Game With Your Spouse Or S/O?

The gf and I will play some GOW and RB62 together. SHe actually loves GOW so I need to get GOW2. She doesnt like anything that's no coop. She loves the champions of norrath type games.
My wife plays when she can (she's currently in grad school). She put in a ton of time on the Castlvania games for the DS, Oblivion, Portal, Mass Effect, and she's now playing through Little Big Planet.
We also play Rock Band together pretty often and she's better than I am.
Lots of games shoot for "casual gamers" but she seems to flock to the RPG style of games more than anything else.
My wifes a software engineer, I've played some games with her in the past like RTCW (she sucked) and even WarCraft 2. Amazingly she owned a ton of games when I met her both PC and PS2 at the time but we never really gamed too much, we played pool, got drunk, and made babies.

We have 4 kids now and she occasionally will let me get a new FPS out of my system now and then,i.e. she'll go to bed early and let me go to town with no complaining, it's not really her thing. I don't game a lot at home because between her, the kids, and the Army I don't have tons of time too blow. We still do drink and play pool as I have a 9 foot pool table in my garage that I converted to an inhome bar.

Honestly being in the Army kind of works out because when I deploy or am TDY to this school or that school is when I get caught up on my gaming, (I have a gaming laptop). Wehn I am at home I still occasionally play on the weekends, mainly online FPS of some type an hour here or there. It definitely doesn't dominate my life like it did 5 years ago.

What I can't wait for though is the fact that my kids are starting to get older, I have two boys and two girls and they already play a ton of educational games, reader rabbit, winnie the pooh type stuff on their laptops. When I was home on R and R I was playing BF2 on my laptop and attracted quite the little crowd of onlookers, my oldest daughter who just turned 5 but was 4 at the time pretty much hijacked my computer from me, I just let them have it....they didn't do a whole lot but its promising.

Give me 5 to 7 more years to get a majority of my kids around 12ish and I'll have my own built in LAN party aka FPS clan, I am looking forward to it. Oh and don't play pool with us either because my original intent was to have my own leauge team that couldn't complain that I was the team capatain as I happen to be the dad too.
I wish I could get my fiancee to play some *new* games. Shes not really a gamer, but she loves mario kart and super smash bros on an old n64 my friend didn't want anyway so he gave it to me (I had one prior but donated it to a church when I lost interest in it.)
I would occasionally game with my GF she prefers retro games like Theme Hospital and puzzle games like Bloons Tower Defence III (best flash game ever)! She aint interested in FPS's at all where as im a FPS whore, she isnt even keen on watching me play any FPSs.
My girlfriend is hot and skinny....

sooo, no, she has never held a videogame controller before.
My wife and I are both 28, and 4 months apart. When we started dating she bought Oblivion, and I was not an RPG'er at all (disdain for isometric view games, I guess). My secondary rig (at the time) couldn't run the game, and her machine was already a few years old. I built her a new machine to play the game on as her BD present, and surprised her with it.

We continue to play games together, most recently taking turns playing our characters in Fable 2 (about 2 hours each), and playing couch coop. We routinely find ourselves playing separate instances of single player games (the same game...her on her machine, and me on mine) simulataneously. It's a lot of fun. There's a lot of the "hey, did you get this?" or "what the hell just happened? I'm stuck, can you help me?" Its really great to have someone that likes games ALMOST as much as I do :) We play the console games together too. Rockband, Guitar Hero 3(although this one was on PC for us), etc. It's really great to have someone that likes it that much.

Of course, she has her own games that I would never play, and visa versa. She likes the Sim games, and I don't. To each their own. I can understand the appeal of them for her, it's just not something I am interested in, really. It's fun to get games for eachother too, for no reason other than because you know the other person has been looking forward to a particular release date. Simple pleasures. There's not much better in my life than walking into an electronics store, losing track of my wife, and finding her looking through the games section....SWEET.
My girlfriend is hot and skinny....

sooo, no, she has never held a videogame controller before.

never seen a hot girl playing video games in her undies. you're missing out.. it truly is a site :p
The only games my wife likes are the sims series, Spore, and Black and White 2.

She sometimes will mess with a charactor creator and then not play the game after completing the creation. :confused:
My girl friend used to complain about me playing WoW so much, I offered to buy her a laptop only if shed give WoW a shot. Now I complain to her how much time she plays WoW.
My girl friend used to complain about me playing WoW so much, I offered to buy her a laptop only if shed give WoW a shot. Now I complain to her how much time she plays WoW.

I tried that, but I built her a desktop. Didn't work. She still complains about how much time I play <x game here>. Currently Red Alert 3.
Look at Samsung HDTVs - they are very friendly to PC inputs.

I do have one actually, it works great with my laptop and PC, the problem is that I don't have a place for the keyboard and mouse and it's a PITA to move the keyboard, mouse, and video plugs in order to play in front of the TV.

I can't just leave one plug in the TV since it'd mean monitor 1 and monitor 2 would be like 5 feet away from each other. My setup has actually changed a bit since this picture, moved the laptop over onto a table beside the TV(no more perilous wires hanging out in the open).
I do have one actually, it works great with my laptop and PC, the problem is that I don't have a place for the keyboard and mouse and it's a PITA to move the keyboard, mouse, and video plugs in order to play in front of the TV.

I can't just leave one plug in the TV since it'd mean monitor 1 and monitor 2 would be like 5 feet away from each other. My setup has actually changed a bit since this picture, moved the laptop over onto a table beside the TV(no more perilous wires hanging out in the open).

I hear that - I built a second computer which became my main gaming system. Although most newer video cards and drivers allow high-res TV output, the Samsung was so compatible and flexible through the PC input that it made setup a snap. Then I strung a long USB cord along the wall to mount a USB hub near/behind my couch. Allows me to use a lighted keyboard and all the lights off. I hardly ever watched TV. ;) Originally, I used a wireless keyboard, which might be a good choice for you looking at the size of your room. But I was pushing the limit of distance with it, and I had to game with a light on because I'd occasionally end up on the wrong keys.
I'm very jealous. My wife does not game one single bit. She'll sit there and knit while I game, or do something else. She'll just complain every now and then about how gruesome some games are and how I shouldn't play them around my son.

This sounds like my wife, except we have no kids.

My husband and I game together too. We play LotRO with his sister, her husband, and (sometimes) their kids. There are a lot of couples in our guild. I don't feel like our situation is that unusual, at least not in LotRO.

We used to play WoW together, and that was completely different. I didn't hide the fact that I'm a girl from the people I played with, but I didn't advertise it either. I was a member of an 18+ guild. When we first got a Ventrilo server, I almost got gkicked because half the guild heard my voice and thought I was a pre-pubescent boy.

We absolutely will be playing D3 together if/when it ever comes out. Really looking forward to that one! Back in our college days, we stayed touch with each other through D2.

My wife plays WoW several hours of the week, however i do not. I usually end up just listening to her bitch about the strange juvenile (IMO) culture within the game. Major lulz @ some of the people in her guild(s).

I do play fps, racing and rts games, which she doesn't have any interest in.

We've made a "date" for Diablo III though, which we BOTH agree on.

Gaming wives = sympathetic ears to computer woes and spending :D

I'm 39, wife is 36 we both game (together and on our own) both play wow, both play urban terror (all the people from work play UT together every Friday to blow off steam, and I do mean ALL, from the owner of the company on down) diablo 2, rise of nations, racing games etc.

My girlfriend and I both play World of Warcraft pretty hardcore. We're both 23, she isn't by any means a hardcore player but she is definitely above average on your average player there, we both have epic'd out 70's and we arena together in 2v2, as a Warlock/Mage combo making it to 1750 consistently I think it pretty good with your girlfriend ;) Plus playing side by side is really fun.

We also play a great deal of PS3 games that are co-op, she doesn't like the shooters too much, but games like Tennis, Spyro, Little Big Planet. It's all good and fun.

I'm very very jealous of all of you. I'm going to slowly assimilate my wife starting with a Wii hooked up to a hdtv.
My wife and I game together. She has very specific kinds of games she likes, as such, I can only get her to play Age of Empires and AoE2. I'm still trying to learn her 'rules' for a good game to get her to branch out. She didn't even like Dawn of War.

If anyone can suggest a good RTS based in the sword combat era with a decent amount of realism, where a game can be started and finished in around 1-2 hours, I'm listening.

One rule that I've always followed when playing multiplayer. I never play against someone I know, that includes my wife. It's like winning an argument, you've won but what did you really gain?

Edit: Sorry forgot to mention, we are in our early 20's with no kids and none on the way.
We need to have a summer camp to send our wives to practice and train to be better gamers.

God knows i could use a week or two away from her and she could use the help.
My wife wants a Wii for Christmas. Loser takes out the trash :)

She also plays Oblivion, TF2, Zombie Panic Source, and a few other titles.

Still can't get her to play Portal as she gets motion sickness. It's gotten better the more she played TF2, but Portal is still something she has yet to tackle.
My wife wants a Wii for Christmas. Loser takes out the trash :)

She also plays Oblivion, TF2, Zombie Panic Source, and a few other titles.

Still can't get her to play Portal as she gets motion sickness. It's gotten better the more she played TF2, but Portal is still something she has yet to tackle.

That's great she's into some FPS as well.

My wife wont shut up now about L4D, which is great :D ...she's still practicing with the demo and loving it, even beat me out with the number of headshots a few times. She does it again, she might "accidentally" get a shotgun blast in the ass, lol ;)

Hopefully Diablo 3 wont take an eternity to be released, and it'll be worth the wait. We're looking forward to that, and there's not many other upcoming games with MP in the genres we're into.

There's ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES due out sometime in '09. She's an Alien freak like me, so looking forward to that. It's set up like L4D, being a four-player co-op title, so hoping it'll be an Alien title that finally does the IP justice.
My fiancee was the typical "girl" in terms of gaming...tetris and so on.

I finally forced her to try Diablo 2. Guess what happened.

Then I had her try Age of Empires 2. She's to this day as addicted as she is to Diablo 2. However, that was on the PC...

Then I wanted to get an XBox 360 for GTA4. She was so-so on it.

In the last several months, she's had 90% of the playtime, between Bioshock, Oblivion, and Fallout 3.

I love 'er.
Still can't get her to play Portal as she gets motion sickness. It's gotten better the more she played TF2, but Portal is still something she has yet to tackle.

My fiancee had the same problem with Portal and Oblivion on the PC. However, for whatever reason, she can play them on our SDTV 22" CRT on the XBox 360 without problems. Might want to give that a try.
My fiancee was the typical "girl" in terms of gaming...tetris and so on.

I finally forced her to try Diablo 2. Guess what happened.

Then I had her try Age of Empires 2. She's to this day as addicted as she is to Diablo 2. However, that was on the PC...

Then I wanted to get an XBox 360 for GTA4. She was so-so on it.

In the last several months, she's had 90% of the playtime, between Bioshock, Oblivion, and Fallout 3.

I love 'er.

I'm so trying the diablo 2 idea. Thnx for the tip. If I can get my fiancee into gaming it would definitely give us more options for stuff to do during the week after work.
My fiancee was the typical "girl" in terms of gaming...tetris and so on.

I finally forced her to try Diablo 2. Guess what happened.

Then I had her try Age of Empires 2. She's to this day as addicted as she is to Diablo 2. However, that was on the PC...

Then I wanted to get an XBox 360 for GTA4. She was so-so on it.

In the last several months, she's had 90% of the playtime, between Bioshock, Oblivion, and Fallout 3.

I love 'er.

That's great :) brought her into a "world" she otherwise never might have experienced, and now finds enjoyment in something new with gaming.

That's exactly why I personally like to see when couples game together. It really does give you both something you can do together, and it's such a massive medium with so many choices, that it's a hobby that can last a lifetime.

Gaming can be a far more immersive and more "interactive" experience in many ways than other hobbies for people who can truly get something from it/get into it.

I'm so trying the diablo 2 idea. Thnx for the tip. If I can get my fiancee into gaming it would definitely give us more options for stuff to do during the week after work.

Hope it works out for ya ;)
I met my S/O via playing Day of Defeat classic...neither of us really care much for Source.
My girlfriend and I are in our mid-twenties and both thoroughly enjoy video games. Sometimes we will play some games together (Little Big Planet, Lego Indiana Jones, Rayman, etc.), sometimes she will just sit next to me and play her Nintendo DS (she has at least 20 games for it), or sometimes she likes to watch and kinda play co-pilot, if you will. For instance, for the 60 hour play through of Fallout3 I just completed she was probably watching for a good 20 hours of it, constantly saying "ohhh, say that" or "can you blow his head up? ..... DO IT!" or "get that perk! level up that!"

She's not a full blown gamer by any means, as she does have some difficulty with more complex controls; however, she's so enthusiastic about it and will play anything as long as someone can help beat the tougher parts for her (with her watching over your shoulder, of course).

It's kind of funny, because we had been dating for a while and she's very pretty, which -- as another guy made a joke about earlier -- made me assume she'd never touch a controller. Well, one day she's just talking to me on the phone about finding her old GameGear and I didn't even know she liked video games. She starts rattling off all these games she's played and that she really liked: Earthbound, Animal Crossing, Silent Hill, Kirby/Mario games, Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Fatal Frame, etc. I'm pretty sure the expression on my face was something along the lines of: :eek:

On that particular day, what was already amazing, got even better. :D
my wife loves Tetris and can finish Super Mario Brothers. She likes the xbox arcade games, Feeding Frenzy which she calls "the fish game" and she liked playing Double Dragon coop with me.

I'm 29 and she is 28 and yes she is hot
I play MMO's with the wife. Aside from puzzle games MMO's is the only genre she likes.
sweet lord of mercy you guys are more lucky than you think.

I dont think so, unless you consider getting paired with the special ed student on a project back in high school lucky.

My wife suck soooo bad and if she sees me playing with other people she gets annoying and always wants to join. To make matters worse if were playing with other people and she gets called out for doing something stupid i get bitched out if i dont defend her even if its her fault entirely.
I just got my gf to play L4D with me, first PC game I've ever gotten her to play!! It's a blast :D
My girlfriend really hasn't gotten into gaming in the 3+ years we've been together, but she thinks its cute and will sit and read a book while I create WWIII. Though shes not a big fan of the horror type games, she hates Gears of War with a passion and Saints Row and won't stay long if i'm playing those. When I had my Wii, she thought it very cute watching me play "tennis" and "bowling" and she loved the Mii's, especially her virtual self.

If shes in the mood, she'll typically unzip my pants and help me "rank up" at times or flash me some tit when im right in the middle of a big battle or something just to distract me :D
If shes in the mood, she'll typically unzip my pants and help me "rank up" at times or flash me some tit when im right in the middle of a big battle or something just to distract me :D

was that really necessary? :rolleyes: