Gabe Newell Is Doing An AMA Today


Aug 20, 2006
Got something to ask the Valve boss? You can head to r/The_Gaben at 3:00 PM PST / 6:00 PM EST today and try your luck. I can’t even begin to imagine what most people will be asking about.

On January 17th, Gabe Newell will be doing a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA). So, if you've any burning questions for one of the founders of Valve then you'll want to head over to r/The_Gaben where the AMA will be hosted tomorrow. Most the questions will be: When is Half-Life 3 coming out? Are you working on Half-Life 3? Have you forgotten about Half-Life 3? Is your beard Half-Life 3? Is Half-Life 3 behind your beard? If I buy that will you tell me about Half-Life 3?
I honestly could give two fucks about Half-Life 3. Whatever they could possibly produce would never live up to expectations at this point.

I am far more interested in a Portal 3, or maybe a TeamFortress 3, or even a Left 4 Dead 3. I think I see a pattern emerging here.
I wonder how many HL3 questions he'll ignore. He has to divulge at least a little bit at some point since these former Valve employees are coming out about it.
I wonder how many HL3 questions he'll ignore.
The only way I would do an AMA if I was GN, was if it was a platform to announce HL3. But I'm not GN, so yeah, they probably have an auto filter setup.
Does Valve even make games at all anymore? I thought they were just a game store and hardware company now.
wow the women all over him. must be nice to rich.

Once word gets around that you are at that magical billion dollar net worth, all the gold diggers (both legit and shady) are after you like starving people at a buffet ;)
I honestly could give two fucks about Half-Life 3. Whatever they could possibly produce would never live up to expectations at this point.

I don't understand why people keep saying this as-if they are so high and mighty that on the off chance it does get announced and releases they won't be fucking gushing over it and excited as hell to play it, but then in front of others and online just talk more shit just b/c. I don't see how you could have played all the other Half Life games and pretend that you won't care if they were to announce another Half Life game. And honestly, peoples' expectations are their responsibility. If your expectations are soaring in the clouds and you get disappointed that's not Valve's fault; it's your fault for not keeping your expectations in check.
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Does Valve even make games at all anymore?

Valve still has lots and lots and lots of people who they employ to make games. The company is staunchly anti-management, believing that great things happen randomly when you put an infinite number of monkeys on an infinite number of type writers.

So the answer is no. No Valve does not make games.
That meme way too old. Valve lost touch with its user base, it went from maybe best game company to lets cover our problems with more hats.
HL3/ep3 train went past long time ago
I'd love to know why Steam has turned into such a fucking cesspool, and Valve refuses to do anything to clean up it's shelves.

Used to be an honor, and a pretty big one, to have your game listed on Steam, now half the fucking games on the service don't even work.
I wonder how many HL3 questions he'll ignore.

They can't do Half Life 3, because there is no Eli Vance. That is what all Half Life games are about.
Half Life 2, first half: get to Black Mesa, to Eli Vance, after you couldn't get there fast way via teleport.
Half Life 2, second half: rescue Eli Vance from the prison and stop the explosion.
Half Life 2 Episode 1 : do stuff to escape the Citadel explosion, so you can get to Eli Vance.
Half Life 2 Episode 2 : see above, you get to Eli Vance in the end, and then Eli dies.
Once word gets around that you are at that magical billion dollar net worth, all the gold diggers (both legit and shady) are after you like starving people at a buffet ;)
Your comment is equivalent to confessing to sexual assault in today's world.
I wonder how many HL3 questions he'll ignore. He has to divulge at least a little bit at some point since these former Valve employees are coming out about it.

I wonder which is the saddest, valve refusing to answer or people after all these years still asking and still hoping they will answer?

All I actually want from valve is to make a great game once again, don't care if it is a sequel to something established or a new IP, as long as it's good.
Dude aint see his cock in like.... forever. However.... when you can pay people to tell you its still there.. well i guess it doesn't matter if you can see it or not.

Your right, he did find a cd/dvd though!

Guy's going to die of a heart attack.

At any rate, I agree that Steam has become an absolute cesspit. Far too much garbage to sift through to get to the good stuff.
Guy's going to die of a heart attack.

At any rate, I agree that Steam has become an absolute cesspit. Far too much garbage to sift through to get to the good stuff.

I don't understand why people bring up the "cesspit." I mean, 99% of the time I go onto the Steam store I know what I am looking for so it's not like i'm going onto Steam to find more games to add to my backlog. The other 1% are games that are on my wishlist.
They can't do Half Life 3, because there is no Eli Vance. That is what all Half Life games are about.
Half Life 2, first half: get to Black Mesa, to Eli Vance, after you couldn't get there fast way via teleport.
Half Life 2, second half: rescue Eli Vance from the prison and stop the explosion.
Half Life 2 Episode 1 : do stuff to escape the Citadel explosion, so you can get to Eli Vance.
Half Life 2 Episode 2 : see above, you get to Eli Vance in the end, and then Eli dies.

Half Life 3/EP3: Vortigaunts somehow intervene (as they're apt to do) and whisk a dying but not dead Eli Vance to an undisclosed location. Presumably in an effort to keep him alive. You must now find Eli Vance (again).

Also, don't forget the Borealis/Portal tie-in. Even without EV there's still lots of directions to take the story.
If you put your business hat on, it is easy to see why they don't do a HL3.

Why take a risk putting millions into a game that may or may not do well, when you can make a shit ton getting a cut of almost every game that is released and selling dumb hat models for decade old games?
Your comment is equivalent to confessing to sexual assault in today's world.

Neither side would ever claim that it is, though, especially in divorce court, for assets in the billion-plus range (perhaps it's "marital disharmony") ... this is where that magical term, "pre-nup", makes itself known.

Besides, it's rare to hear of billionaires being under the "torment" of sexual assault ... because, you know.
There's a part (very small part) that feels sorry for him.... good for him for all his financial success, but all the money in the world wouldn't mean shit to me if I couldn't see my own damn dick. Combined with the fact you *KNOW* that any decently attractive woman is only talking to you, or touching you because of the money in your bank.

It would really really suck to know that while all this female attention would be lavished on me, they are honestly disgusted and only doing it because they want a payday.
There's a part (very small part) that feels sorry for him.... good for him for all his financial success, but all the money in the world wouldn't mean shit to me if I couldn't see my own damn dick. Combined with the fact you *KNOW* that any decently attractive woman is only talking to you, or touching you because of the money in your bank.

It would really really suck to know that while all this female attention would be lavished on me, they are honestly disgusted and only doing it because they want a payday.

Reminds me of that Mel Gibson movie, "What Women Want".

Woman (or women) thinking while on top of fat rich dude: "This is worse than banging Pizza the Hutt -- but, at least the payoff isn't bad. C'mon girl(s), just one more hour of this ..."

Then (of course) the process repeats itself in reverse (via rich cougars/cubs) a decade or 2 down the line ...

Edit: pix
If you put your business hat on, it is easy to see why they don't do a HL3.

Why take a risk putting millions into a game that may or may not do well, when you can make a shit ton getting a cut of almost every game that is released and selling dumb hat models for decade old games?

I think Valve served its purpose. It's so much easier to make money by taking a cut out of every game.
GabeN gets women the same way Kim Dot Com landed a supermodel.

For all the publicity that Gabe gets, I feel like Valve needs a much better spokesperson than him. He always gives me the vibe that he doesn't want to deal with doing what he does, but he does it because he has to. At the same time though, he does offer more transparency due to this, so I guess it's a catch 22.
Why the constant fat jokes with him? His weight is of no concern and making fun of his appearance only cheapens your arguments. The real criticism should be around how they have basically ignored those of us who were fans and continue to provide no fan service to those of us who supported his company.
Dude aint see his cock in like.... forever. However.... when you can pay people to tell you its still there.. well i guess it doesn't matter if you can see it or not.
He has probably five staff to service his cock alone. He's richer than Donald Trump, just to put things in perspective.

I would like to think that if I had as much wealth as small countries, that I would be able to afford to take time off for a personal trainer and dietitian to make me awesome healthy meals.
They can't do Half Life 3, because there is no Eli Vance. That is what all Half Life games are about.
Half Life 2, first half: get to Black Mesa, to Eli Vance, after you couldn't get there fast way via teleport.
Half Life 2, second half: rescue Eli Vance from the prison and stop the explosion.
Half Life 2 Episode 1 : do stuff to escape the Citadel explosion, so you can get to Eli Vance.
Half Life 2 Episode 2 : see above, you get to Eli Vance in the end, and then Eli dies.

Half Life 3/EP3: Vortigaunts somehow intervene (as they're apt to do) and whisk a dying but not dead Eli Vance to an undisclosed location. Presumably in an effort to keep him alive. You must now find Eli Vance (again).

Also, don't forget the Borealis/Portal tie-in. Even without EV there's still lots of directions to take the story.

G-man's perspective, Barnie's perspective, all sorts of ways to write around that.

I think they'll finally announce it. All the pieces are here after all. Also, I got 2 out of 3 coin tosses that they'll do it.
He has probably five staff to service his cock alone. He's richer than Donald Trump, just to put things in perspective.

I would like to think that if I had as much wealth as small countries, that I would be able to afford to take time off for a personal trainer and dietitian to make me awesome healthy meals.

Hard to say what Gabe is worth as most of wealth is probably what Valve is worth and since they're private it's hard know exactly what Valve is worth. I'm guessing that Valve is worth at least $10 billion on the open market, so yeah, he's doing ok.
Dude aint see his cock in like.... forever. However.... when you can pay people to tell you its still there.. well i guess it doesn't matter if you can see it or not.

who cares when he has all those white women to take care of it.
Who's to say the women in the picture are women he is involved with at all? Could be they were at an event together and they wanted a photo-op for some reason with him. Or, maybe he took the chance like every male on this planet would if two hot women were standing by and and asked if they would let him take a picture with them. Just because he's rich and overweight doesn't mean he's incapable of thinking like every other guy on this planet when two hot women are nearby. Does it raise the eyebrows a bit? Maybe... but, what two or three consenting adults do on their own dime and time is nobody else's business so just leave the guy alone and don't judge him for doing what nearly every other guy would at least contemplate doing if they were in the same circumstance.

That being said, his weight is obviously a concern for his health and though people may have many negative things to say now about Steam, at least it is one platform that is actively pushing games on Linux.
Reddit User 1: Soooo... for when can we expect the release of Half-Life 3?
GN: No comment. Next.
Reddit User 2: Hi Gabe! How is Half-Life 3 coming along?
GN: *sighs* No. Next.
Reddit User 3: Will Half-Life 3 be a direct continu...
GN: Next!
Reddit User 4: Why is there no episode 3 of Ha...
GN: ♥♥♥♥ this! NEXT!!
Reddit User 5: When can we expect... *pause* hats...
GN: Yes! Go on!
Reddit User 5: ...for Half-Life 3?
GN: GODDAMMIT! *leaves the chat*

soooooo plagarized from a post on bluesnews. Thanks El Pit