Gigabyte RMA SCAM


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005



Disgraceful corporate behavior, I am glad that channels like northwestrepair have the clout to call this out.
the date on the card is 2022, its a little late. probably trying to jump o the gn callout-band-wagon...
i noticed that..

another channel called Vex is doing a live stream cash grab capitalizing on GN

WTF was with that first GPU, it was all fractured like someone hit the card with a hammer or something. Is there any reasonable way why that could happen other than that?

dropped on its edge without a edge protector...but usually the steel slot vanes prevent all but the back notch from being hurt.
the damage appears to be in the back 1/3rd so it is possible like it landed on something, but you would also think the beveled edge would be more damaged as well
dropped on its edge without a edge protector...but usually the steel slot vanes prevent all but the back notch from being hurt.
the damage appears to be in the back 1/3rd so it is possible like it landed on something, but you would also think the beveled edge would be more damaged as well
Yeah it is odd, I know the guy said that the it wasn't the reason for the warranty denial, and yeah the RMA company should have opened it up and the look of that silicon just exploded like that would have been the warranty denial right there. But it's not like those little "warranty stickers" over the screws can't be replaced.
Yeah it is odd, I know the guy said that the it wasn't the reason for the warranty denial, and yeah the RMA company should have opened it up and the look of that silicon just exploded like that would have been the warranty denial right there. But it's not like those little "warranty stickers" over the screws can't be replaced.
Those warranty stickers don't mean squat in the US due to the Magnuson-Moss act.
Those warranty stickers don't mean squat in the US due to the Magnuson-Moss act.
The point had nothing to do with the legality, or lack of them, but to say that their presence doesnt mean something wasnt tampered with
The point had nothing to do with the legality, or lack of them, but to say that their presence doesnt mean something wasnt tampered with
I mean why replace a sticker that doesn't mean anything? Also, just because a sticker is torn doesn't mean something was tampered with.
I mean why replace a sticker that doesn't mean anything? Also, just because a sticker is torn doesn't mean something was tampered with.
1. It may mean something outside of the US.
2. Not everyone in the US knows that they really don't mean anything, and perhaps they were covering their butts because the damaged the card and want to make it look they never opened it.
3. They do actually mean something, just not what they say, it does say the device was in some way opened, and if the consumer damages the product the warranty is in fact invalid nothing to do with the sticker being destroyed, in the case of the cracked die that probably isn't normal breakage and the consumer could be doing that to hide their tinkering by saying "I didn't even look into it".
4. Maybe the warranty repair place is the one who replaces the sticker, because they in fact did take the heatsink off to look at the board, they simply replace the sticker after they put it back together.
5. Some trying to defraud insurance by saying their product was damaged in shipment, and look sticker I didn't even do it!

I mean I'm not saying any one of these things did happen in this case, but they do show case the sticker shenanigans. Hell even the video guy says "no one even opened this board" so to him he thinks it means no one purposefully did that.
i noticed that..

another channel called Vex is doing a live stream cash grab capitalizing on GN

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More like:

Asus is now in major Psyop warfare mode to quickly do EVERYTHING IT CAN to level the playing field, including impersonating the customers of other brands to throw dirt on them and shift dialogue from "Asus is a scummy company" to "Everyone is a scummy company" so then they just look like the status quo.

This also includes using bot/astroturf accounts bump older but legitimate horror stories about other brands to the top of hardware forums.
More like:

Asus is now in major Psyop warfare mode to quickly do EVERYTHING IT CAN to level the playing field, including impersonating the customers of other brands to throw dirt on them and shift dialogue from "Asus is a scummy company" to "Everyone is a scummy company" so then they just look like the status quo.

This also includes using bot/astroturf accounts bump older but legitimate horror stories about other brands to the top of hardware forums.
This is a serious assertion. Do you have any evidence, even circumstantial. I'm not trying to defend ASUS here, but I want to tease out fact from surmise.
This is a serious assertion. Do you have any evidence, even circumstantial. I'm not trying to defend ASUS here, but I want to tease out fact from surmise.
Entirely speculation.

But if it quacks like a duck....

Edit: Just to let you know, some studies have shown significant evidence that as much as 50% of social media traffic is done via non-human interactions, AKA: Bot accounts.

Why? What's the point? Half the internet is bots? For what purpose?

Easy: Advertising, piloting narrative and informational combat. The biggest companies in the world aren't Oil, Gold or Diamond companies. They're DATA companies. Data, advertising, information. Why pay a team of Chinese social media actors to copy-paste pre-written conversation starters when you can hire a bot farm connected to even a rudimentary LLM that can have interactive, human-like conversations with hundreds of thousands of people, on thousands of social communities, all with YOUR singular narrative goal!

And how much does it cost? to rent the computing power to populate 50% of social media interactions? More than what a bunch of trolls can afford. REAL money is behind it, and the only time REAL money is behind something is when REAL money can be made from it.
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Entirely speculation.

But if it quacks like a duck....

Edit: Just to let you know, some studies have shown significant evidence that as much as 50% of social media traffic is done via non-human interactions, AKA: Bot accounts.

Why? What's the point? Half the internet is bots? For what purpose?

Easy: Advertising, piloting narrative and informational combat. The biggest companies in the world aren't Oil, Gold or Diamond companies. They're DATA companies. Data, advertising, information. Why pay a team of Chinese social media actors to copy-paste pre-written conversation starters when you can hire a bot farm connected to even a rudimentary LLM that can have interactive, human-like conversations with hundreds of thousands of people, on thousands of social communities, all with YOUR singular narrative goal!

And how much does it cost? to rent the computing power to populate 50% of social media interactions? More than what a bunch of trolls can afford. REAL money is behind it, and the only time REAL money is behind something is when REAL money can be made from it.
Yep. This. The phenomenon is called the "dead internet".