Go Widescreen or Not?

Michigan PC

Jun 29, 2005
I am building a budget gaming machine and I want to know your opinions. Since many games don't like widescreen,I'm debating whether to go with a regular 19 inch lcd or a 19in ws lcd. What do you guys think?
Go widescreen. I have a 19 inch 4:3 ratio and a 19 inch 16:10 widescreen on the family computer. I like the widescreen much better (resolution/aspect ratio). Many games support widescreen mode now and some can be ini hacked to do so [but will result in a stretched image]. Widescreen format is becoming the new media norm and for most new games also. If you planning on playing newer games def go wide screen.
If your gonna go widescreen get at least a 22 inch. 19 inch ws sacrifices to much vertical real estate IMO.
Widescreen. you can make games that normally dont support it, work with it. for games that isnt listed on widescreen gaming forum I normally use dxtweaker to force the res.
Widescreen> 4:3 once you game on a widescreen you can never go back to go old 4:3
Once again, widescreen FTW. For gaming or movies there really is no competition.

Except maybe RTS. But even still, widescreen is a better fit for the human field of vision (and a 20" widescreen is perfectly fine, its only a few mm shorter than a 19" 4:3).
Go widescreen. And check out the 20" panels. Much better than the 19" panels. More real estate and a higher native resolution.

I ran my 21" Sony Multiscan in widescreen resolution before I bought the Samsung 205BW last week. If you are strapped for cash, check out the sales for the 205BW's if there are any left. Staples had a pretty sale last week. $229 plus $30 MIR. Plus if you have any other Staples coupons, you can add them also. For <$200, one cannot beat the 205BW. Read the owners thread in this forum. Samsung seemed pretty consistent with this panel. Just keep in mind, that the 205BW is discontinued and this would be the last chance to get one. The 206BW are already in the stores.