Good time to purchase an e6300 CPU?


Aug 8, 2003
Question. I am thinking of upgrading from my old 2.4c Northwood Intel CPU. Thinking of getting a new build with PCI Express.

I am liking the e6300 but was wondering if I should wait for a bit for the prices to come down or if the price that it is at right now is going to be the price it will stay at. I am looking to purchase from Newegg for $188. Are there any expected price drops in the near future on the e6300?

A good time to buy is when you need it. The E6300 will get a price drop in 2Q/2007 to $163. 2Q is Apr-Jun. Could be a long time. Is it worth waiting a few months for $20? Probably not. has E6300 with free GW Factions or Auto Assault. Good deal in my opinion. I picked up one myself over a week ago for $181. The C2D prices seem to be inching up now.
How much are these chips going to be?

I believe $163. Also, the E4300 and E4400 are 800mhz FSB, so they will be slower. Might be good for overclockers. But otherwise, I don't think its worth $20 for the slower chips.