For Sale/For Trade Forum editing


Mar 19, 2006
I'm guessing this has been asked before, but I did a quick search and didn't really see an answer to it.

I think it would be beneficial to allow users to edit the titles of their threads in the FS/FT forum. Personally, I've made a couple threads, but after an item sells or I find what I'm looking for I just close the thread, and then I need to start a new one for the next item. Starting multiple threads clutters up the server I would think, even if old ones are closed. It would also allow for better searching of the forum because you wouldn't come up with threads where people have a ton of stuff for sale, and the thing listed in the title is already sold, thus leading you to a useless post.

Just my $.02, figured I'd share it to see what others thought.
The question comes up about every week and the answer remains the same....we would like to impliment editing in that forum on a limited basis, but the vBull software doesn't allow single forum changes...basically it's a universal setting.. You have 20 minutes to edit your title, after that time a moderator or administrator will be happy to make the changes for you.
Sounds good, I figured there was a logical answer to the question. Thanks for the response, and in the future I'll PM a mod to change the title instead of creating a new thread. :D