FS/FT: Top-notch web design & backend creation (and 700m batteries)


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2004

I'm in a little bind here. My brother was in desperate need for a new computer (his Dell broke), so I gave my the HTPC rig you see on the bottom of my signature. Because of such, I am desktop-less. It is a near-requirement that I have the ability to work on two computers.

My Powerbook is an excellent system, but I need a cheap desktop. What I'm specifically looking for is a Mac mini. I don't need all the power; the low-end one should do.

I don't currently have the money to pay for one, which is why I have come here to advertise my web design work.

I am a self-taught expert at PHP and MySQL, and I have been doing web design for five years. The best example of my PHP work that is currently online is at www.thescratchpad.org .. work got in teh way of finishing the project, but a lot of the functionality is there. Sign up and give it a look.

I'm also an expert at HTML, CSS, and Photoshop. Unfortuantely the only HTML/Photoshop/CSS work I have up is at the aforementioned site and http://www.flushinghardball.com/new/ ..

I know it's hard to hire someone with such a small portfolio, but I am willing to sell myself way short of the market value for my work (market value somewhere near $10K) and sell a full web design and backend for the price of one of the following:

- $510 through PayPal
- New-age Mac Mini (doesn't matter how powerful, could be the low-end model)
- Motherboard/CPU/RAM combo, a quality one, preferrably something that's AMD and 64-bit.
- Apple Cinema Display (any size)
- Xbox 360 Premium

Make an offer, I will listen. Email me at [email protected], AIM me at NYMfansDOTcom, or PM me.


Dell 700m Extended Batteries -- I have three to sell, PM me with offers, looking for $60 each.