Getting Started with Chromecast


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
If you are one of the lucky few that got in on the first batch of Chromecast and have received your device, now what? Google has anticipated your pain and put together a video showing a short quick start guide.
Without the ability to stream your own videos its a waste. I find I use it for youtube is all. Other device do netflix amazon hulu much better
We actually use ours a good deal. We have one in our kid's play room and the other on our main TV. Both those TVs are actually smart TVs that have their own Netflix/YouTube apps.

The advantage here is the login and searching for the YouTube. When we are playing some of our YouTube shows it is much faster to hit the stream button than to log onto the TV and re search the video.

For netflix, its mostly a remote issue. We still have all of the remotes, but the wife likes to use her phone for that now. As mentioned, the native apps are better so they are typically what I would use.

I also use the Google Music All Access Pass. I've found the sound quality of streaming through the ChromeCast is not as good as just connecting through BluTooth to my speakers.

They certainly have a ways to go, but it is very easy to use. Its also only $35. I find its 'value' is on the line between (First Adopters helping technology) and (Actual Value for the device).
Wife uses hers for Netflix daily. I expect someone will hack it again to stream all media from your phone/tablet or pc shortly.
Best option around, cheapest too, just gotta wait for that API
I use mine mainly for the easy streaming of websites. My wife and I love how we can be viewing something on our tablets and then throw it up onto the big screen to show each other. It has been really helpful for us while we were picking out materials for our house remodel.
I have too many local files I want to stream. Since they blocked the Chromecast from being able to do this function, this item has zero appeal to me and I suspect many others. It's more of a soccer mom / lawn mower dad tech device now.

Do a little hulu, netflix, and youtube and the family sits around, giggles at the cute cat videos, the kids suck down go-gerts and, you get the f$&%ing picture. Boring.

Hopefully this device will stream local media soon and I will be able to pick one up
They just need to release their SDK or whatever its called in some form other than "preview". Then hopefully we will start to get apps like in the play store for our chromecasts...
I have too many local files I want to stream. Since they blocked the Chromecast from being able to do this function, this item has zero appeal to me and I suspect many others. It's more of a soccer mom / lawn mower dad tech device now.

Do a little hulu, netflix, and youtube and the family sits around, giggles at the cute cat videos, the kids suck down go-gerts and, you get the f$&%ing picture. Boring.

Hopefully this device will stream local media soon and I will be able to pick one up

Well, a fairly crappy thing to say after several of those soccer/lawn mower types just chimed in.

Also, you forget that we are the majority, so don't include yourself in the "many others" category.

If you are looking for something to stream your local content and does these online things well, you are not talking about a $35 device marketed to the masses. You are looking at 'not being boring' and making your own rig to do so.
I bought this for my parents to watch netflix on their non-smart TV.

Its useful for that, but I found no use for it whatsoever, as I have a huge media library I want to access. If this could stream everything from my iPad, I'd be a happy camper.
why not use Plex with Google Chrome!!!

Plex allows web streaming!