File Server + PVR + HTPC


Jan 20, 2002
I currently am using my main rig as both a workstation/games and as an HTPC. it isnt working very well.

gigabyte gap35 ds3r
2GB ram
2x200GB HDD, 2x320gb HDD, 2x500GB HDD, dvd burner.
1 Hauppage PVR-150MCE analog tuner.

my problem is that my gf will want to watch HTPC recorded stuff and i will want to use teh computer at the same time. no can do.

i have my old rig which is much slower. sempron 2500+ S754. still sitting in a closet and i was starting to think i could put it to use as a pure HTPC and use the faster machine just as a workstation.

now if i was going to do that i would want to put the tuner and the drives all in the slower HTPC and keep maybe 1 or two drives in the workstation.

things i want the HTPC to do.
-record analog cable tv and cut commercials
-download tv shows automatically using MIRO or something similar
-store all my music, videos, backed up DVDs
-have a good optical audio connection to my receiver and HT setup (auzen prelude)
- connect to the TV (im SD only so s-video)
- have some data redundancy, or drive fault protection i heard Windows home server does this well and seamlessly
- be expandable by adding more drives.
-be controlled entirely by a remote control,
-run headless other then the tv. no monitor or keyboard
- be network reachable from the workstation for file sharing etc.

what are my best options to achieve this with software. i have been using MCE 2005 and recently Vista MCE and im not overly impressed with either. i have never used linux so im a little afraid of mythtv.
sounds like you do alot with the HTPC, are you sure that your old rig will be able to handle everything?

This isn't answering your question, but I used to have the same problem with my workstation/htpc and having to compete with the gf and the solution was to use dual monitors.

My vid card had an HDMI output that would go to the TV and a DVI to my monitor and just throw the MCE box onto the tv side of things and there you go. Plus with vista I could send the TV sounds through my sound card and I could play a game using headphones sending the sound through the mobo audio, pretty sweet and saved the hastle of two boxes.

But your build sounds like it is gonna require some meat on it. As far as software goes, you pretty much ruled out the 3 candidates between the two windows MCE and some flavor of linux :p. If it was me, I would probably go for XP MCE as XP is a pretty solid foundation in terms of what software is available to do the things you want.

Check out as they have a ton of good info and software available.
  • I would go with XP MCE just because it is easy to use for anyone and is easy to set up recordings and such.
  • For the ripped dvds I suggest mymovies if you go with MCE since that is the only way I know off MCE being able to play vobs.
  • The only problem I see you having is the data redundancy. Home Server does the job well but that would mean either using home server on the main pc or htpc which really won't work in either situation. So I would just backup anything that you would consider critical or you could do raid 1 for any drive you consider critical.

vsboxerboy also had a good suggestion. Try out dual monitors for a few days and see how that works out.
Your requirements almost require a 3 box solution, like most of us: PC, HTPC, Server.

IMO, you are going to need to build an HTPC box. Your main rig is a great PC/game box. Your sempron machine is really only useful to you as a server. Storage is not meant for HTPCs, let another box do that.

How much gaming do you do? You could turn your main machine into the HTPC, then get a cheap laptop for the PC type stuff.

As far as an HTPC OS, you can't beat Vista w/ Media Center; check out my build which satisfies your HTPC needs quite well.
Just a word of's rather difficult to find an HTPC form-factor case with the capacity for 6 internal hard drives for under $250. I just finished setting up my fileserver / rudimentary htpc and I'm finding it difficult to keep the hard drive temperatures down at a comfortable level with 5 of them in my case. I would think of having data redundancy in another box.
Your requirements almost require a 3 box solution, like most of us: PC, HTPC, Server.

IMO, you are going to need to build an HTPC box. Your main rig is a great PC/game box. Your sempron machine is really only useful to you as a server. Storage is not meant for HTPCs, let another box do that.

How much gaming do you do? You could turn your main machine into the HTPC, then get a cheap laptop for the PC type stuff.

As far as an HTPC OS, you can't beat Vista w/ Media Center; check out my build which satisfies your HTPC needs quite well.

Why would he need another machine to store stuff on?
Your requirements almost require a 3 box solution, like most of us: PC, HTPC, Server.

IMO, you are going to need to build an HTPC box. Your main rig is a great PC/game box. Your sempron machine is really only useful to you as a server. Storage is not meant for HTPCs, let another box do that.

How much gaming do you do? You could turn your main machine into the HTPC, then get a cheap laptop for the PC type stuff.

As far as an HTPC OS, you can't beat Vista w/ Media Center; check out my build which satisfies your HTPC needs quite well.

I agree, and I would highly recommend going with Sage TV, that is what I am doing currently. I am very pleased with the speed and UI of Sage TV... And they make a $200 HD Extender that will hook up to the tv and get the content from the server>tv......
I am currently running dual monitors. well LCD and SDTV. the problem is that unless Vista MCE is maximized on the TV the remote doesn't work, since MCE inst the focus. Alt-Tabing between MCE and whatever else is a pain.

three box solution just seems stupid. the HTPC should be able to record, store and playback all the content. needing another server is dumb.

from the reading i have done it looks like the thing on everyone x-mas list is MCE capabilities in Windows Home Server. I have seen some articles on how to hack it to work but it looks like a HUGE pain in the ass.

I dont need a pretty HTPC case, i have been using a beige box for years i'm fine with it. I also find a 120mm fan on low keeps the drives nice and cool and is inaudible. the sound of the drives spinning is louder.

I am not doing any HD content so CPU requirements shouldent be too bad. though i wouldent mind another tuner.
I am currently running dual monitors. well LCD and SDTV. the problem is that unless Vista MCE is maximized on the TV the remote doesn't work, since MCE inst the focus. Alt-Tabing between MCE and whatever else is a pain.

I don't think anyone has success running their HTPC this way. MCE just isn't setup to do this the way everyone wants.

three box solution just seems stupid. the HTPC should be able to record, store and playback all the content. needing another server is dumb.

Yep, you are right. What do I know..... :rolleyes:

You CAN run your storage in your HTPC or your main desktop machine; however:
you have a multitude of hard drives in your HTPC (2TB)
I'm not sure your sempron machine is strong enough to become your HTPC
you were considering WHS which would mean a dedicated server box
Sounds like you probably need to look at running 2 systems... I have a dedicated gaming/internet box and a dedicated media playback/pvr box running SageTV controllable entirely with a logitech harmony emulating an MCE remote with a mce receiver. I do also have a keyboard and mouse for quick internet access or adjusting settings, tweaking etc.

My advice? Try running your older Sempr0n as your media server/pvr and if it'll run what you need, then you're set. If not, you'll have to look at upgrading to a higher powered HTPC. I have been using my HTPC to recycle components from my gaming rig... my current mobo and cpu were chosen for that very purpose. Specs in sig.
I am moving on the 15th so nothing is going to happen till thats all taken care of but here is the current plan

Gaming/internet/workstation PC
2gb ram
1x 500GB HDD

Sempron 2500 (unless it proves too slow)
onboard ati x300
1GB ram
2x200GB, 2x320GB, 1x500GB (if/when i have money start to swap the smaller drives for 500-1000GB drives)
Huappage PVR-150MCE Tuner
Auzentech Prelude
MCE remote.

the two systems will be totally independent other then sharing a network connection (need to look into getting gigabit eithernet). The Worksttion will live on my desk connected to my LCD monitor keyboard/ mouse etc. normal computer duty.

the HTPC/PVR/SERVER will sit in my home theater rack in all its hideous beige case glorry. it will be connected by svideo to my SDTV, and by optical and analog audio to my HT reciever. it will run either beyond TV or Sage ori might even give mythtv a try. it will be controlled by the MCE remote or possibly a logitech air mouse. it will run MIRO and download new shows since im not sure if I will have cable in my new house. I will set up some kind of network share so i can get at the media from the workstation. I will also set up any downloads on the workstation to be stored on the servers drives.

things i might need to buy
faster CPU/mobo/ram if the sempron cant cut it. (would a pentium E2180 be fast enough?)
more/larger drives (500GB-1000GB as mentioned above)
logitech air mouse, or harmony remote
gigabit nic and switch

I like the idea of having the two systems totally seperate. can mythtv or MCE 2005 do the "drive pool" thing that Windows Home Server can?

if i wasent such a glutton for punishment (err...[H]ard) i would just go buy a standalone settop box