Got My 3007!! its huge ..PIcs

boomheadshot45 said:
you will get almost the same performance.. just one can do hdr and one can't. look at this if you want to decide either cf or sli. I read that and now i wanna go cf. Look at this if you've mad up your mind about cf . Look through this thread if oyu need help woth bios and stability for the dfi cfx 3200 . Hope this helps

Thanks mate. I've already read those threads by MikeMK. Great stuff. Actually thats where I got interested in cf.
LittleMe said:
I don't think you'll need AA at native res. There are some jaggies but it's still so smooth looking. Plus, can you imagine what a hit in FPS you'll take be turning on AA and HDR at native res on this thing. Anybody with the 3007 and CF try that with any games yet?

Where do you think I got the above pictures from???? The only game that kicks my systems ass with HDR and AA is Oblivion. The rest are playable. Oblivion dips to like 22FPS.

HL2 Lost Coast I was not seeing anything lower than 40 Fps. I saw 20 FPS couple times for like a second tho if that counts.
D4hPr0 said:
Where do you think I got the above pictures from???? The only game that kicks my systems ass with HDR and AA is Oblivion. The rest are playable. Oblivion dips to like 22FPS.

HL2 Lost Coast I was not seeing anything lower than 40 Fps. I saw 20 FPS couple times for like a second tho if that counts.

Ahh, didn't see you were running CF. Can you post full size screenshots of the same scene with AA on and off?
D4hPr0, those images taken with your 3007? Damn sexy :eek:

Is that playable though?

EDIT:I think those images made my mind up, if you say its playable like that
hga77 said:
Got mine. Man this thing is too big. LOVE IT :D
But I cant use it, Im still building my new machine...
Its killing me not being able to experience this massive screen. yet

Initially I thought im going with SLi 7900gtx. but now the DFI LANParty UT CFX3200-DR, crossfire is looking hotter than ever. Really confused what to go with. I read about hrd+AA with crossfire and that SLi cant do that. Is it worth going for crossfire just for that? I dont know.

And to make matters worst, I got a dfi expert sli mobo like a month ago, still not used it as I was waiting to buy other parts. Now im thinking of crossfire. Just that I want to have the best choice cos as you know all this doesnt come cheap and need games to look the best possible with this screen. Really Really dont know what daul graphics to go with.

I recommend SLI:
-performance is identical
-you get game proifles and a lot of tools to tweak SLI
-HDR+AA always depends on the method the developer uses, sometimes even ATI cannot enable it
-SLI is more mature, nVidia supports a lot of games
-it's more flexible, no external stuff, no need for a master card, mixed brands
-and it works fine with the 3007 for sure :p
I hear ya too slaWter. Hmm...Have to make up my mind...Im SERIOUSLY considering flipping a coin
hga77 said:
I hear ya too slaWter. Hmm...Have to make up my mind...Im SERIOUSLY considering flipping a coin

Ah the coolers/fans on the 7900er are quieter that the X1900 ones. If that's important to you....
not worried about noise. gonna put some maze4 blocks on those suckers. If i go cf that is.
I was lookgin to get this but then saw the price and resolution.


Going to be hard to keep that thing looking good in games IMO, I can run almsot that resolution and get better color on my good old CRT.

I think I'm going to pass and wait out the new technology, since LCD"s will be pretty obsolete for gaming pretty soon with new techs like O-LED hitting the shelves soon.

Not putting anyone who boguht this monstrosity down, and I might be interested in helping someone get rid of their old 24 inch if they are set on spending osme money on this huge ass screen.

I would love to rent one for a year though ;)

I do agree with the poster that feels less money is wasted on large screen compaired to other components as well. They will last for quite a while. But I disagree that there won't be Many Alternatives to this coming out soon.

if your only 18 I would not recomend getting this thing if your concerned with price, buy something more practical. If your Bill Gates thouh, buy 3 of them and toss them in a year.

If you all can afford a $3000 screen, then you shoudl be able to afford a water cooling setup to quiet those cards down.
OLED is realistically 18 months to 2 years away. I'd say it's going to be at least 2 years before there's a display with the size and res of the 3007 that use anything other than LCD + flourecent backlighting.
LittleMe said:
Ahh, didn't see you were running CF. Can you post full size screenshots of the same scene with AA on and off?

Ok here are the pics.

All settings are on high with HDR,Reflect All and 16X Aniso on.




Now a different place.




Add 3-5 FPS for each shot as when I took the pic via Fraps my FPS would dip a little.

And here is a pic of the baby thats running the whole show. BTW my cards are not that loud. :p

D4hPr0 said:
Ok here are the pics.

All settings are on high with HDR,Reflect All and 16X Aniso on.




Now a different place.




Add 3-5 FPS for each shot as when I took the pic via Fraps my FPS would dip a little.

And here is a pic of the baby thats running the whole show. BTW my cards are not that loud. :p


Wow, thanks for the pics. Much larger difference than I had thought. Is it that noticeable in game play?
LittleMe said:
Wow, thanks for the pics. Much larger difference than I had thought. Is it that noticeable in game play?

Not really I guess. If you play with it for a while turned on I guess you get use to it and look for it, but if you never really used HDR and AA you wont miss a thing.

Here is a quick movie with HDR 16X aniso and 4x AA.

Unless you stop you dont see it.

My FPS dropped maybe once below 20FPS while filming this.

Cross Fire is not smooth sailing all the time though. There is a flicker issue when you change the gamma in the CCC or in the HL2 console. It goes away after you set it back to stock settings and reapply. Exit to desktop in HL2 or CSS results in a hard lock and reboot 50% of the time.

Nvidia is alot better when it comes to stability, but I love the image quality from ATI though.

You performance #'s should be better as you run AMD and from what I have seen running an ATI chipset board results in better #'s.

As far as the monitor goes....I love it and if I can get away with running HDR and AA @ native I do it as it looks incredible.
Im so close to going crossfire for my 3007!

But, I'v come across this thread and again im REALLY scared to go with crossfire -> THREAD HERE

Looks like a seriouse issue from the x1900 crossfire setups.

Has anyone of you crossfire gurus experienced this? And if so, is there a cure?

If someone can confirm to me that they did not have it, or know a solution, I WILL go with crossfire for sure.
Can somebody confirm/deny that the 3007WFP does NOT have adjustable RGB sliders in the OSD? IIRC the 3007WFP uses an S-IPS panel--ideal for color accuracy--which would make it attractive for image editing if only it could be color-calibrated. Not that this sucker is within my price range right now anyway, but it would be oh so nice to edit images at 2560x1600 :cool:
MentatYP said:
Can somebody confirm/deny that the 3007WFP does NOT have adjustable RGB sliders in the OSD? IIRC the 3007WFP uses an S-IPS panel--ideal for color accuracy--which would make it attractive for image editing if only it could be color-calibrated. Not that this sucker is within my price range right now anyway, but it would be oh so nice to edit images at 2560x1600 :cool:

The 3007 doesnt have any OSD at all. You can configurate all settings (including colors) in your drivers though.
hga77 said:
Im so close to going crossfire for my 3007!

But, I'v come across this thread and again im REALLY scared to go with crossfire -> THREAD HERE

Looks like a seriouse issue from the x1900 crossfire setups.

Has anyone of you crossfire gurus experienced this? And if so, is there a cure?

If someone can confirm to me that they did not have it, or know a solution, I WILL go with crossfire for sure.

I dont have the random flicker......I just get it when I adjust gamma in CCC or in the HL2 video panel. I get rid of it by sliding the gamma tab down until it goes away and back to where I want it and its fine after that until I change any video settings. Its PITA, but not too bad.
Thanks mate. Do you get it during games and/or movie play back? or just desktop apps?
hga77 said:
Thanks mate. Do you get it during games and/or movie play back? or just desktop apps?

Not on desktop. So far in HL2 Lost Coast or Oblivion. Like I said, once its setup and you dont change anything in the video settings there is no flicker.
I'll raise the flicker thing with ATI and report back - I ahve noticed it myself.

From what I've seen it seems a pretty minor issue, but it still shouldnt be there at all.
I brought up monitor "frost" anti-glare layer a few times in this and the viewsonic VX2025wm thread.

I came across something that might be of interest to people who didn't realize the dramatic effect it can have. It really helped my viewsonic so maybe it will help people with other anti-glare screens......


I had trouble with eyestrain on text beneath the frost anti-glare layer of theVX2025wm screen. Using default windows xp fonts and font sizes with cleartype turned on helped. I also used cleartype tuner. It still bothered my eyes. When I installed this same monitor at my mother's house I found that her screen was much easier to read. I at first attributed this soley to her room lighting vs the dark area my computer is in. I know realize that the default display parameters of our two very different video cards were much of the reason. I have a nvidia 6600 GT.

A few days ago I went into the nvidia driver panel to bump the vibrance up a notch, and came across the Image Sharpening slider bar. I hadn't really noticed it before. I bumped the sharpness up a bit and the text looked MUCH BETTER. It is still blurry on some really tiny text that show up on a few menus, such as the main nView display settings menu where below it says "Make this the primary display" with a checkbox. The text there is very tiny and still looks "smudged". However all the other text at more common font sizes has improved greatly. My eyes can focus on nice sharp font edges now. I can't get over how much better it looks.

If I zero the ImageSharpening all text looks very blurry. Sliding too far to the right over sharpens. I moved it up until it was over sharp then backed it down until it was 'just right'.

Here is a screenshot of the Color Corection panel from the nvidia driver settings:


My monitor itself was set to Contrast 62 and Brightness 36 before I adjusted the driver panel to Contrast 91% , Brightness 100% , Gamma 0.88 . I could probably adjust the monitor control's contrast so the driver panel's wouldn't need to be below 100% but thats how I have it for now.

I'm really glad I stumbled on that setting. Before this I was considering returning it. Now I think this monitor is very good.


This was actually making me second guess the 3007 since it also has an anti-glare screen. With the quality the viewsonic has now, I would have much more confidence in buying a 3007 in the future.. when I have the cash and if I can find it for around $1500. :D
I have some questions for SLI users:

What drivers are you using?

Have you ever tried the new 87.xx or 91.xx drivers? Do these drivers work with the 3007 for you?

Because I got some major problems since the 87.xx series. I get massive yellow flickering on brown or grey surfaces (ingame and during game menus)! The drivers are good, really fast. But this problem sucks. As soon as I disable SLI or connect my 23" Apple the flickering is gone. I need help, please!
caboosemoose said:
I'll raise the flicker thing with ATI and report back - I ahve noticed it myself.

From what I've seen it seems a pretty minor issue, but it still shouldnt be there at all.

Thanks mate
slaWter said:
I have some questions for SLI users:

What drivers are you using?

Have you ever tried the new 87.xx or 91.xx drivers? Do these drivers work with the 3007 for you?

Because I got some major problems since the 87.xx series. I get massive yellow flickering on brown or grey surfaces (ingame and during game menus)! The drivers are good, really fast. But this problem sucks. As soon as I disable SLI or connect my 23" Apple the flickering is gone. I need help, please!

I have not tried the 91 xx I believe i am using the 87XX bEtas but frankly i dont remember. i will check when i get home in a day or so
jacuzz1 said:
I have not tried the 91 xx I believe i am using the 87XX bEtas but frankly i dont remember. i will check when i get home in a day or so

That would be cool, thanks!

So do you like it with SLI now? I think so^^

btw, good games to test this bug are GRAW (menu), Condemned (loading screen) or CoD2 MP Map Burgundy (sky).
slaWter said:
That would be cool, thanks!

So do you like it with SLI now? I think so^^

btw, good games to test this bug are GRAW (menu), Condemned (loading screen) or CoD2 MP Map Burgundy (sky).

Downloading 91xx now
i have been locking with alt tab rectifying in Cod 2 tonight with 2x TRMS and 8af 2560x1600 , my test card rocks but my other is cuaseing the issue. EVGA will have a second tested card for me at my door on Monday and I have a PC P and C Quad 1k comming next week
for good measure

Yeh Graw is what broke my first card lol
jacuzz1 said:
Downloading 91xx now
i have been locking with alt tab rectifying in Cod 2 tonight with 2x TRMS and 8af 2560x1600 , my test card rocks but my other is cuaseing the issue. EVGA will have a second tested card for me at my door on Monday and I have a PC P and C Quad 1k comming next week
for good measure

Yeh Graw is what broke my first card lol

K, good luck with that.

The bug is now reported to nV. I hope they'll fix it soon.
A feedback from you would still be nice. Thanks.
yeah its his Hypersonic Fx7, it has darth Grievis and bobo fet on it, and it says Darth Beavis. Its painted in Chamelon so it changes colors, and NO i don't stalk him or anything its just he has posted those pictures on notebookforums and he has told us what the paint and specs are on both his desktop or laptop
^^^^ Yeah, I drool over all of DarthBevis posts. Got any more pics of that setup? I too would like to know what kind of chair that is.
I want it! But i can't find any shops that sell it in the netherlands (or EU even)!
91xx no help , the card finaly went to total shit. I have removed it now. EVGA stiffed me and sent the replacement ground. Wow I get a free tshirt cuase I am pissed whooped ti do. Man this is getting old. I get the feeling i wont be totaly happy till I go quad.............. :eek: But back on topic.....Beavis that looks real good dude, but do some laundry, the socks are spoiling the mood. :D

PS: Your going to kill the UPS leaving it on its side like that.