FS/FT: Asus Strix 3080 Ti Gaming OC

Digital Viper-X-

[H]F Junkie
Dec 9, 2000
Got it from FeeBay for BB price !($2099 + tax ~ $2246 total)
Located near Raleigh NC, will ship at your expense (usually around $50 Insured)



I would consider 6800XT/6900XT @ MSRP for a trade as well. Or any reasonably priced non-LHR 3060ti-3080, or even a 3090


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Nice laptop. It doesn't seem to be too thick. What is the weight and do you notice any throttling?
Nice laptop. It doesn't seem to be too thick. What is the weight and do you notice any throttling?

I believe it's 4.4lbs, it's not too thick at all.

The CPU will throttle a bit when you have it set to max speed without cranking the fans up(fairly quiet curve), but I believe that's by design, it adjusts the boost speeds up to 5.3ghz when temps allow it.
The GPU has not throttled with the limited gaming I did. (I tried Medium, MS flight sim, and World of Warships on it.

Overall I'm impressed with the cooling setup, as it shows in one of the pictures, about half of the bottom is a fan grill :)
If you buy a gaming laptop, consider a cooling pad. At home, I have been using a 3D printed fan mount with a 120mm fan blowing air into the bottom of mine. Laptop fans don't turn on until I am gaming. It makes a massive difference. Finding a good pad has been a challenge though.

Good luck!
BUMP! Combo is up too, that is selling the laptop at $2800 and the 3080TI UNDER MSRP! (I paid less than the asking price in the combo)!
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