Good Place to Buy Old PC Parts


Limp Gawd
Feb 24, 2004
I'm going to be getting two old PIII (socket 370) machines and was looking for some parts for upgrades/replacements. I'm just wondering, outside of the forum here, if anyone knows of a good online store to buy parts from? Newegg has some old PC 133 RAM but that's about it. I'll probably need graphics cards, processors and heatsinks.

I found one place,, that got decent ratings on PriceWatch but I wanted some second opinions.

In case anyone wondered, they will either be used for a backup server or old Win98 boxes for the older games I have.

Thanks in advance!! :)
Someone on here will have some old shit like that. What do you need? I can root around in my crap if you want me to.
Yah, I doubt any stores will have many things in stock for such old systems. Create a WTB thread and list what you need. ;) I've got a bunch of old stuff to go through, too, if you post one.
Parts that old, will be almost impossible to find new. Like others have said, most stores wont have what you need. Ebay is a decent place to start. Also the forums here. Create a WTB thread and you'd be amazed. Some folks may even give you what you need for cost of shipping.
AMD[H]unter;1032246211 said:
Someone on here will have some old shit like that. What do you need? I can root around in my crap if you want me to.

I threw all of my old stuff out..

4 x piii 450 cpu
pc 100 memory (still may have some left)
nic cards, sound cards like sound blaster live

I just got tired and threw boxes and boxes of stuff out!!!!!!
eBay or the WTB forum are probably your best bets. I have been trying to clear out a bunch of my old stuff on eBay, but I can look through what I got left if you want. I think i have a few video cards TNT2/G400/Vodoo 2 era.
You can try to post in the sales section with WTB in the title for the parts you need. I'm sure there are a lot of users with old hardware they're itching to get rid of in exchange for a little $$$ rather than lug it all down to their local e-waste site for some free biodegradable pencils.
Yeah, I'll have to start a WTB thread sometime tomorrow. I just got the PCs yesterday and have not had a chance to try them out yet. I know I'll need RAM as they only have 128mb.

I have a full P3 system here that I'm throwing in the garbage later today whenever I get time.

Basically, most people just throw these things away when they get to this age.
Yeah, that's where I got this from. :) My brother's company had a bunch in storage that they were throwing out and I pick up a couple.

I'm a bit of a pack rat but I didn't have anything from this particular era. I think I still have an old AT board sitting around somewhere. :rolleyes:
I believe a bunch of folders have old hardware (I know I do). Put up a WTB thread and we can help you out.
Will do.:) Just need to see what needs replacing/upgrading.

Thanks again! :D
Yep.. let us know what you need.. I've got piles of old shit laying around that I keep trying to give away.... I'm sure I there's something here that you can use:)

I do have one question. If I wanted to use one as an old Win98 box I was going to use a KVM switch but I have a 22"LCD and most games from that era were luck to get to 1024/768. Is there a way to play them in a window to keep the image quality (I know, kinda silly based on the age of the games :) ) even if the game does not have that option?

Also, do you think a PIII 1.4 would make for a good Folding box for the [H]orde?
You can run most games in "windowed" mode, just right click on the game, select properties, find the "run" option and choose minimized. That should allow you to run the game in a window size that suits your needs.

As far as folding on your P3, it really won't be too productive running F@H, but it would be very well suited for the World Community Grid, you might want to look into that..and there is a [H]WCG team as well.
