Frontlines out on monday, is it worth getting?

I was in the closed beta as well. I thought the guns were better than BF2 as far as feel and stopping power. Especially the Sniper. The sniper is what the sniper should have been in BF2. It actually works very well.

It definitely was buggy during the Beta... but not any more buggy than BF2 was at launch and still is btw. Visually, it's an upgrade over BF2 for sure. I don't understand how anybody could say otherwise really. The infantry feel is much better too. Your not as vulnerable to vehicles if your smart and use the Drones correctly when your stuck on foot. It's also quite fun and rewarding to take out a sniper perched high up picking off your teammates from a long distance even if you only have a shotgun if your an engineer.

The vehicles pretty much felt the same to me as BF2. There is nothing drastically different from what I remember. This game is pretty much a BF2.5. Not quite a BF3.. if you get what I mean..but It's not the BF2 Killer like I had hoped it would least not yet!! Either way, BF2 fans will love this game if they give it a chance.

I was in the closed beta for quite a while and most of this I agree with...The graphics and especially the sound is a huge upgrade over BF2. It's no BF3 but BF2.5 sounds about right.

This game has huge potential especially with the mod community. Expect patches with additional maps soon.

Overall I think the game is great and I will be purchasing it. Best part...EA is not involved.
IGN says there are no dedicated servers for the PC?

I really hope that's just some kind of error on the review's part? I can't imagine it would be too awesome trying to have a 64 player match on no dedicated servers, and the lack of them altogether is kind of a shocking abscence in this day and age.

Yea there are dedicated servers.
Played it for about 9 hours today off and on. I love it. I finally found something to replace 2142. There are a few bugs but I think they'll get addressed asap, considering they released the 1.0.1 patch this morning.

The performance is really good too. The best thing about this game imo is the balance. The classes are balanced well and the maps are as well. I really like the dynamic that the Frontline mechanic brings to the game.

If they continue to release patches/content this game could pickup a really good following.
Played it for about 9 hours today off and on. I love it. I finally found something to replace 2142. There are a few bugs but I think they'll get addressed asap, considering they released the 1.0.1 patch this morning.

The performance is really good too. The best thing about this game imo is the balance. The classes are balanced well and the maps are as well. I really like the dynamic that the Frontline mechanic brings to the game.

If they continue to release patches/content this game could pickup a really good following.

Good to hear, may have to go and pick it up. How is the map selection?
and how populated are the server right now?

im really looking forward to buy it , but i want it finished
The map selection isn't too bad; there are a lot of tight, close quarters, urban street type maps and then a few of the more open jet/chopper based maps. The server selection is decent. Kaos is hosting about 10 servers themselves that are 32 player and a variety of FF off/on. There were also already a few 64 player servers up yesterday.

Obviously its still early as the game has only been out two days, but I was pleasantly surprised at how smooth its been so far, at least for me. Reading the official forums there are a few bugs it seems like, mostly with CD emulation software.
I'm running it at 1920x1200 with everything on/maxed except foilage atm.
The biggest draw back for me is no AA, sure you can force it in the control panel by renaming it to Bioshock.exe, but the performance hit with even 4 AA is just laughable.

don't get me wrong, it's a fun game, but to me it looks like complete ass with no AA :rolleyes:
Not sure if I'm gonna get this game. Where is the demo? I have a huge feeling I will also regret my purchase so I will probably just save my money.

I do want to hear from some more people who have it.
No AA is probably because of the shading. Cant remember what its called but its common with games using the unreal 3 engine.
I picked this game up last night.

It's on 2 DVD's. Folks, we have now arrived at the multiple DVD install set. I can't imagine if this thing came out on CD ROM's. 12 CD's? 11.5GB install.

Anyways, it's a very addictive game. I am way happier about spending $50 on this game than I was on spending $50 on Crysis.
I picked this game up last night.

It's on 2 DVD's. Folks, we have now arrived at the multiple DVD install set. I can't imagine if this thing came out on CD ROM's. 12 CD's? 11.5GB install.

Anyways, it's a very addictive game. I am way happier about spending $50 on this game than I was on spending $50 on Crysis.

2 DVDs.


Then again its about time.
I am running on Windows XP Pro 32bit.

No bugs for me so far.

Oh wait, the autorun.exe crashed on the DVD. I had to go run Setup.exe myself. I think it has something to do with Flash being outdated on my system or something.
Just to let everyone know, the Circuit City ad for next week has been leaked on the internets already, and Frontlines is $29.99 starting March 9th there.

Not a bad savings.
I really don't know what everyone's problem is with Frontlines. I am enjoying the single player more than I enjoyed CoD4. Give it a try if you haven't yet. I love it.

I am running it on Vista 64 with no probs.
I personally think the game is great. There are plenty of servers you can also make your own game and have people join you. The game looks great even on the lower settings. But I brought a 8800 so I will be running max soon enough. Sure the people with vista are having problems but there is the kaos fix and then there is another fix so the game should install fine now for everyone. I think you guys should give the game a chance it is a really good game and at the very least play it till battlefield 3 comes out lol. The only real complaint I have is no in game voip and no aa. But give the game a chance. If your looking for some people to play with send me a pm and I can most likely give you my vent info.
Anyone figured out how to increase that ridiculously low FOV? They can drop the price to $5 if they want, fov 65 is just unacceptable.
Game keeps crashing on me even with latest Hotfix.

I'm guessing its some issues with my X-FI Fatality and Vista 64-bit.

The intro sounds are choppy and when the game begins to load a level. CRASH!
The game was released too early. They had to do it b/c development time ran over and they needed $$. It may well become a decent game but for now...... It is ok for xp w/ intel cpus but if you have amd beware b/c it will give you serious issues.
Just to let everyone know, the Circuit City ad for next week has been leaked on the internets already, and Frontlines is $29.99 starting March 9th there.

Not a bad savings.

Nice price drop, but if the game is still crap, it's like taking a torch to your money.
Any word on the game actually running now?

I just installed it today, and Im getting the "session no longer available" message for every server...:(
Yup I am now :) I figured out that I totally skipped the patch and just got the So now I can connect, but the foliage is a problem. Even with my 8800 I cant put foliage on high. (just little things we should have to deal with!) One interesting thing is that after I exit a game I cannot reconnect to any other servers unless i restart my PC!

I know that no game has a perfect release on PC and no one's setup is the same so games are prone to have varied problems, but DAMN!!!! From all I have been reading, if KAOS doesnt do something solid soon, Im not sure the community will wait much longer!

This game has potential...I absolutely love the anti-tank class, the rockets are sweet. Also the squad combat is fun, the destructible environments look cool, and the graphics are pretty (even without the damn foliage) but there is much work to be done!
Sry this off topic "[H]ardwork pays off in the future, but laziness pays off now." That made me laugh :)