Few misc questions


Nov 3, 2002
Ok first one.

If I have a Radeon 9250 but I don't have tv out cable is there any way I can get a new one or any way to get video onto my tv otherwise (this is a standard definition tv but it does have composite.

Second question is the most optimal choice for a video card is one without a fan. I am looking at the 1300pro or the 7300gs right now but I am wondering a. How much do I have to worry about heat when all I am going to be running on this pc is standard definition video? I have a 550 pro tv tuner so all mpeg 2 encoding will be handled by that. I wont be doing any/much 3d with this computer (I might do vis's for when I am playing audio but most likely not.) b. Both cards seem pretty equally matched which would probably be better for video output? I might get the PureVideo extention for nvidia if I get it but it's not something I want to rely on.
That port on your 9250 should be just an svideo jack, so a simple svideo -> composite adapter from radio shack should work fine.
Like this:

If all you have is the VGA port, then you'd need something like this:

I use an old Radeon 9000 that I removed the fan from with a Theatre Pro 550 in my Shuttle SN45G. No heat problems at all, and that box is crammed inside my entertainment center. Note that the Theatre 550 is only an mpeg encoder, so to actually play the stuff you encode, you'll need an mpeg decoder (like purevideo). I use the PureVideo decoder, works great. Sure confused me the first time I installed it with MCE, and MCE complained that I didn't have a decoder.
The tv-out port though has more pins then the svideo cable I have so I am still unsure if it's s-video or some kinda propietary port. I do have a problem putting male parts into female parts that I am unsure will fit though ;). I just don't want to bend a pin and then lose a cable or something.

Also I have PowerDvd installed so if worse I will just use that as my dvd playback codec.

Best picture I could find of the port.

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Yeah and when I came home just a few minutes ago I decided to look through some junk again and I found that cable in a box with a ati x700 (if it wasn't apg I would use it). I am going to use it now hopefully it will all work. Also totally forgot about audio luckily I found a audio splitter that took the green audio port's audio and split it to the red and white audio ports the tv needs. I got that with my subwoofer so I hope it works.