Google Researchers Made an Algorithm to Delete Watermarks From Photos


Jun 22, 2008
Researchers at Google have found a way to get rid of those nasty watermarks on the pictures plaguing the internet. Apparently, there is a vulnerability in the way watermarks are placed on the images. Pretty neat, as the algorithm will recognize and remove the watermarks automatically. Take that Getty Images.

Changing the position or opacity of a watermark does not impact the algorithm's ability to remove the watermark from images. Randomization, the researchers say, is required to keep images from being stolen.
This could be thought of as being in the same league as a person that writes cracks for software.
Or in the image world the same as the algorithm that does content-aware fill in photoshop. Depends on which side of the fence you are one. Can't make better security without breaking a few eggs.
In today's witch-hunt society, anyone who makes knives is making weapons. How dare anyone break eggs.
I wouldn't necessarily call this a vulnerability. Going through lists of photos to generate a watermark so you can remove it has been known for awhile. Google's just automated a way.