FS/FT Cooler Master Praetorian: WTX Modded


Oct 18, 2003
I am selling my silver, WTX modded cooler master praetorian. I will be including 4 of these : fans, they are silent, and move enough air to keep my parts pretty cool. the case is WTX Modded, which means that the motherboard is upside down, making the airflow in the case really good. here are some pictures



The case also comes with one samsung 52x32x52x CD-RW drive. The drive is stealthed, and to open the drive, you just need to press the bottom corner of the bezel and it opens.


The case is in fantastic shape, there are no scratches on anywhere on the outside of the case, besides that back, but that is impossible not to scratch, and who looks at the back anyway?

this case will be shipped USPS priority. My reason for selling is that I really have an admiration for the Mac G5 case.

I would be willing to trade my case + $60 for a Lian Li V1000 case, or whatever you have that looks like a Mac G5. The case needs to be in good shape, because im an on the brink obsessive compulsive. I dont care about a window or whatever.

Price=$90 shipped. Shipping will be expensive, and I am inlcuding fans and a CD-RW.

My heatware is under revolta.

Email is [email protected], but i perfer the gmail which is revolta at gmail dot com.

also, I am on AIM a lot, Revolta87.

Thanks for looking, and if you did, give me a bump! :p
Pic of the back? Curious how it looks like after you modded it. But I'm interested in the case.
This is the back. I just flipped the mobo tray over so its upside down, and took out the support rail thing. It holds up fine with no flex at all
