Globalists Secret Weapon Exposed: Tech Kill Chips

I love that guy.

His movie about the Bilderberg group is actually really interesting.

The Bilderberg group is real and very shady stuff revolves around it. If you are ever bored i recommend watching it.
I love that guy.

His movie about the Bilderberg group is actually really interesting.

The Bilderberg group is real and very shady stuff revolves around it. If you are ever bored i recommend watching it.

LOL... I went and downloaded this thinking I had the right movie and ended up watching this.


STORY Two rival teams of assassins. One killer day at the office. A battle ensues among groups of government spy teams in an underground facility after their boss is assassinated.
I sat there for like ten minutes going what the fuck is this documentary even about...smh!

I guess I'll try this again
Come on....really?

Only watched the first 20 minutes of that but its not great, selective history based around supposition...presented as fact...the textbook form of propaganda?

The New World Order theory is attractive to some as it implies that there is a grand scheme, no matter how evil, which for some helps them sleep at night better than fearing the chaos of the real world.
If only Nwo was only a fantasy I would sleep Soo much better at night..I will post some links to burst your reality bubble created by msm when I get home sorry.
Not exactly a novel concept...Asimov wrote about pretty much the same idea in 1951-1953 (The Foundation Trilogy, 'Foundation', 'Foundation & Empire' & 'Second Foundation') and it wasn't even a completely new idea at that time.
If only Nwo was only a fantasy I would sleep Soo much better at night..I will post some links to burst your reality bubble created by msm when I get home sorry.

Shouldn't this be in genmay?

And saying things like "your reality bubble created by msm" makes you sound bat shit crazy. Just saying.
And saying things like "your reality bubble created by msm" makes you sound bat shit crazy. Just saying.

Really? I honestly didn't think so. If you think you're not force fed propaganda on mainstream television than I think you're bat shit stupid. Just saying!
In all honesty, it seems pretty much common knowledge among well educated people by now.
LOL, who can argue with that evidence?

Go to any college and ask any professor if mainstream media uses propaganda and sit back and listen. You may be surprised. I can't believe you're arguing against this actually.

Sorry, I should have put IMO it's common knowledge amongst people with higher education. Although I don't believe it's just my opinion but one should always use a disclaimer when debating on the web. :):):)

I'm sorry, did you want a chart or something? lol
Go to any college and ask any professor if mainstream media uses propaganda and sit back and listen. You may be surprised. I can't believe you're arguing against this actually.

Sorry, I should have put IMO it's common knowledge amongst people with higher education. Although I don't believe it's just my opinion but one should always use a disclaimer when debating on the web. :):):)

I'm sorry, did you want a chart or something? lol

Everyone uses propaganda. Hell, the video that the OP posted is propaganda - it's just pushing a different agenda.
Anyways - what we're seeing now is the replacement of government by corporate interests.

Society has always needed something to organize it - large construction projects, national defense, et cetera. Increasingly cheap information flow means that it is simpler to coordinate a multinational 'empire'. 100 Years ago, it took an empire to rule over the world. Now, because of cheap communication, there are many multinationals. Multinational corporations are a major challenge to the power base of government - they control the creation of value, and hence the jobs of the constituents. And if the government pisses them off - they can just move to another country.
The issue that the tin foil hat crowd has is that they seem to be under the impression that this is driven by some shadowy organization of cigar smoking old men in a back room somewhere. Outlandish claims about the Rothschild family, etc. - where in reality these people have been surpassed in wealth by the current crop of entrepreneurs and innovators. In actuality it is merely the organic result of capitalist enterprise in general. An executive ships his manufacturing overseas, thus saving his company a few million per year, not to mention winning himself a handsome bonus. Another executive cuts/reduces benefits for his employees, thus saving his company a few million per year, not to mention winning himself a handsome bonus. Expand that by many orders of magnitude, and the result is the decline in the standard of living of the average person, and the rise of corporate influence - not borne of some vast conspiracy, but merely the result of the decisions of many callous individuals.

At any rate, this has nothing to do with networking, sorry :p
Flashing lights that can control you computer...


This guy is nuts.
Flashing lights that can control you computer...


Flashing lights that can control your computer:

Logitech Harmony One Remote


Alex Jones? Fuck Alex Jones. The man has built a career on selling misinformation to the credulous and gullible. He take the shotgun approach to his bullshit, throw out a metric fuck ton of theories, and go on to sell your next DVD full of crap.

Remember what this asshole had to say about y2k?

It saddens me that in a country with as much access to great sources of information we continue to support assholes like Alex Jones and Dylan Avery.
But it needs a receiver to work so they need flashing lights and a receiver that can plug it self in without anyone noticing.
lmfao, if this guy knew what he was talking about then according to his theories he'd be deep in some secret dungeon somewhere or assassinated...

also, this should be in soapbox, not networking forums
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So he's not 100% versed in technical things and isn't a scientific person...he is, however, a genius at dissecting what is really going on in the world (what you don't get on the news) by simply observing history. You either see the truth, or you don't. If you don't I feel bad for you, but I won't hesitate to eliminate you if you are in my way of surviving in these upcoming times. Some stuff he says about technology is absolutely ridiculous. The whole basis of chem. trails is because the exhaust isn't invisible. They never take into account altitude, humidity, temperature, pressure, all things that decide whether or not water will condense into larger droplets and make clouds, or just stay invisible vapor. I listen to his show mostly for politics and economy, not for hearing about spider goats. If he was a real whack job he would be into UFOs. Crap like that is TOTALLY not credible.
Everyone uses propaganda. Hell, the video that the OP posted is propaganda - it's just pushing a different agenda.

Exactly. I had friends who were into Alex Jones and 9/11 Truth crap. They would recite verbatim his arguments. I would then ask them challenging questions about the theory, and they would recite more crap/not answer the question.

Fun times.
That's because they were douche bags who couldn't do the research themselves. I just want to be left alone in life and own my own property. I don't want to pay taxes to anyone. I don't want police, ambulance, or fire people to come to my rescue. I want property that is my own. If you have to pay taxes on something every year, it's taken from you if you don't, it's not yours. I don't want to sign illegal contracts that enter as a guilty plea just to be able to travel (driver's license.) I don't want to follow stupid laws that are there to protect stupid people. I believe people should only be punished if they physically harm another person. You shouldn't have money taken from you for speeding if no one is hurt. Alcohol and seat belt check points are illegal. I want the money I earned in my pocket. I want the money I earn to be worth the same tomorrow, or more, NOT less. I don't want public servants to be paid a salary (they're servants; cops, politicians, they're NOT our officials!) I don't want to be told what I must eat. It's not right that if a neighbor is offended by something you do on your property, you have to take it down. What is done on your property makes no difference in the value of another person's property, in common sense. I want children and I want them to have their own immunities from nature, not a needle that kills. I want my children to learn from me, not public school propaganda shoved through their eyes and ears. A child should learn education from the same person who teaches them morals and how to live. My kids will fear me but I will not abuse them. They will be hit if they do something to warrant that. The school system operates to turn into their parents, and it's working. I could rant more but I've said enough so far.
Move. Problem solved.

Really though we shouldn't be feeding the trolls.

That's because they were douche bags who couldn't do the research themselves. I just want to be left alone in life and own my own property. I don't want to pay taxes to anyone. I don't want police, ambulance, or fire people to come to my rescue. I want property that is my own. If you have to pay taxes on something every year, it's taken from you if you don't, it's not yours. I don't want to sign illegal contracts that enter as a guilty plea just to be able to travel (driver's license.) I don't want to follow stupid laws that are there to protect stupid people. I believe people should only be punished if they physically harm another person. You shouldn't have money taken from you for speeding if no one is hurt. Alcohol and seat belt check points are illegal. I want the money I earned in my pocket. I want the money I earn to be worth the same tomorrow, or more, NOT less. I don't want public servants to be paid a salary (they're servants; cops, politicians, they're NOT our officials!) I don't want to be told what I must eat. It's not right that if a neighbor is offended by something you do on your property, you have to take it down. What is done on your property makes no difference in the value of another person's property, in common sense. I want children and I want them to have their own immunities from nature, not a needle that kills. I want my children to learn from me, not public school propaganda shoved through their eyes and ears. A child should learn education from the same person who teaches them morals and how to live. My kids will fear me but I will not abuse them. They will be hit if they do something to warrant that. The school system operates to turn into their parents, and it's working. I could rant more but I've said enough so far.