For you southpaws out there.


I was just thinking about this a few days ago. "Why hasn't at least one of the gaming mice manufacturers released a left hander? It seems like being the only one with a left handed offering would be pretty lucrative... certainly the left-handed demographic is large enough to justify at least one offering in the lineup, especially considering the low-to-zero levels of competing models."

About time. I have a friend who will be happy to hear this.
i can attest to the awesomeness of the right-handed version :D
Sucks more to be an ambidextrous person like me :( I like to switch mice between my right and left hand, yet very few mice are symmetrical these days, or if they are they have buttons which are unusable in either a left- or right-handed configuration.

My current favourite is the Logitech LS1 mouse :)
Sucks more to be an ambidextrous person like me :( I like to switch mice between my right and left hand, yet very few mice are symmetrical these days, or if they are they have buttons which are unusable in either a left- or right-handed configuration.

Wat. Like 80% of Razer's lineup is ambidextrous/symmetrical. Then you have the Xai, a couple microsoft models, and several other older venerable mice among multiple brands to boot.

And I don't want to hear that you can't use two of the buttons on the diamondback! It has 7, but it was designed to be an ambidextrous 5 button; this is not a deficiency!
Yeah, Elledan, I would definitely look at the SteelSeries Xai if you need an ambidextrous mouse.
Yeah, Elledan, I would definitely look at the SteelSeries Xai if you need an ambidextrous mouse.

I got a Logitech LS1 with my laptop and a Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 3000 for my desktop. The latter is the one which has a 'zoom' button which is only available when I use it with my right hand, otherwise it's okay.

I'll keep your suggestion in mind, though :)
Being a southpaw, I still find it weird that people use the mouse with their left hand :)

Of course the only things I do lefty are writing and eating. Everything else is right-dominant. Weird.
Being a southpaw, I still find it weird that people use the mouse with their left hand :)

Of course the only things I do lefty are writing and eating. Everything else is right-dominant. Weird.

Everything? ;) lol
Ordered one of these the other day. Apparently it takes the CEO of the company (Razer in this instance) being left-handed to get someone to produce a lefty-friendly mouse. About time, says I.

Logitech was offering one for a short while, but they seem to have discontinued it already. If this Death Adder works out alright I may have to order a few of them as backups in case Razer pulls the same thing.
I'm not a lefty, but I've had the mouse on the left side for years due to occasionally pain in my right wrist. Since I need to use my right more for things like arrow keys, it seems logical that I should balance that out with the mouse on the left.

I was never able to game with a lefty mouse, though. My right is more accurate, and I don't feel like remapping all the keys. Interesting, the Steelseries Xai even provides for ambidextrous mouse use with a "swap buttons" er..., button.
Being a southpaw, I still find it weird that people use the mouse with their left hand :)

Of course the only things I do lefty are writing and eating. Everything else is right-dominant. Weird.

I am exactly the same though this is tempting to try. Figure if I write left handed I should be pretty precise with it.
Do left handed people actually prefer using a mouse on the left side?

I woulda thought you'd get accustomed to it.
I'm right-handed, but mouse w/ my left hand (due to some pre-arthritic condition, I think...too damn young for that, LOL). I use a Logitech VX Revolution, but miss the functionality I could get w/ the bigger Logitech models.
I'm left handed, and I use the mouse with my right hand. The idea of a mouse on the left just seems strange.

There are varying degrees of left handed people though. Most right handed people use their right hand for everything, since that is how things are usually designed. Among lefties some are better at right handed task than others.

I golf right handed, bat right handed, play hockey right handed, so I guess it makes sense that I also learned to use a mouse right handed.
I've never been able to get used to gaming with my right hand, try as I might. FPSs especially just seem awkward.

On a more related note, I've been gaming with the lefty DeathAdder for a few days now and it's very "not bad." It's a BIT large (I have little girl hands apparently) , but other than that it's a nice feeling mouse. Especially coming from my rapidly aging Kensington ambi mouse with its broken wheel.
Do left handed people actually prefer using a mouse on the left side?

I woulda thought you'd get accustomed to it.

On my own machines, the mouse - or trackball to be precise - is always on the left side. I still can use a mouse in my right hand for everything except PC gaming. I find it weird that most of the right-handers I know cringe or have issues with using a mouse on the left side. Even the button flipping (primary on right, secondary on left) drives them nuts, forcing them to change it before they can do anything useful. On the flip side, most lefties/ambis (ambidextrous people) including myself can pretty much use the mouse in either hand with either button setup.

For the record, I'm not trying to start a lefty/righty/ambi flame war - I am stating my own personal observations. Take it as such. :)
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