get rid of latest infractions thing?

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Jan 24, 2006
Despite these "infractions" being old as hell, they've yet to disappear and I wanted to know if there was a way to get rid of them. I mean why is it when a thread hasn't been replied to anymore, it leaves your User CP but these "infractions" are always there? They're quite annoying and I wanted to know how to get rid of them. And yes the have expired so I see no need to keep them in my User CP.
Yes they stay there as long as you are a member as well as the usernotes that you don't see. It is your 'rap sheet' so to speak and is a tool used by the moderators to determine your member status. If there is a long span between warnings, it is to your benefit.
3 points accumulated within a 7 day period will get a ban....each infraction is worth 1 point. This is for the use of the moderators....the Admins generally don't use the system, having their own means to deal with infractions.
what the heck? was something neat added while i was partying? :O (no, im not drunk lethal :p i wish.. :p )
Where do you see them..I don't see any..I guess thats a good thing..:)
Yes they stay there as long as you are a member as well as the usernotes that you don't see. It is your 'rap sheet' so to speak and is a tool used by the moderators to determine your member status. If there is a long span between warnings, it is to your benefit.

So there's absolutely no forgiveness and will never ever be removed? I certainly regret a lot of things. :\
If you click the little arrows above them, you can at least hide them so you don't have to look at them.
im not sure if i have them so im not sure where they are supposed to be... user CONTROL PANEL, or public profile?
Frankly I had no idea the [H] employed the infraction feature. So I guess that's good. :)
What about infractions that are over turned or "revoked," because a misundestanding in a post or a similar situation? Can those be removed since it sits there with zero points, and is actually not an infraction?
An infraction can be revoked by an Admin and it so states beside the infraction notation.
3 points accumulated within a 7 day period will get a ban....each infraction is worth 1 point. This is for the use of the moderators....the Admins generally don't use the system, having their own means to deal with infractions.

HAHAHAHAA i once had 3 infractions in one day. with no BAN...


it's probably not a good idea to rub this in your face is it?? :eek::eek::eek::eek:
HAHAHAHAA i once had 3 infractions in one day. with no BAN...


it's probably not a good idea to rub this in your face is it?? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Were they worth any points? You could get an infinite number of zero point infractions and (hypothetically) not get banned.
I don't have any and I've never seen someone with one. Can one of the mods just give me one, to make it seem like I broke the law?
i don't have infractions, but i'm pretty sure i have usernotes for flaming and threadcrapping.
In "My Profile"
Oh! Then I guess I've never received and accumulated any, even though I pissed Kyle off so much one day that he basically told me to "F*** off!"


Seriously, why would people even be bothered about this? It doesn't appear in the Public profile, it doesn't appear in the UserCP. And the 'My Profile' thingy is something you don't ever really need to click on. Unless you're looking for leftover infractions to grizzle about, I guess :p
Oh! Then I guess I've never received and accumulated any, even though I pissed Kyle off so much one day that he basically told me to "F*** off!"


Seriously, why would people even be bothered about this? It doesn't appear in the Public profile, it doesn't appear in the UserCP. And the 'My Profile' thingy is something you don't ever really need to click on. Unless you're looking for leftover infractions to grizzle about, I guess :p

"it doesn't appear in the UserCP" YES IT DOES. That is why I'm complaining, because it appears in the UserCP which is in the OP! :mad:
Sorry then. My comment was in response to RoBo's comment above, which seemed to indicate that it was only in the 'My Profile' thingy.

I'm a lovable arsehole, so I didn't have any and thus didn't know :)
I have one for Spammed Advertisments from when the system was first implemented, I was the guinea pig that day when I didn't use my internet voice and came off the wrong way when when asking a quesiton to Kyle.

I have applogized since as I did not realize how mean my post came off as even though I was trying to be nice and ask nicely about a feature after an update :(

Thats what I get for posting late at night and not double checking what I wrote! Never make that mistake again :p
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