Genuine windows xp is experiencing hacked windows characteristics


Mar 30, 2005
My current computer (the one in the sig) has windows XP on it, and it was working fine until about 1 month ago, when it suddenly didnt allow itunes, msn or msn explorer to work...this happened to my friends computer about 5 months ago and he had put a hacked version of XP onto his computer...but i KNOW my windows is genuine as i bought it and installed it...

so how can i get my itunes and msn to work again? do i ring microsoft or do i reinstall windows (which i dont want to do as i dont want to loose all the music, which took forever to burn on from my cds, and work on there)? id love a quick fix because i havent been able to update my ipod for one month and ive been using my old laptop for msn which is extremely slow

no such thing really as "hacked" characteristics for illegal versions of windows.

chances are some files got corrupted somewhere and it jjst wont run.

run a scan disk of your HD, make sure it isnt bad
did you do full uninstalls of the programs and reinstall?
One of the first things you can try is to create a new user profile. If your problems are caused by bad profile data or ntuser.dat registry settings, creating a new profile will let you test that.

If you have System Restore enabled (which is the default), you can try restoring to a past date. Go back to a point before you started having problems. This will uninstall any programs you have installed after that date and reset changes made since that date. Back up any .exe/.msi downloads you made first. If that doesn't solve your problem, undo the restore.

You could always do a recovery installation of XP on top of your current installation as a last resort, as long as your install CD has the same or later service pack. If you don't, use nlite to slipstream in SP2 and burn a new XP install CD. You don't lose any programs or data that way, but of course you should still back up any important data first.
thnx for the input guys

i have fully scanned my harddrive and i have no virus'...i tried to reload msn but it still wouldnt work, ill try reinstalling itunes though

i was thinking about trying a system restore, i guess ill try it now that i have some spare time

ill report back later
FYI - Windows XP failing validation doesn't break in some obscure "some apps now don't seem to work" way. It's brutally obvious, in very plain english, that YOUR COPY OF WINDOWS DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE GENUINE." If a digital hand with a digital permanent marker came out of the screen and scrawled "PIRATE" on your forehead it would not be as obvious.

When WGA fails it tells you exactly and clearly. It also wouldn't break non-MS apps, as they do not care about activation status and couldn't check MS's servers to find out anyway.