Gigabyte GTX-480 SLI help...

Mar 23, 2007
Hi, I recently bought a Gigabyte GTX-480 (V-N480D5-15I-B).

I liked it so much I thought I'd give SLI a shot so I bought a second card. Both cards are the exact same card. I used the SLI jumper that came with the motherboard.

Both of the cards are in a PCIEX16 slot. Card #1 is in slot PCIEX16_1 and card #2 is in slot PCIEX16_2.

I'm unable to get "any" video output with 2 GTX-480s installed in my machine.

With either card installed by itself it works fine. I've updated the bios and this didn't help.

Anyone ever seen or heard about this issue?

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Yes, I used that exact connector.

I don't have a extra connector of that type. I do have the extra connector used for triple SLI. Will that work?

If I need that same type of connector do you know if best buy or fry's stock it? Or does it have to be motherboard specific?

An SLI Connector is an SLI connector... yes you can use your tri-sli one.. it might look weird but it will work for testing purposes.
The cards should be recognized even if he has no SLI connector attached. It's not like you need the connector for the computer to boot up and recognize both cards. Try booting up without attaching the connector at all.

Have you verified that both cards work in both slots? That is, if you take either card and plug it into slot 2, your computer successfully boots?

If it's not a slot problem and not a graphics card problem, there must be something going on with the PSU. Maybe you need to make sure that no one particular rail is being overloaded. Do the fans on both video cards spin when you have them installed and try to boot?
I did try using different power supply rails with no change.

Both cards work in eithor of the slots (as long as I only install one card).

I'll try using a different SLI connector and change the power supply connectors around.

Thanks for the ideas guys. More info as I get it.

Ok, I changed the SLI connector (using the TRI SLI connector vice the dual SLI connector) and now the video works... sort of.

When booting I see no post messages at all.

After about 20 seconds when windows loads I get the windows splash screen and everything works fine.

Any idea why I'm no longer seeing a bios post screen?
