Getting the Vibrant with ETF?


Dec 1, 2000
I decided to put this in a separate thread.

If you already have a T-Mobile phone and you want to buy this do the ETF method, what is the best way to go about it? I am thinking do a completely separate contract/phone number with the cheapest plan and then cancel it. My questions are:

1. Does getting the phone this way affect your grace period? For example, you cancel your contract the next day and pay the EFT do you still get the rest of the return period?

2. Do they HAVE to unlock your phone if you cancel the contract or pay the no-contract price?

3. Once you cancel the contract, can you just put the sim from your old phone in the Vibrant and upgrade your plan online (for example to add web and texting)?

4. Can you cancel you contract by just changing plans on T-Mobiles website and they will just add the EFT to your bill?

I have heard of some getting a good upgrade deal the customer service, would all of the above (most importantly the same EFT fee) still apply? If so, that could make it a really good deal.
well, check the ETF to make sure they didnt' raise it like Verizon did with their smartphones.
I'd run all that by TMobile to make sure (do it in an order as to not tell them what exactly it is you're doing though ;) )
They've got a Chat feature on their Contact Us page.
Well according to their website you can't switch to a contract plan if you are currently on a no-contract plan. I don't know if a customer service rep could do it or not. The only way would be to get a totally new phone number I guess. If you did get a totally new number, couldn't I just put in my old sim card and have my old phone number?
Well according to their website you can't switch to a contract plan if you are currently on a no-contract plan.
I doubt they'd deny you the opportunity to sign a 2 year guaranteeing of payment to them ;)

The only way would be to get a totally new phone number I guess. If you did get a totally new number, couldn't I just put in my old sim card and have my old phone number?
Yea but you'd be paying for two lines.

I'm pretty positive they'd let you buy a Vibrant for $200 and sign a new deal. If you do the math though it actually costs you more to do that than buying it out of contract.
Yeah, initially I was thinking I could get a better price, but if I am going to be treated like a brand new customer then it won't be much of a deal. However, if it costs $499

$200 phone + $35 activation + $200 EFT = $435. Unless I missed something that is still cheaper than $499, but it might not be worth the hassle.
$200 phone + $35 activation + $200 EFT = $435. Unless I missed something that is still cheaper than $499, but it might not be worth the hassle.
Oh, right, LOL- I forgot that's what we were talking about.
Yea it's cheaper but IDK if you can do that or not (Again, just as TMobile). If it's within 30 days they might just refund you the money. So to be able to terminate AFTER their grace period you might have to pay for a month.
Yeah and if I have to pay a month's service that would kick me over $499.
I'd run all that by TMobile to make sure (do it in an order as to not tell them what exactly it is you're doing though ;) )
They've got a Chat feature on their Contact Us page.

I tried that. My opening question was "If I purchase a 2 year contract, and canceled it a month into it, how much would it cost?"

20 minutes later, we established that:

1. I have a prepaid account
2. My balance is $53.46.

Needless to say, I quit the session.

I then called Radioshack and asked how much it would cost to buy it out of contract:

Girl: Around $600
Me: Around $600? Do you know exactly how much it would cost?
Girl: Well, no one buys it out of contract. But I think it's around $600.
Me: *sigh*

I didn't think it would be this hard to buy a phone.
The $200 isn't just some set price for the phone because you sign a contract. It almost always involves an instant rebate of some kind which is only valid with a used account that usually requires a data plan as well. This mail-in part of the rebate probably won't come for several weeks after you send it in and if you just cancel your account and keep the phone before say 60 days they will either make you give the phone back or never honor the rebate at which point you pay full price for the phone + whatever other costs.

Trying to get a phone cheaper through an ETF doesn't work, that is the entire point of those things being there in the first place.
If you want the phone either buy it outright or get yourself into a 2-yr agreement....trying to work the system is a waste of time and probably will end up biting you in the ass

Instant discount -$250.00
Mail-in rebate card -$50.00

Rebate Rules : For a Limited Time, when you purchase a T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant on or through 1-877-387-4324 receive an $250 instant discount and a $50 mail-in rebate card.

To qualify for instant discount, the product must be activated with a monthly T-Mobile rate plan. FamilyTime plans may qualify for up to five Instant discounts.

To qualify for this offer, the product must be activated with a T-Mobile rate plan. The plan must have a monthly access fee of at least $39.99/month per service line for Individual plans, or $49.99/month per service line (up to 5 lines) for FamilyTime® plans. Also, a Data Feature Add-on of $14.98/month or higher, or an Unlimited Messaging Bundle of $14.98/month or higher, must be included. Please see rebate form for more details.
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