Google Earth!


Jun 12, 2003
Google just launched this free service today, and I know there have been other earth viewer services before but this one is just incredible - the ease of use, smoothness, and functions are amazing.

Take a look!
cool stuff, i remember checking out the original program i think google bought them out, forget the name though.. Now if they could get a service going where you can see REAL TIME, then I will be impressed :)
I'm having a problem. Wenever I try to run Google Earth, it keeps going to the Install Sheild. You know, the one with Modify/Repair/Remove. It's probably because I changed the original install path, but why allow a user to do that if it won't work in a different directory? :confused: Suggestions?
Techx said:
cool stuff, i remember checking out the original program i think google bought them out, forget the name though..

It was called Keyhole, and IIRC it was an Nvidia product.
This thing is awesome! It's stuff like this that will be the future of the intarweb IMHO.
burningrave101 said:
Looks cool but requires broadband so i guess i'm out of luck on 56k.

more like OC3 :p

most of the "flying" is via Mr Magoo Airlines
but once you arrive it clears up nicely ;)
It's pretty cool, but I don't know what kind of compression they are doing because it is really slow. Google maps is quicker. Still pretty cool though. They use Keyhole at schools to help teach geography and stuff. It would be great to pull this stuff up in a classroom for the kids. I'm hoping the next school year to organize a GIS day at my daughters school and something like this would be easier to use for basics than a few laptops with trial GIS software on them.
its a great program but alittle laggy when it get graphically intensive. this is better than google maps and bester for stalking/driving/site seeing :D
World Wind still has more detail where I am (NZ). Detail in the States looks pretty good though.
AMD[H]unter said:
It was called Keyhole, and IIRC it was an Nvidia product.

Yes it was, and if I remember correctly as well, I think Keyhole was a company nVidia acquired. Looks like it came to Google, which is cool since it's really well featured and free at the same time!

I just love zooming into any certain mountain, zooming back out, and back in, definitely cool. Even the non-computer-nerds in my house were impressed by how it spins and flies you to other places when you type in an address :cool:
this this is earth size in memory hogging, ~220-230 for me? anyone else get around same??
3D graphics aps need memory
alot better than paging it out

I didnt notice that, all my boxes are memory heavy specifically because I do graphics
two boxes w\ 1GB, one w\ 2GB and one w\ 4GB
what a great program, no one google is worth $70bil or so. I would get the pro-version but I dont have wireless gprs service (or a lappy atm). bravo!
I like world wind. Used it for a few months and got hooked. It's like traveling and site seeing but without money. :D