Going beyond "macro" (aka new toys)


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2000
Seems Nikon has discontinued most of their macro equipment. I guess they feel that since the macro lenses do 1x on their own that should be enough.

It isn't.

So, off to eBay I've been. Until the last few months, I've never had any use for eBay at all but when it comes to discontinued equipment that seems to be the place to look.

So here is how we get really close:



That is a PB-6 bellows. It gives me up to 200mm of extension. It is sitting on a pair of PB-6D spacers (to allow the D2X to fit). The D2 connects to it via a PK-12 extension tube. The lens is a manual focus 35mm f/3.5. It is inverted using a BR-2A reversing ring and has a BR-3 coupling ring attached to it both to protect the lens mount and to allow 55mm filters to be attached.

Also from eBay, I found a complete set of PK extension tubes, a PN-11 extension tube and a Nikon 6T close-up filter. Although obviously I won't get the capability of the bellows, they will give me the ability to get a bit more magnification in the feild.


Of course one cannot show off new photographic toys without presenting an example so I set up quickly with some salt. This is about 7x:


corporal_clegg said:
Yeah its on film.

I dont know that much about cameras but how old is that camera?

Nope, not film. The D2X is Nikon's current flagship DSLR. This model bellows was first made in 1980. The lens is an older one from the 60s.
Nice Salt :p
I think......right?

I envy your setup man....

first that bigma, now that...wow

oh, not to mention the awesome D2X.....kicks my D1H's ass :p
Wow, I thought those were ice crystals until I bothered reading. You and all your fancy equipment, and I'm just sitting here with my 80-200. :eek:
Actually, ice crystals, snow flakes, etc are on the list of "possible photographic subjects for winter". I hate putting all my toys away when the leaves come down so I figured I could look at things that are even smaller. Next summer I can add things like mosquito larvae and other teeny tiny little critters to the list of potential subjects.
That's insane. Take some pictures of things you normally wouldn't think of taking pictures of. :) Would love to see more pics as well.
booo.. nikon...lol

get a canon ;) ;)

buti those are some awsome shots, i want to get some extension tubes to try with my tokina 100mm macro, so i can go beyond 1:1 and start wuth the 4:1 crap :D

think the pic could be more in focus , seem slighty blurred.
holy crap you have a portable electron microscope! ;)
Hyper_Psycho said:
please post some more pictures from this crazy wild setup

General Crespin said:
That's insane. Take some pictures of things you normally wouldn't think of taking pictures of. :) Would love to see more pics as well.

I've just sent the big D2 out for cleaning and alignment. Rest assured though when it returns I will be adding images to this thread.
MrGuvernment said:
buti those are some awsome shots, i want to get some extension tubes to try with my tokina 100mm macro, so i can go beyond 1:1 and start wuth the 4:1 crap :D

In order to get 4x from a 100mm macro lens, you would require 300mm of additional extension. The easiest solution for you would be to get a Canon MP-E 65mm macro

think the pic could be more in focus , seem slighty blurred.

Focusing at 7x is not as easy as you might think - that image is not cropped either. But I agree anyhow and will also be trying it with other lenses (50mm f/1.8 and 60mm macro) once my body returns.
i have checked out that macro, now to rob a bank..lol

i cant really complain on the focusing, i am having a pain of a time myself mastering manual focus these days.

esepcially hard on slighly moving objects and a low DOF.