FX Clawhammer OC question


Feb 19, 2005
For the last 6 months I've been combating heat with my FX-55 so OC'ing wasn't even a possibility, but I just put in an XP-120 and bought an Antec P180, and my temps dropped huge! I now run at 30 degrees idle and 46 prime95 load. Unfortunately I sold my TCCD ram and I have these 1gb sticks that I've heard overclock really crappy. What's the best way to overclock this chip and keep temps relatively low, should I up the multiplier by 1 and keep it at FX-57 speeds or try my luck with the OCZ 1gb sticks and go for a higher fsb? Or a little of both? If you're using an FX-55 clawhammer oc'ed on air, please share your experience. Thank you!
either up the cpu multi or drop the ram divider, both are legit options ;)