Geminii, Freezer 7 Pro or Big Typhoon for Q6600


Aug 28, 2007
This is for my HTPC/2nd Game PC which it currently is working with Big Typhoon. I inherited 3 Athlon PCs from work which aren't fastest out there(It's none 64bit version 2500+ and 2800+) but are good for watching movies. I'm planing to make 2 PC for my brother and one for myself. I can't find reviews for 3 heatsinks which I'm going to use for my HTPC or ones I've found is confusing cause one site says one thing and others say differently

Basically I want to use coolest one for my HTPC then mod other 2 to fit in Athlons. Currently Q6600 in my HTPC is underclocked to 2Ghz which runs L4D perfectly but I have different profile to run it at 3Ghz+ other times. Considering I like quiter PC, which would be the one that I want to put in my HTPC? BTW I'm giving 3 choices because it's all the left over heatsinks I have,
