean developer, because having a favorite publisher is like having a favorite major record label, only worse.
I don't have a favorite publisher, but my favorite developers are Bioware, Bethesda, and Looking Glass.

Old Lucasarts, even back when they were still called Lucasfilm

After that, Sonic Team, Capcom (HAADOKEN!!) and also Bioware and Blizzard

Oh and also Valve.

For the most part, publishers can die a slow and painful death, developers, they need our love.