FS: JinxyBoi's Garage Sale


Feb 16, 2006
Okay, I'm kinda new here and I hope everything goes alright. Well, if you read my sig, it shows that I have a Compaq Presario 5095 CL (google it if you wanna have a good chuckle) that I have upgraded piece by piece over the years. Well, it would seem that I have finally maXXored its potential and need to move on to a new.... everything.

So I'm parting her out on the assumption that there are people out there looking for old parts to build junk rigs or something. Because I'm a poor college student without a job (living in a small college town where competition for employment is fierce), I have no money whatsoever and I need to have enough cash to build a new system as soon as possible after selling these parts (since they're coming from the computer I'm currently using and I NEED a computer) so a lot of these have combo deals, so please act on them for my sake :p.

I'll take payment in the forms of money order or cash (for both our sake I'd prefer moeny order). And if any of you are in the Houston, TX area, I call home Pearland, TX, but I'm currently living up near Huntsville,TX for school so we can do a local pickup/ sale that way if you want.

My only ref is my heatware...which I just started, but I already did business with two people on this forum with better refs than I, so they'll vouch for me! :)

Anyway, down to business!
(and please forgive me if some descriptions aren't detailed, I'm still a fair nub to computers and what not)​


Willing to Trade For:

A 1GB Stick of DDR400 Ram (preferably name brand) - Will trade up to 80 dollars worth of my junk for it!


Mod Stuff:

92MM Fan (Black w/ Silver Grill) - Free + Purchase of another item. By itself it's $3.00 + Shipping
Was pulled out of an IBM power supply. Black, 92mm in diameter. No idea the CFM, just know that it moves a hella bunch of air. Age is undeterminable but probably over 5 years old. It's got a 3 pin molex connector but it has no rpm sensor line.

Overall it's a good fan (for general cooling purposes since it blows harder than shit) and had been used recently till my power supply decided I had too much stuff plugged into it. (It still works fine, don't worry lol)

60MM Fan (Black w/ No Grill) - Free + Purchase of another item. By itself it's $1.00 + Shipping
5 years old but had only been used for only 3 of them (pulled it off my SCKT A HS and threw in a fatter fan.) It's really thin for low space applications but that also means it has to spin fast to move air (making it kinda loud with an ear bleeding high pitched whine). Got 3 pin molex connector with all lines proper

Otherwise, it works just fine. A good application I'd suggest is if you mod your case for an underside air intake (with a filter of course) to feed your computer true cold air. Was gonna do it, but ehh, I need money.

Video Cards:

Mysterious Video Card - $15 + shipping
All I know is that this thing is 32mb AGP. I bought it when I first got my computer and then replaced it a month later with my ATI Radeon 9000. I'm unsure about the maker, but I'm fairly sure it isn't ATI or NVIDIA. I haven't used it in years, but it worked perfectly last time it was in my computer. I have the Driver CD too.

Yeah, it isn't one of the big two, but it was a great card when I used it. Thanks to it I was cruising along at ~60 whole FPS on UT99 with everything maxed. FEAR IT. lol

ATI Radeon 9000 - $30 + shipping
Plain Jane Vanilla 9000. She's 64mb AGP and works perfectly. Being pulled from a computer in use (the one I'm on lol). 250mhz core and 200mhz memory.

Kicks good enough to nab me 30FPS on FarCry with everything on low (but textures maxed) at 1280 x 960.Was only overclocked for LAN parties and she can go up to 270mhz core and 240 mhz memory stable with stock cooling (a heatsink). I have a 120mm fan on the side of my case pushing looooots of air on her and with similarly generous cooling, she can go up to 280mhz core and 265mhz memory.

Combo Deal: Buy both cards for 40 bucks. I don't know why you'd want two video cards, but hey, whatever.


AMD Athalon 1.33ghz Thunderbird (socket A) - $25 + shipping
Love this chip. It's served me well all these years (approx. 2-3), even though I've only been running it at 1001mhz the whole time (handicapped by the compaq mobo). Being pulled from a system in use so it's good to go.


3 Sticks of 256mb PC100 ram - $20 each + shipping *Price Dropped like it's hot!*
Two of them were pulled from a Dell and one was bought retail. I have long since gotten rid of the box so I couldn't tell yah what brand it is. All of em work great and really made the difference in my computer.

Combo Deal: Buy all three for $55!

Video Games:

Viewtiful Joe for Gamecube - $15 + shipping
I played this game twice and put it back on my shelf, never to be played again...right next to SpyHunter lol. Not that it was a bad game, it was fun for like an hour until I kept dying in like the area with like.. buses and shit I think... Anyway, it was then that I realised "adult mode" did not promise me anything raunchy and it was just Viewtiful Joe's way of saying "Hard". So I switched back to easy and got bored trying to backtrack, and in addition, the games graphics started giving me hardcore head aches and I just couldn't play it anymore.

Anyway! The point is that I didn't play the game much and it is in near perfect condition with all the manuals and stuff withotu a single wrinkle. Only flaw is I replaced the actual case with one I got from purchasing a used copy of PN03 so the actual case it will be sent in sucks. But no biggy, the game is fine.

Half Life: Blue Shift for PC - Free + Purchase of another item. By itself it's $3.00 + Shipping
Never actually played it, just bought it for the CD Key, so needless to say, it's uses are pretty limited with the advent of Steam and all. But if you like collecting stuff, it's the original disk with what I THINK is the original case. No manual though.

Random Junk:

Selena Poster + Selena Calendar (From Mid 90's) - $50 + Shipping
LOL Okay, this item is the odd job. For those of you who don't know, Selena Quintanilla was a beautiful Latina Texan Singer who had a heart of gold and was gaining popualarity back in the mid 90's. Unfortunately, she passed away at the hands of a disgruntled associate before her career really took off. (visit here for bio)Well, some time after she died, I met her brother through my old 5th grade teacher (who was obsessed with her) and he passed out a bunch of random stuff to my class. Among them were the poster and calendar I'm selling now. Both are unopened and in their original wrapping. All you collectors, own a piece of history! Oh and for the slow minded, the calendar's outta date. lol

2 x Jensen JX369 Speakers - $30 each + Shipping
A pair of Jensen brand 6" x 9" Triaxial (3-Way) Speakers. 180 Watts Max, 60 Watts RMS. (click here for more info, and note, my set are blue in color, not gray) Comes with the usual hardware (brackets, grill, screws) and I'll throw in two non carpetted, reeeeaaally ugly wood shop class boxes that they've been mounted in. I'd prefer local pick up thoguh, because I bet you wouldnt liek the price of shipping on these babies.

Combo Deal: Buy both for $50!

That's about it for now, thank's for giving em a look! :)
yo bro bump 4 u

no problems or red flags with this seller I had a vey good experionce with our transaction the other week

1 word = flawless
bumping for the hell of it!

by my junk! give a kid a computer that doesn't suck! lol
ahhh, delete this post please? i think my clock is off or something, didnt mean to bump early. :confused:
bump just b/c I like the Mysterious Video Card discription.
Tonto! Bump on it, Bump on it, Bump on it!
Apache! Bump on it, Bump on it, Bump on it!
Kimosabe! Bump on it, Bump on it, Bump on it!
Custard! Bump on it, Bump on it, Bump on it!

bump in the morning.

c'mon? Anyone wanna help a brother out? I need to pay for RAM. lol