Get a 7950 GX2 or wait for DX10?


Sep 2, 2006
I am building a new system, and really want to get the biggest performance boost that I can, as soon as I can. I'm going from an A64 3800+ to an A64 X2 5000+ (OC). My current card is a 6800 GT (AGP)...when I got my 3800+, my card was only a year old, and I wasn't willing to dump it and a lot of extra cash to upgrade to PCI-e just yet. I won't be actually buying a new card for another month or two, but was curious as to whether or not Nvidia is going to release a DX10 card that is as powerful as one 7950 from the gates, and if such a card would be out by the time I am ready to buy. If not, I will probably just get the 7950 and upgrade to a DX10 in a year or year and a half. Thoughts?
To be honest, skip the AM2 and go for the Conroe. You'll get better performance(assuming you overlock).
It's too soon to know what the DX10 cards are going to look like! No one has seen previews or anything. Therefore, go with what you want now.
Dew said:
To be honest, skip the AM2 and go for the Conroe. You'll get better performance(assuming you overlock).
you'll still get better performance if you dont overclock :)
why wait? How long you willing to wait? Vista is slated to come out sometimes next year and do you honestly think Gpu's with DX10 will follow suit simultaneous?
get a 7950GX2 and what ever CPU you want... games do not binny from CPUs that much right now... if you have a very highend card....
I've always used AMD. I realize that Intel may have "finally gotten it right" as far as price/performance, but the A64 X2 5000 is supposed to be better by itself without an OC, so it's worth the price for that alone, and does an admirable OC on top of that. Don't even need to OC it, because it's already such a good processor, but I'm trying to future proof a little.

Probably will just go ahead and get the 7950. I thought that the DX10 cards were right around the corner, but apparently not.
youre going to have to replace your mobo and ram to go to AM2 from s939 (like me) so you might as well go with conroe. The X2 5000+ costs $679 on newegg. You can get a e6700 with $100 left. this will even beat an fx-62 on stock! in addition, everybody knows that they do overclock very well so thats a double bonus. If you do, infact decide to overclock, then you should go with the e6600 and save $300 from the x2 and youll still be able to get insane clock speeds. (i think the e6600 also beats the fx62 on stock)

Just my $.02.

And remember, this is coming from someone who loves amd.
Newegg is also price gouging. The 5000+ was a few hundred less not even two weeks ago. Kind of on the fence right now as far as Intel vs AMD actually. I've just never had stability or compatability issues with AMD, and from what I've read so far, the Conroe's don't have a very good selection of motherboards right now. Another thing is that AMD has almost always beaten Intel for price/performance, and how do we know that Intel is going to remain as aggressive in the future? Chances are AMD will surpass them yet again.

Anyone have some links to direct comparison tests?

*edit - nevermind, found one, but not sure how "accurate" this is, especially considering the ram used was not even equal among similar processors.

Pretty much off track now though, and this topic probably belongs in another forum.
djBon2112 said:
It's too soon to know what the DX10 cards are going to look like! No one has seen previews or anything. Therefore, go with what you want now.
Absolutely..unless you plan on rushing to get Vista the day of release (whenever that will be) having a DX10 card will be wasted..not to mention there is no firm date for release of such cards. I think you'll still have plenty of time to enjoy your 7950GX2 before you feel the need for something else..
It's not the fact that they're DX10 cards, it's the fact that they will also be BY FAR the fastest DX9 cards as well. Don't think of DX10 cards as mutually exclusive from DX9 as the DirectX drivers are, cause they're not.
psychot|K said:
It's not the fact that they're DX10 cards, it's the fact that they will also be BY FAR the fastest DX9 cards as well. Don't think of DX10 cards as mutually exclusive from DX9 as the DirectX drivers are, cause they're not.
yeah, that.
Yeah obviously they will be backwards compatible. I wasn't worried about having a DX10 card now due to being worried about needing one for DX10 games right now. I simply do not upgrade every six months is all, and wanted something that's going to last a good while.
Sanctuary said:
Newegg is also price gouging. The 5000+ was a few hundred less not even two weeks ago. Kind of on the fence right now as far as Intel vs AMD actually. I've just never had stability or compatability issues with AMD, and from what I've read so far, the Conroe's don't have a very good selection of motherboards right now. Another thing is that AMD has almost always beaten Intel for price/performance, and how do we know that Intel is going to remain as aggressive in the future? Chances are AMD will surpass them yet again.

Well, Im an AMD man too. Have been for years, but if I was to build my system today, I would definitely check out my options on a Conroe rig. If AMD beats intel with their next cpu family, well good for AMD. But right now, what concerns me is which computer I can build that will give me stability with most performance and least heat. Be it AMD or Intel.
I would personally wait till DX10 seeing as the R600(DX10) should come out in Oct. I agree with the others, i would skip AM2 as it is new and in certain situations less stable than 939. If you dont want to wait for AM3 and DDR3 then go for the conroe. But i would wait on that graphics card.
dude get a dx9 card for now thats 200 dollars or lower. A good pick is x1800xt. This card should hold you off for a couple of years. Then when dx10 cards are finally released, sell your x1800xt card for around 130 and buy the BADDEST vid card thats offering dx10. The 7950 isnt worth the money because although nvidia does offer great performance, they still havent mastered runnning both HDR + AA at the same time.

go here and decide for yourself :D :
My philosophy here (and I just ordered it this weekend) is that if, for some odd reason, DX10 cards and vista ARE released within 90 days of me buying the card, I can hopefully use eVGA's step-up program and get a DX10 card. If they aren't released in this time.. hell, I still have a monster card. :D