FSB/HTT Limitations


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
hey guys, simple question...

with all the troubleshooting i've been doing i've come to the conclusion that the wall i'm hitting during overclocking is raising my FSB to around 255-260... I have the 3000+ 754 so i have a 10x multiplier, 10x250 (2.5ghz) works absolutely fine, but 278x9 (2.5ghz) brings about some stability issues. At this clock speed the temperatures are fine and even when i put the voltage up when im at 260FSB the temps are still decent but theres just no stability.... I would just like to know if there is anyway to push the FSB a little farther so i can get more out of this chip..

i was thinking about the following but i dont know what affect they will have

Increased voltage to the NorthBridge?
Better cooling on the NorthBridge?
Modifying the LDT bus frequency (FSB x 1,2,3,4,5 etc) its currently at 2, when i was using 278x9 i think it was at 3...

any feedback is appreciated ;)
The wall seems to be your memory. What is your vdimm at? Are you using a mem voltage booster? I cant go past 255 without using mine.
w a64 increasing the mem voltage even if the mem is not the limiting factor can help u get a higher htt. i dono exactly why i think it has something to do with the onboard mem controller. give that a shot, it could also have something to do with the NB cooling or voltage. i have the same wall 260 on my 939 k8n neo2 and im also looking for a solution. but im pretty sure its either the NB or the mem controller on my cpu.
but i lowered my memory to be safe and its running at like 177MHZ right now, can it still be a limitin factor even if the clock speed is under what its rated at? (DDR400)
yes, the higher voltage isnt to help the ram, it helps the mem controller/nb. the voltage that feeds the ram also goes through the memcontroller and nb and in this case the only way to increase that voltage is to increase the ram voltage.
k, but im also asking, that if i have my ram at 177MHZ opposed to the 200 its rated at and i still hit the 260 wall, does this still present the possibility of my ram stopping me...
no...if u are running 177 at stock timings the ram will not limit u. the 260 wall would be either cpu(memcontroller that is on the cpu) or the NB.
I raised the voltage to the chipset and it did give me some stability, just dont raise it too high. I dont know if that little aluminum cooler can handle very much. Lower the LDT multiplier, whenever I overclock I lower it to 1X ,then reach my desired FSB then adjust my RAM/LDT until it loses stabillity. Also what kind of PSU do u have?