From 8800GTX to new GTS(G92)


Limp Gawd
Feb 16, 2006
So, I can sell my GigaByte 8800GTX for ~400$ and wait a bit till new 8800GTS(G92) appears in December. How do you think, is it a good/smart move?
Do you think the new GTS is going to stomp the GTX? Personally, I don't think they'll be a big enough difference in performance to justify an 'upgrade' to the new GTS, but wtf do I know?
I think you may see a slight improvement on the new gts over the gtx but isn't there meant to be a new 8800gtx? I'd say you would see a bigger difference in the new gtx rather than the gts but seeing as you already have a 8800gtx I don't think it would be big enough a difference to warrant the shift. Wait for the next gen cards to come out, if you still want the new gtx then prices should be a bit lower by then :)
Of course I'm happy with my 8800GTX. Anyway, rumors says, that the new GTS will be marginally faster than nowadays GTX, but it will consume less power and its' OC potential will be much bigger... In my opinion, with a solid OC done on GTS, the difference would be big enough.
P.S. no info about new GTX for now.
The difference will be meaningless, grab a second GTX or dump the GTX and grab two GTs.
8800GTX in SLI paired with X2 3800+ @2.5Ghz? I think it would be not very wise, cause it smells of big bottleneck even playing at >1920x1200, AA/AF.
bottleneck would be the video card at that rez and even more so with any aa. Was a article from firing squad the other day talking about it.
if you want to game at high rez with any kind of aa sli will help alot, if you are gaming under 1920 1200 then sli won't help much pretty simple.
There has been numerous threads and articles pointing out that at high rezzez you are completely gpu bound and no matter how fast your processor goes you are going to be bottle necked. Anyone says otherwise has no idea what they are talking about.
Basically if you turn your rez down to 800 x 600 and your game speeds up it means your gpu bound plain and simple.
Turn your rez down and your fps stays the same means your cpu bound, very straight forward.
Don't let people convince you you need a quad core to help your gaming. If you game in high rez like i do your going to see a benefit from sli.
I'm using sc939 system;) Of course, I'm going to play at >1920x1200 rez and a lot of AA, so you think that my X2 won't bottleneck GTX in SLI much at these settings?
dont buy the gt or the new gts or anything and wait for a real change in performance. wow 2 frames im glad thats worth shipping/time/effort :p ride that GTX until theres at least 10-15% boost..

AA is pretty much pointless for FPS games.. its there to look pretty.. but when the screen keeps saying GODLIKE your prolly not looking at the perdy graphics your actually being good .....
I just upgraded from a 1900XTX to the 8800GTX and was a nice improvement. Picked it up for $350 used. Can play every game at 1920x1200 4xAA 16xAF very very playable.

Keep it for another year at least id say
Don't bother with a 2nd GTX. Look at it from a cost/performance ratio.

Let's say you buy one for $400. Now let's say you get a 40% increase in performance, that's another 60% more you paid just to get a 40% increase, to me 40% increase is not worth more than double the value in $.
Honestly I would wait till next year if your going single card and for the real replacements to the 8 series cards, whenever that comes out. Its hard to imagine why you would go through all that for what may be zero to a very small performance increase.