Front page ad explosion

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Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 6, 2004
Not my website and I don't really have a say but I just wanted to give feedback that the extreme number of ads of the frontpage is pretty cheesy. If I had just visited here for the first time instead of being a member for many many years I would have hit the little x pretty quick.

I've always had respect for H not looking some angelfire/geocities sites so this makes me sad:

Not trying to run things.. Just giving my feedback.

p.s. Thanks for not having popups or flashy ads.
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I haven't been to the main front page in quite awhile, but... wow... that is a bit over the top in my opinion. I know the site needs the users there to view the ads to help pay bills and generate income, but you don't want to over-do it to where it becomes counter-productive. I will say pop-ups = instant page-close for me, even though 99% are caught by pop-up blockers, as my personal "red line", but also when I see a ton of ads I generally close a site if I don't already know it's a good one. I think when there is more space devoted to ads than to actual page content, it feels a bit imbalanced and might turn some people off.
I normally come straight to the forums as well. That is pretty bad, I went to check it out myself and I counted a total of 9 different ads on the front page. All taking up a relatively large amount of screen real estate.
This is RIDICULOUS now, I normally disable the adblocker on websites I want to support but in this case, I need to remove the ads because it's just too heavy. If hardocp doesn't reduce the ads, I might forget about this website and check out Anandtech.
I know you guys need to make money to pay for the site, but that's ridiculous
I don't know what you guys are on about, the ads DO take up more room then they probably should but they are non invasive and are related to the type of content that [H] offers. If there was diaper ads on the front page then maybe it would be an issue, or talking ads, or pop ups, or in text pop ups then i'd have an issue but as it is they are just tech ads sitting around the content.
This is RIDICULOUS now, I normally disable the adblocker on websites I want to support but in this case, I need to remove the ads because it's just too heavy. If hardocp doesn't reduce the ads, I might forget about this website and check out Anandtech.

Better read the forum rules... for your own sake.

"(23) Any discussion of AD BLOCKING software or instruction for using ad blocking regarding this forum or any other discussion in general of attempting to block advertisement will result in a no questions asked permanent ban on your account. This is not done lightly, rather deliberately to deny access to those who choose to utilize this forum, but not support our sponsors. It takes money to finance the cost of bandwidth, especially a forum of this size and if you don't care enough to support us through our advertisers, then we don't need your business. This will be the only warning with no discussion."
Here's the problem with that:

That's part of the FORUM rules. We agree to those when we join.

This is about the front page. There are NO RULES to be agreed to for main page content. Anyone can go to hardocp's site, and they don't have to agree to anything to see the content.

It may be a fine line...and I know the mods and Kyle will say that it doesn't matter. It's their site, and if they want the front page to look broken without so much as a notice of why nothing's showing up to people who never agreed to not adblock, so be it.
I think it is safe to say that any post that exists within the hardforum is moderated according to the hard rules. Maybe its time to get a moderator to clear it up?

Anyway I am not trying to be a smart ass here, I just wanted to spare some people some potential trouble.
I don't know what you guys are on about, the ads DO take up more room then they probably should but they are non invasive and are related to the type of content that [H] offers. If there was diaper ads on the front page then maybe it would be an issue, or talking ads, or pop ups, or in text pop ups then i'd have an issue but as it is they are just tech ads sitting around the content.

I agree with this. I frequent a couple other forums and some of them have all kinds of adds all over the place to the point where you can hardly tell where the content is. That is a lot of ads on the front page but there not intrusive and they don't interfere with the "flow of content" for lack of a better term. I'm not trying to suck up but I don't have a big problem with it. Like this guy said, if it were ads for diapers or paper towels or something or if they were giant flashing ads or pop ups, then it would be a little different but seeing ads around the borders that are about things that we all obsess over here at [H] anyway, its not that big a deal and honestly if Tiger Direct has a big sale on CPU coolers, I want to know. And bottom line, ya gotta be able to pay the bills to keep the lights on in the joint.
Before about half of you are banned for ignoring the ad blocking rule, I'll close this. I'm sure Kyle will visit this thread soon. Until then, this thread is closed.
All thoughts noted.

It is a one month campaign for AMD. It is a "site skin" and we are working on the next round of creative to blend a bit better. Is it busy? Yes. We are working on it. Every time an ad is blocked, we don't get paid to put it simply, so we have to make up for those page serves that serve our content for free.

I expect ad block will kill off the site at some point.
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