Galaxy HardOCP TigerDirect GTX 780 Community Events

Man.... I would really like to head over that way but it's hard to make spur of the moment stuff.. I understand why it's that way though. Looks like fun, I've been to all the other [H] events... dangit...
Thanks for the event today. Your explanation about frame display was very interesting. Looking forward to the next GameXperience.
YEA!!! Got me a GTX 780!! Soon as I get some me time I will be installing this bad boy. :D

Already sent an E-mail out, see if anyone else wants to go there tonight.

Thanks to everyone involved, Kyle, All of [H]ardocp, Galaxy, and Tiger Direct! :D
While there were not a ton of people there, the smiles were Large hehe
Man I wish my comp USA was converted to a tiger direct..They just closed it years ago back in 2008 or 2009 I loved that store.

I went to buy my core i7 extreme from the tiger direct website and wait for it come in the mail I would have rather just went down 10 to 20 minutes or less and picked it up at the old compusa store that would be turned into a tiger direct if it was still there now it is a bed store or something like that.

incredable universe is another store I miss it did not get converted into a frys.
in other words there is no places that sell good PC parts where I live and I have to order everything. They sell crap parts in the store at places like best buy and don't have any hardcore stock mod items like compusa/tigerdirect/frys would have.

in other words all the stores here now they sell walmart level PCs and fucking ipads and crap like that can't even buy a CPU cooler and they only sell low end GPU and core I5's that is it if they sell any at all. cant get decent fans or anything and no stuff like fucking screws or basic things like that.

no cirictcity or anything either anymore and they was semi decent for PC parts and things.

Tiger direct needs to open at least one store here they would be the only ones that have hardcore PC supplys for miles.
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What the f*ck? I thought it was supposed to start at 7.30pm?
Edit : Oops, lack of reading comprehension FTMFL :p
:(:( New Jersey is too far from Texas. Worse yet, I just found out about this at 7:33PM. Damn working for a living!!! Wait till I retire. I'll be at every event. Three more years, baby!
Good to see Kyle keeping the events coming, just wish I was close enough to attend.
Just got back. Gorram it, chicks always win at bingo :(

The main BFG/Galaxy guys and of course the man himself :)

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Damn, the [H] gang needs to truck their asses over Florida way, enjoy some beach/bikini-babes along the Gulf Coast here! Would love to shake the hand of Mr. [H] himself and tell him what a great putz, er guy he is! :D
Damn, the [H] gang needs to truck their asses over Florida way, enjoy some beach/bikini-babes along the Gulf Coast here! Would love to shake the hand of Mr. [H] himself and tell him what a great putz, er guy he is! :D
Anyone still have those old pics where Kyle posed in front of booths while grabbing his crotch from like 10 years back? :D
Thank you for the event Kyle, please let (me) us know how we can spread the word or do some marketing for [H].

The Galaxy reps got me really excited when they were talking about doing events and bringing back the old school type gaming tournaments.

Anyways, keep up the good work and I hope to see you guys again soon.


I almost won with INGO!! lol. :cool: