Flash 10.1 HD Flash Streaming on Atoms


Oct 11, 2004
Asus atom 330 Ion build.
I recently picked up this new board for my HTPC rebuild. I reused ram, case, powersupply, and remote. Runs great under Win 7 64bit.

Most especially I installed the new Flash 10.1 beta 2 plugin and it streams every HD stream I have tried silky smooth even through flash now. I should point out you obviously need some type of video card or on board video solution with a supported hardware accelerator.

You can grab the flash here: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html
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Very nice that they've finally done it. Too bad that those of us using our ion systems on Linux are out of luck.

I guess they don't want to support one gpu maker on Linux and not the other.. and there is no standard.. was really hoping for a VDPAU implementation, though :(
Neat. What kind of case you got? You use this for a media PC or your normal workstation?
Just for media pc use. I use a cheap Foxcon case that came with a good psu. Its pretty small, at least smaller than my HD DVD player.. but lets not go there.
