Getting to the LAN safetly (LAN Bags)


Jan 24, 2005
I wasn't sure which forum to put this in as it concerns; Mobile computing, SFF, LANs, and Gaming Equipment. Anyway:

I wish to buy some backpack straps for my beloved Wunjo computer (details in Sig) to make travelling to LANs less of a hassle, thereby tipping the scales and providing enough incentive for me to actually pack up and go to one. Anyone out there with recommendations?

Important features:
  • Strength and quality (no plastic buckles)
  • Snuggles around a small case (16.5" long * 7" wide * 14" tall)
  • Prefer backpack style as I'll most likely be biking with it.
  • Big points if it comes in orange or purple.
  • Can be ordered in Canada.

This is what I've found so far:, but as you can see- plastic.

I'm a DIY kind of guy, so the other option would be get any one of these and replace the buckles with multiple karibeners.

keywords: LAN bag, backpack straps, carrying straps, case straps
Plastic shouldn't be that big of a problem. I use one of the thermaltake bags with one of their steel cases. That case probably weighs about 55lbs...really big pain in the but to carry.

Dont forget about how to transport your monitor.

Yeah, you worry needlessly about the plastic. I'd be worried more about metal buckles myself since any metal would fatigue faster in that kind of buckle than plastic. Your system doesn't look like it's got enough stuff to weigh much anyway. Back in the days when I actually packed up my stuff to go to LAN parties (they're all at my house now) I had a Geargrip that carried my Antec SX1030B Loaded to the gills with drives and weighed a total of 70 pounds, the buckles didn't even break a sweat.
As for monitor xport I plan to buy a cheap second-hand TFT from a local internet café and tie it to the backpack.

But thanks for reassuring me about buckle strength. I worried because I used to have these two rediculously heavy cases- easily 50Kg each. Now I just hope that one of these straps will conform to my small case.
This is one of the reasons i bought an XPS 2 last week. I can just throw it in a bag and away i go. No need to worry about packing an awkward case and a monitor and keyboard and everything else. I'll just throw in my wireless MX1000 or wired MX518 and i'm good to go.