GH:WT first impressions


Fully [H]
Jul 12, 2007
So, like an idiot geek, I went to gamestop to pick this up for the wii at midnight.

Now I have played RB2 once and I have never touched a GH or similar game. This is only my thoughts on the Wii version and I haven't seen or played the others.

First thing that really sucks is you need a Wii remote for everything! Even to sing you need a wii remote which I find absurd. So unless you have 4 remotes you can forget playing with all instruments.

Graphics are pretty bland. The venues are ok looking, the audience looks like little cardboard cutouts which I suspect is one of the ways the cut back on the wii, can't see the onther consoles looking like that. They give you enough options to make a rocker so you shouldn't have trouble ending up someone's twin. There is some weirdness to your band. Often the singer has oddly colored teeth (like purple) which is really weird.

Sound Quality is also par, which again is another thing I suspect they borked on the wii release. I've played RB2 on 360 that was outputting to an old yamaha reciever and it sounded fantastic compared to the Wiis audio. There is no thump to the bass and everything seems washed out. It's not my receiver because movies, pc games and the like sound fantastic.

One of the most annoying thing which I'm not usre is a GH thing or not is when ever you miss a note, you get this really annoying 'CHING' sound from your wii remote. I see no option to turn it off.

Unlike RB2 if one person fails you all fail, there seems to be no way to save failing members.

I still don't get how or where to use the slider bar. Slider bar is also VERY sensitive. Just getting your hand near it sometimes is enough to set it off and you end up getting some chings because you just messed up.

Drum kit is pretty good. The stand is very stable. Unlike RB the kick peddle does not attach to the frame of the drum set. It has heavy rubber pads and it stick to most surfaces. I find that missing the cymbols often results in me getting the drum stick stuck under it which leads to failure. The cymbols do make the drum kit feel more realistic than the 4pad RB one. It also just makes it make more sense. Pads are pretty quiet and good on the sensitivty side. You can lightly tap them and they still pickup your hit.

Guy at gamestop says all version of WT instruments are compatible with RB & RB2, not sure if it works the other way around since at least with the drums, WT has an extra peice that is missing in RB/2

I am having fun none the less and I totally suck at the drums even on easy. was ok on guitar until I found out there wasa left hand swap which was wonderful!

If anyone want to be able to unlock all the songs in free mode right away I can list the cheat because they gave it out at gamestop because of pre-ordering. (I got a -shirt also weee!!! err Wiii!!)

If anyone has played the 360 or ps3 version chime in because I would like to know your first impressions
interesting. After reading the IGN review and how they said the user-created content sound quality is pretty craptastic, I think I might pass on this game. That's really the only reason I was going to pick the game up (other than just for the extra songs to play).

What I'm really wondering now is how high of quality the xbox 360 version of the guitar controller is, and how well it works with Rock Band. If anyone could answer that I'd be grateful :)

I really want to pick one of those controllers up if they're good, since I'm on my 5th rock band (wired) guitar :rolleyes:. It's a shame, because when it works, I really prefer the feel of the rock band guitar with the non-clicky strummer and the wide/flat frets.
strum bar is really clickly and I do like the RB guitar with that smaller buttons down at the bottom.
strum bar is really clickly and I do like the RB guitar with that smaller buttons down at the bottom.
The strum bar on the new guitar barely clicks at all and the buttons are much more solid. The new guitar over all is very nice. The drums are more responsive then I expected having played the RB ones which missed quite often. I'm very happy with the quality of the equiptment for the price.
top notch my favorite so far.

rb2 is nice but the flashing screen and stuff makes it hard for me to play.

i cannot believe they didnt think of the star power bar before it made the guitar so much better.
So is it confirmed that the GH WT drums work with rockband on the wii? I am pretty sure that they will work on rb2 when it comes out but my bass pedal is about to break on my drumset and i would gladly buy GH WT to get a new drumset that works between all games.
Graphics are pretty bland. The venues are ok looking, the audience looks like little cardboard cutouts which I suspect is one of the ways the cut back on the wii, can't see the onther consoles looking like that. They give you enough options to make a rocker so you shouldn't have trouble ending up someone's twin. There is some weirdness to your band. Often the singer has oddly colored teeth (like purple) which is really weird.

Sound Quality is also par, which again is another thing I suspect they borked on the wii release. I've played RB2 on 360 that was outputting to an old yamaha reciever and it sounded fantastic compared to the Wiis audio. There is no thump to the bass and everything seems washed out. It's not my receiver because movies, pc games and the like sound fantastic.

Yeah this doesn't surprise me. GH3 was an ugly, 0-effort port from the PS2. Doesn't look like they did any better with GHWT. Sound was also hilariously bad in GH3 - mono if you guys remember?

The good news is that Activision paid me back MORE than I paid for the game initially. Thanks Activision :D
So is it confirmed that the GH WT drums work with rockband on the wii? I am pretty sure that they will work on rb2 when it comes out but my bass pedal is about to break on my drumset and i would gladly buy GH WT to get a new drumset that works between all games.

I would be wary of the World Tour drums, I've read a few very negative impressions.

In fact I just got done reading this from a user over at NeoGAF:

"The drum set need to be about 6 inches higher. I'm 6'2" and I can't get around my legs with the kit that low, it needs to be higher. With the RB sets, I actually lower them a little below max height. And I'd kind of like to reach up a little to hit the cymbals, not way down. The drum pedal is, well words do not exist that describe how bad the pedal is. The pedal is so awful. will it break? no. does it suck? yes yes yes yes yes. I'm not even sure where to start with the pedal. I think I may write an few papers later describing some of the basics of the suckiness of the pedal, there's just too much to talk about. Unless I get an alternative, I may never want to use the kit again. Also, I have to hit the pads much, much harder than I should for hits to register and I'm pretty sure my orange cymbal doesn't work at this point. The highway really should differentiate what's a cymbal and what's a tom more clearly. It should use a different gem for the orange and yellow than for the red, blue, and green. Other than that, the set-up and positioning is great. Love where everything is. If it wasn't for these other problems, this kit would be amazing. But, as it is, the game is no fun on drums. As it is, I think I may be using my RB kit to play the game instead. Did I mention the pedal sucks. I kinda regret getting the drum kit."

And then this, an impression of the entire game but with a bit about the drums that echoes the sentiments of the above user:

"Horrible and Fugly UI, cymbals that break easily and cant register hits, epic fail foot pedal, note timing designed for 3 year olds, speak and spell sound quality, with a freaking awesome guitar. That about sum it up?"

Of course, I've seen a lot of complaints about the standard RB2 drum set as well.

I'm just thankful I have an awesome brother who bought me the Ion Drum Rocker for my birthday. Playing "Feel the Pain" on that has been one of the highlights of my year, just so much fun.

More on the drum issues, from the other thread.
I would be wary of the World Tour drums, I've read a few very negative impressions.

In fact I just got done reading this from a user over at NeoGAF:

"The drum set need to be about 6 inches higher. I'm 6'2" and I can't get around my legs with the kit that low, it needs to be higher. With the RB sets, I actually lower them a little below max height. And I'd kind of like to reach up a little to hit the cymbals, not way down. The drum pedal is, well words do not exist that describe how bad the pedal is. The pedal is so awful. will it break? no. does it suck? yes yes yes yes yes. I'm not even sure where to start with the pedal. I think I may write an few papers later describing some of the basics of the suckiness of the pedal, there's just too much to talk about. Unless I get an alternative, I may never want to use the kit again. Also, I have to hit the pads much, much harder than I should for hits to register and I'm pretty sure my orange cymbal doesn't work at this point. The highway really should differentiate what's a cymbal and what's a tom more clearly. It should use a different gem for the orange and yellow than for the red, blue, and green. Other than that, the set-up and positioning is great. Love where everything is. If it wasn't for these other problems, this kit would be amazing. But, as it is, the game is no fun on drums. As it is, I think I may be using my RB kit to play the game instead. Did I mention the pedal sucks. I kinda regret getting the drum kit."

And then this, an impression of the entire game but with a bit about the drums that echoes the sentiments of the above user:

"Horrible and Fugly UI, cymbals that break easily and cant register hits, epic fail foot pedal, note timing designed for 3 year olds, speak and spell sound quality, with a freaking awesome guitar. That about sum it up?"

Of course, I've seen a lot of complaints about the standard RB2 drum set as well.

I'm just thankful I have an awesome brother who bought me the Ion Drum Rocker for my birthday. Playing "Feel the Pain" on that has been one of the highlights of my year, just so much fun.

More on the drum issues, from the other thread.

I think a lot of the complaints about the drums are from people who are playing it like its a real drumset and wacking the things as hard as pssible. People have to remember that this is a peice of plastic.
Of course, I've seen a lot of complaints about the standard RB2 drum set as well.

I'm just thankful I have an awesome brother who bought me the Ion Drum Rocker for my birthday. Playing "Feel the Pain" on that has been one of the highlights of my year, just so much fun.

More on the drum issues, from the other thread.

Lol it's great that you're happy with the Ion. Everyone should realize that the Ion kit is $300 freakin' dollars! It's >3x the cost of the RB2 set by itself. It's the same cost as a 360 Pro.

You'd also think that after spending $300, double-bass woulda been included as a baseline item.
I think a lot of the complaints about the drums are from people who are playing it like its a real drumset and wacking the things as hard as pssible. People have to remember that this is a peice of plastic.

You can write it off as that, but the fact is they should be built to withstand some punishment. I seriously doubt all, or even most of the people having problems are beating on the set like a gorilla.

Honestly Langly, if your RB1 set's only problem is the kick pedal cracking (which happens to all of them eventually if you play on harder difficulties) I'd just reinforce it, either yourself or with a $20 pedal medal kit. Because looking at the all plastic World Tour kick pedal, you'll probably face the same problem down the road with that as well, and you'd be taking your chance with a wide array of problems that seem pretty widespread from early reports. Everything from broken velocity sensors, crosstalk issues, dead pads, failing cymbals, and worthless pedals, it just doesn't seem worth the hassle, especially considering Red Octane's RMA process is pretty poor compared to EA's at this point.

Lol it's great that you're happy with the Ion. Everyone should realize that the Ion kit is $300 freakin' dollars! It's >3x the cost of the RB2 set by itself. It's the same cost as a 360 Pro.

You'd also think that after spending $300, double-bass woulda been included as a baseline item.

Indeed, the Ion kit is expensive, but it's also incredibly high quality, and it's damn near your only option if you want to seriously play expert drums at a high level, because so far none of these toy drum sets are really up to the challenge. And I'm not talking only of the World Tour set, the RB1 set and RB2 set have their fair share of problems as well.

Now, I'm certainly not suggesting everyone should go out and buy an Ion, if you only play these games on medium in a party atmosphere it would be a total waste of money, but if you truly enjoy playing drums and want the best experience money can buy, the Ion is amazing. The first time I did a long snare roll without losing a combo, something that would have never been possible with my RB1 kit, I had a nice shit eating grin across my face for the rest of the song. When I loaded up "Next to You" by The Police, and did twice as good as I ever have on my very first run with the Ion, I nearly jumped out of my seat.

I play Rock Band all the time, have nearly 100 DLC songs, and I 5 starred almost every song in the Expert setlist of RB1. The only thing holding me back from getting better at that point was my drum set, which dropped red notes left and right, and was only getting worse over time. Then I considered how much I had progressed over a year of play, and how I might like to take a shot at transitioning over to real drums and the Ion became a pretty good bargain for $300. It's getting me used to using the cymbals, and when I feel like I'm ready I can purchase a brain to turn it into a full fledged electronic drum kit.

Also, I do agree standard double bass would have been great, but considering the quality of all the components, I don't feel like $300 is all that much even without such a feature. However, I don't think it's really necessary, at least when playing RB songs, because the action on the included pedal is very quick. I'd say it takes half the amount of force required on the RB1 pedal, and certain songs that were hell before become infinitely easier.
Thanks for your input Mancannon, I appreciate it. I am working on re-enforcing my bass pedal right now... and I've thought about the Ion kit cause it does double as an electronic drum kit which I could use for Ableton Live.

So do the RB1 drum kits work on GH WT?
So do the RB1 drum kits work on GH WT?

Yes, the lanes will change from 5 to 4 to accommodate for their being one less pad on the RB1 kit, but they should work fine.

If the pads on your RB1 kit work flawlessly, I'd definitely stick with those if I were you. If you do a good job reinforcing the pedal or even buy a pedal medal or something (I got one and it worked great) it should do you for a long time. They're quite sturdy if you get a good kit.
I thought my red pad had some issues at first... but I switched my grip on my left hand and it fixed my own personal timing issues :D

my only problem is that I can't do rolls very well cause of the bad bounce on the pads.

Eventually I will probably get the super expensive awesome drum kit... and I will also go buy GH WT since I have all the instruments to be able to play it!

I get my tool fix tonight
I picked up the PS3 bundle yesterday. I've lost interest in the guitar portion and have been playing drums/expert since RB1. The new drums are hit and miss. The pads and cymbols are absolutely amazing but the bass pedal should have had the same setup as RB. Since it's not attached to anything when you start playing the fast songs it wobbles alot. The main problem I have been experiencing along with many othere is that the red pad will not register notes sometimes.

The new guitar is simply put, incredible! I played a couple songs on expert and actually had fun. The new touchpad frets are awesome. When certain notes are linked together you use it to "slide" to and from notes. Also when your holding a sustain note you can slide your picking hand up an down the touch sensitive frets for a cool wah wah like effect.

The menus are cluttered and pretty much as ugly as frets on fire. The graphics in the game aren't great but I could care less since you're looking at your note chart and not the background %99 of the time. RB looked better for sure however sometimes they over did it with what was going on and it would hurt my eyes and distract me from playing.

Some people have been complaining about the sound quality. I have no gripes there. I have the PS3 hooked up to a nice Onkyo 5.1 receiver with a pretty sweet set of soundstage speakers and I found the sound to be great.

Overall I like this game better than rockband because of the setlist and the "death magnetic" full album. I'll definitely still play rockband because of all the dlc I have for it and it is also a great game. For the next couple of weeks though I'll be on GH:WT.
People have been saying the Wii audio is bad... again. But the xbox and ps3 is fine

I am waiting to hear more reports on it. I would however rather spend $50 on a game than by a new console for gh and rb :D I finally get DLC!!!!!
People have been saying the Wii audio is bad... again. But the xbox and ps3 is fine

I am waiting to hear more reports on it. I would however rather spend $50 on a game than by a new console for gh and rb :D I finally get DLC!!!!!

My Wii audio is great, none of the problems that were so evident in the first (before the fix).

It even shows up as prologic II on my Harman Kardon reciever
I've played it alot the past 2 days and I actualy think it's better than RB2, though the DLC right now is much better for RB2 (think I have around a 100 DL'ed), but the game just came out and the only thing I have on DL for WT is The Metallica album and Jessie's Girl, so that should change over time.

I've got the 360 version and I think it looks a hell of a lot better than RB, the stages are awesome,lighting,etc. I mean RB2 looks exactly like RB1. Audio seems a little cleaner as well, running 6.1 through my Onkyo.

And the TOOL segment is pretty amazing, and headache inducing, and I like the way they don't show your band during the TOOL songs, it makes the TOOL set stand out from the rest of the songs.
My Wii audio is great, none of the problems that were so evident in the first (before the fix).

It even shows up as prologic II on my Harman Kardon reciever

How do you have the Wii going into your receiver? Maybe this is my problem, mine is just picking up the wii as standard 2.1 and manually setting it to prologic doesn't seem to change anything. All other sources to my reciver auto configure as needed.

I also think I need to mess with the in game settings for each track. The drum parts are very hard to hear over the guitar part.
How do you have the Wii going into your receiver? Maybe this is my problem, mine is just picking up the wii as standard 2.1 and manually setting it to prologic doesn't seem to change anything. All other sources to my reciver auto configure as needed.

I also think I need to mess with the in game settings for each track. The drum parts are very hard to hear over the guitar part.

I just have the component cables plugged into the back of the Samsung LCD, and then just regular red/white av cables in the audio out on the tv going in to the receiver.
Noob question: Does RB2 guitar works with both RB1, World Tour and GH3?
I just have the component cables plugged into the back of the Samsung LCD, and then just regular red/white av cables in the audio out on the tv going in to the receiver.

Hmm I have the same thing setup

Component Wii to tv --> tv RCA to receiver.

Is there a setting in the Wii to say prologic? (not at home atm)
Noob question: Does RB2 guitar works with both RB1, World Tour and GH3?

It should work. It is supposed to be compatible with ANY GH,RB,RB2 instrument (Stock ones only)

3rd party ones are hit and miss I think.

This is all according to posts I saw at the gh:wt forums.
It should work. It is supposed to be compatible with ANY GH,RB,RB2 instrument (Stock ones only)

3rd party ones are hit and miss I think.

This is all according to posts I saw at the gh:wt forums.

That's what I was reading few months back and just wanted to confirm this now that those games are out. Now I can enjoy all games without having too many plastic guitars around the house.
has anyone played the rb drums on ghwt? how is it? i know ghwt converts its reads to 4 notes and bass pedal, but i wanna know how it is
ManCannon is correct about the Ion Drum Rocker. A friend of mine was eyeing the set, since he is on his 2nd rock band set and it's still a POS and won't register fast rolls (just like mine). I convinced him to pick it up.

Once you've played the Ion, you'll never want to play on the crappy sets that come with these games again. One complaint about the Ion my friend received, though, is that the pedal feels a little loose and has side-to-side movement, and can even get stuck in the down position if you kick it at just the right angle.

If it's the drum set that's holding you back (and not just you sucking :p), and you have the money, definitely pick up the Ion. You can even attach a real brain to it!
Oh, and I wanted to add:

Does the touchpad on the World Tour guitar function in Rock Band like the small buttons at the base of the neck? There are a couple songs that I do actually use those buttons due to the crazy HoPo action (green grass and high tides comes to mind).
Beats me the Touch Pad looks like it is only used on the higher difficulties. I haven't yet seen any linked notes in medium or easy.

The wii RB drums dont work for my gh wt right now =(

Oh well, I will see how the RB2 drumset works out later on cause my wii one will die.

So is it confirmed that the GH WT drums work with rockband on the wii? I am pretty sure that they will work on rb2 when it comes out but my bass pedal is about to break on my drumset and i would gladly buy GH WT to get a new drumset that works between all games.
Beats me the Touch Pad looks like it is only used on the higher difficulties. I haven't yet seen any linked notes in medium or easy.

well, what I meant was this:

If you use the Guitar Hero World Tour guitar to play Rock Band, will the touchpad function as the small buttons of the rock band guitar? I.E., playing solos?
I can confirm that unitl a patch the GH:WT drums DO NOT work on rock band on the PS3.
My brother got his set today for the wii and so far he has had no problems at all and everything works great. I can't wait to play this Friday.

One thing were trying to figure out though is how to extend the mic, it uses just normal USB, but does anybody know if adding say 4 15' usb extension cables together would the mic still work properly. I looked on monoprice but the longest usb cables they had were 15' and we need about 50'.
The wii RB drums dont work for my gh wt right now =(

Yeah, this crap is ridiculous.

Before release it was all "all instruments will now be compatible with both games" and now that the game is out it's "well, the drums don't work with RB2 on the PS3, needs a patch, oh and the ION doesn't work with World Tour, needs a patch, oh and the RB1 drums don't work with World Tour on the Wii, maybe we should patch that too."

They had everyone thinking it was going to be all smooth sailing and now everyone's just getting headaches. Hopefully they get around to patching everything up quick, because I feel really bad for the people who spent a bunch of money on all the instruments only to find out they don't work as they're supposed to.
I honestly don't recall anyone ever saying there would be cross-instrument compatibility for the Wii, only the PS3 and 360, and even then only "guaranteed" amongst RB2 (not the original), GH:WT and Rock Revolution (lol).

There's still some bugs though. RB2 drums plugged into GH:WT currently has the game reading them as GH:WT drums and thus gives 5 lanes, leaving one you can't do anything about. Same with the Ion kit. RB1 drum set reads properly and only gives 4 lanes. As noted before too, GH:WT stuff generally doesn't play nice with RB1. No clue about RB2 instruments working in RB1, though I doubt anyone cares about that case.

There could be some other problems too I haven't seen yet. In either case, this is one hell of a mess indeed, and it wouldn't surprise me if Activision is to blame again (see the PS3 RB1 not being able to use Les Paul guitars until recently, Stratocasters still not working in GH3, etc) for most of the problems.
My brother got his set today for the wii and so far he has had no problems at all and everything works great. I can't wait to play this Friday.

One thing were trying to figure out though is how to extend the mic, it uses just normal USB, but does anybody know if adding say 4 15' usb extension cables together would the mic still work properly. I looked on monoprice but the longest usb cables they had were 15' and we need about 50'.

I forget if the wii has a headset or not. I have the 360 version and you can use the headset instead of the mic if you want.
I know it was confirmed that the RB Mic would work with the Wii 100%. I read the statement yesterday.

I think my problem is I only have 2 Wiimotes and they are both plugged into guitars. You need a wiimote for the Mic I know that... so I will have to buy some more wiimotes bleh.

Drums though :( I will have to wait and see.