Good optical mouse for 2nd Gen Blue Icemat?


Agent of [H] Chaos
Dec 16, 2002
Simply as the title states, I am loking for a good optical mouse to accompany my recently purchased 2nd Generation Blue Icemat. I love the Icemat, however my 3+ year old Microsoft Itellimouse Optical 1.0 doesn't. So it is probably time for a new mouse. Personally I like the Intellimouse, the side buttons I like to map for games, for quick weapon switching, or force powers for Jedi Knight games, etc. So I guess my first question would be: Do newer MS Intellimouse models(1.1) still have a problem with the Icemats(blue, which results differ from the black I believe))? Is there another mouse you would recommend(MX510/518) even though I really don't like side buttons on the MX series, if they are that good I might try one. Anyway, thanks in advance for the replies.
Razer Copperhead
Logitech G5
Logitech MX1000

Those are the mice I would recommend, although two of those are not quite available yet they should be in retail channels very shortly
Man that Razer Copperhead, and Logitech G5 look like really nice mice. I might just have to deal with the jittering with this mouse for a little while longer until one of those come out(Logitech=September?). I'm leaning towards the G5 a little, I like the style of it a little better, but that Copperhead looks good too. Thanks for the heads up.
i have the logitech g5, logitech g7 and razer copperhead on pre-order

to add to my collection which is currently:
razer diamondback chameoleon
razer diamondback plasma LE
mx510 red
mx510 blue
razer viper
razer boomslang

i like my mice :)
currently run a razer diamondback, outfitted with Hyperglides on my rev. 2 Icemat.. Mine's black though, but that shouldn't make a difference.. tracks perfectly, and with the hyperglides it's as smooth as.. well ice... ;)

The ultimate combo IMO, only to be out done by the copperhead when it comes out..