Got My 3007!! its huge ..PIcs

slaWter said:
I have some questions for SLI users:

What drivers are you using?

Have you ever tried the new 87.xx or 91.xx drivers? Do these drivers work with the 3007 for you?

Because I got some major problems since the 87.xx series. I get massive yellow flickering on brown or grey surfaces (ingame and during game menus)! The drivers are good, really fast. But this problem sucks. As soon as I disable SLI or connect my 23" Apple the flickering is gone. I need help, please!

I tried the 87.25's on new 7900GTX's, I only tried the default 83.xx that came with them before that. I noticed as soon as the first loading screen the flashing yellow. Seemed only to be on the loading screens white background. I had a similar prob in limewire with light greens and greys, when you opened the app, everything would be fine and shortly after the text would start disappearing in small areas, randomly moving around and progressively getting worse. The problem persisted with and w/o SLI, and with my 3007FP, 2001FP, and the 7800's. But from sat to tues I had used an ATI x600xt, at 1280x800 (no dual dvi) with no such issues. Seems to be something in the Nvidia drivers
FragMagnet said:
I tried the 87.25's on new 7900GTX's, I only tried the default 83.xx that came with them before that. I noticed as soon as the first loading screen the flashing yellow. Seemed only to be on the loading screens white background. I had a similar prob in limewire with light greens and greys, when you opened the app, everything would be fine and shortly after the text would start disappearing in small areas, randomly moving around and progressively getting worse. The problem persisted with and w/o SLI, and with my 3007FP, 2001FP, and the 7800's. But from sat to tues I had used an ATI x600xt, at 1280x800 (no dual dvi) with no such issues. Seems to be something in the Nvidia drivers

Thanks for testing. I have the same issue.. but 84.xx drivers are ok... try these if you have other problems.

For me, like I said, it's only with SLI and only on the 3007.
I'm on the 84xx's now, same prob in limewire. I reduced the res to 1280x800 to see if the app was having probs with small txt, but it was still happening. I initialy noticed this on my 2001, when I switched from a P4/x800xt to AMD/7800 SLI, so there has been an issue with the 2d colors for a bit. I've used 3 different DVI cables as well, with no change.
Hi everybody !
I just got my 3007 yesterday and it is awesome !
BF2 in 2560x1600 is a whole new experience !
But I have much trouble with 2560x1440. :mad:
I use crossfired X1900's but it seems at 2560x1440 one card gives me the right, centered 1:1 picture and the other one seems to shift its picture to the top of the screen so that the whole screen shows just a flickering mess.

Has anybody an idea how to fix this ?
Hey guys...

Im a noob here. But great site! I am glad to have found it.

I was just looking over this thread... (took me about an hour) I am researching the 3007 for purchase. I was just approved for a dell loan and am thinking about pulling thre trigger on this one. I just need to know these two things plain and simple.

A) Will this screen let me down as a hardcore FPS gamer. I am learning that pixel response time is not always the best way to judge a screen. My system specs are: Asus A8N32SLI mobo, FX55, corsair xms 3500LL pro, Asus 7900gtx, Asus aegia physics, Xfi, SATA 150gig 10K raptor HD, stacker 830 case.

B) Whats the deal with "Input lag" and will i "Feel" it on this screen????

Cant wait to hear what you all have to say about this.

Input lag is virtually nonexistant and ghosting is subjective but i dont see it. You will want a second GTX to fully enjoy the screen but one does a pretty good job depending on settings

I am seriously considering Quad once the G80 is upon us. Or maybe even sooner
anyone have an alternate opinion?

Jacuzz1... what FPS games do you play.
I'm looking to use this to play GRAW, and RVS, & Battlefield 2. ( This genre of games )

jacuzz1 said:
I am seriously considering Quad once the G80 is upon us.

Me too. Kentsfield and Quad G80 - Quad all the way^^ But Conroe first ;)

MaddieBrad, jacuzz1 is right. You need to get a second 7900. With a normal 7900GTX SLI all games are ok at 2560 except Condemned, Oblivion and TRL (next gen). This is with ingame settings maxed out and 0-2x AA and 4-8x AF. With patches and new drivers games like Oblivion or Condemned should be running on 2560 too.

You'll enjoy games like GRAW or BF2 on this screen! You'll love it! But you need more power to play newer games smoothly on 1920 (still looks good for me) or 2560. And for upcoming titles like UT07 or Crysis you have to face an upgrade. Keeping your graphic cards up-to-date is important for the 3007. Especially if you play these games in multiplayer - a constant framerate is hard to get on 2560 without SLI/Quad.

Ghosting is not a problem here, it's even better than on the 23" ACD. I think the only drawback on the 3007 is the lack of any other input, just 1 DVI.
i dont know if i will have room for another 7900gtx....i am running a physics card as well... I will have toi lose the sound card most likely.

Will a single 7900gtx and a physics card 'work' until i can figure out another solution???

and also... about the single dvi input. Cant i get a KVM switch to put another input? Or will that cause input lag?

MaddieBrad said:
i dont know if i will have room for another 7900gtx....i am running a physics card as well... I will have toi lose the sound card most likely.

Will a single 7900gtx and a physics card 'work' until i can figure out another solution???

and also... about the single dvi input. Cant i get a KVM switch to put another input? Or will that cause input lag?


It'll "work" but don't expect the greatest from it. jacuzz1 ran it with a single 7900GTX for a while. You could also look into get a 7950 GX2 to replace your single card. Then you'll get more than a single card but yes, less than 2 full 7900GTX's.
MaddieBrad said:
i dont know if i will have room for another 7900gtx....i am running a physics card as well... I will have toi lose the sound card most likely.

Will a single 7900gtx and a physics card 'work' until i can figure out another solution???

and also... about the single dvi input. Cant i get a KVM switch to put another input? Or will that cause input lag?


Or you could sell the Agiea card while it is still worth something and get anther when they go pci-e down the road when you will actually be able to use it on a consistant basis, but thats fodder for another thread.
hey jacuzz1, question

is the 3007 worth buying at this point?? im thinking about buying one within the next year or so, but Dell might have a bigger monitor out by then...what do u think?? :rolleyes:
DoomRulz said:
hey jacuzz1, question

is the 3007 worth buying at this point?? im thinking about buying one within the next year or so, but Dell might have a bigger monitor out by then...what do u think?? :rolleyes:

IMO - at the current price, no. If a 1600 deal like a month ago comes along, or one of their 'fire sales' then yes.
DoomRulz said:
hey jacuzz1, question

is the 3007 worth buying at this point?? im thinking about buying one within the next year or so, but Dell might have a bigger monitor out by then...what do u think?? :rolleyes:

speaking of worth buying, it's now June 1, where is that Samsung 30" LCD that is worth buying? Faster and better than the Dell.
^ Good call. I'm so glad I got the 3007 instead of waiting for the Samsung to come out, which I originally planned. Who knows when/if it's released.
MaddieBrad said:
i dont know if i will have room for another 7900gtx....i am running a physics card as well... I will have toi lose the sound card most likely.

Will a single 7900gtx and a physics card 'work' until i can figure out another solution???

and also... about the single dvi input. Cant i get a KVM switch to put another input? Or will that cause input lag?


Gefen has some Dual Link DVI KVM:

But these boxes are buggy, at least the 2in1... look at the forums on the Gefen site.

Yes, a 7950 would be ideal for you. PPU and Xfi with SLI is a problem nowadays... choosing the right mobo is important!
DoomRulz said:
hey jacuzz1, question

is the 3007 worth buying at this point?? im thinking about buying one within the next year or so, but Dell might have a bigger monitor out by then...what do u think?? :rolleyes:

I cannot imagine gaming on anything bigger , at least with a higher resolution. The cost of the 30 can only go down. I have owned alot of screens in my day and this is by far the best I have ever owned. Its your call but remember that buying this screen for gaming is a big commitment since you will , with out a doubt, be spending piles of cash on video subsystems in order to maintain your high resolution gaming addiction. :D Once you game at 2560x1600 you do not go back :p
jacuzz1 said:
Or you could sell the Agiea card while it is still worth something and get anther when they go pci-e down the road when you will actually be able to use it on a consistant basis, but thats fodder for another thread.

these cards are not PCI-E?

::: Googling now:::

Oh chit! Your right. I didnt even look at that. When are they meant to go PCI-E??

Jacuzz1 - Will I be complete depressed if I try to run this moniter with a single 7900gtx?

Happy Hopping said:
speaking of worth buying, it's now June 1, where is that Samsung 30" LCD that is worth buying? Faster and better than the Dell.
I was waiting for the Samsung 305T too.
But after reading about the input lag on PVA panels im not sure what to buy.
I play fps most of the time, so should i go with the 3007 IPS or wait and go for the 305t S-PVA ?
Than again, with the Dell im afraid for ghosting :(
Happy Hopping said:
speaking of worth buying, it's now June 1, where is that Samsung 30" LCD that is worth buying? Faster and better than the Dell.

Yeah! where the hell is it damittttttttttttttt *stomps up and down in a fit of rage*
And where the hell is the BenQ 30 inch that is supposed to have multiple inputs? And where the hell is the nvidia g80 that was promised for this summer but most likely now for the freakin FALL......hmmm??........HMMMM?????? :mad: :mad:
jacuzz1 said:
I cannot imagine gaming on anything bigger , at least with a higher resolution. The cost of the 30 can only go down. I have owned alot of screens in my day and this is by far the best I have ever owned. Its your call but remember that buying this screen for gaming is a big commitment since you will , with out a doubt, be spending piles of cash on video subsystems in order to maintain your high resolution gaming addiction. :D Once you game at 2560x1600 you do not go back :p

lol too true man

about the high resolution multi-GPU necessary for a 3007?? i remember u saying at the begininning of this thread that one card was powering your monitor, no problems (at least i think u said that :p )
DoomRulz said:
lol too true man

about the high resolution multi-GPU necessary for a 3007?? i remember u saying at the begininning of this thread that one card was powering your monitor, no problems (at least i think u said that :p )

The more power the better it would seem. That 7950GX2 is looking cool but I still gonna wait til g80. I've waited this long might as well wait til the g80 arrives. :(
So will my 9800XT 256 power the 3007 until the 'G80' comes out?

If so I can wait 2 months for it. Can I run the 3007 at a lower res for a short time? Are g80s gonna be SLI compatable?
MaddieBrad said:
these cards are not PCI-E?

::: Googling now:::

Oh chit! Your right. I didnt even look at that. When are they meant to go PCI-E??

Jacuzz1 - Will I be complete depressed if I try to run this moniter with a single 7900gtx?


that depends on the game, the high res affords you luxury of no AA in most games without it looking like ass. I preferr transparency AA in BF2 and its a real challenge for a single card . Doable but a challenge. If your going High Quality in the control applette, you will need sli and even quad to rule.
DoomRulz said:
lol too true man

about the high resolution multi-GPU necessary for a 3007?? i remember u saying at the begininning of this thread that one card was powering your monitor, no problems (at least i think u said that :p )

My 7800gtx KO did with no issues, but get addicted to eye candy and want more. You want more options. A single card allows you play then you make the mistake of cranking up the eye candy and once you see what is possible, you want it all the time. 16fps got old quick lol
i read somewhere that it can only accept 720p via DVI-HDCP but not the full 1080p. or somn like that. anyone confirm this?
JediFonger said:
i read somewhere that it can only accept 720p via DVI-HDCP but not the full 1080p. or somn like that. anyone confirm this?

Not quite sure why you're posting that here but if I remember correctly, the HDMI/HDCP spec (which I believe should include DVI-HDCP since you can convert them back and forth) does support 1080p at a full 60Hz but it depends on the manufacture to include the hardware support to do it. All the hardware between what accepts the signal to the display have to support it. Currently, I don't believe there is anything able to output 1080p except a computer. HD-DVD is currently maxed at 1080i and I'm not sure of BD yet.
well, this is in regards to people who retire 3007 years down the road and let it act as a 1080p HDTV. some people do think that far ahead.

HD-DVD and BR movie content are both encoded with 1080p, but the player isn't able to output 1080p... yet.

i just read some wild rumours that these dells won't be able to do 1080p because HDCP restricts it to 1080i? i dunno.
JediFonger said:
well, this is in regards to people who retire 3007 years down the road and let it act as a 1080p HDTV. some people do think that far ahead.

HD-DVD and BR movie content are both encoded with 1080p, but the player isn't able to output 1080p... yet.

i just read some wild rumours that these dells won't be able to do 1080p because HDCP restricts it to 1080i? i dunno.

I doubt it since I don't think you'll be seeing anything that'll drive this monitor. Remember, it requires a card with a dual-link dvi connection. Using a standard dvi connection will get you 1200x800 or whatever is right around that. I might be off on that resolution but if I'm correct, it's still a few lines short of even 720p resolution. I don't think you'll be able to retire this thing to a TV, you should just use it until the day it dies and hope maybe you can get it fixed somewhat cheaply.
then is the point of having HDCP only for PC playback of HD-DVD/BR/HD-content? that's quite limited =).
JediFonger said:
then is the point of having HDCP only for PC playback of HD-DVD/BR/HD-content? that's quite limited =).

So you can get a HDCP videocard and watch HD content on your PC when they enable the protection on the content.
LittleMe said:
Not quite sure why you're posting that here but if I remember correctly, the HDMI/HDCP spec (which I believe should include DVI-HDCP since you can convert them back and forth) does support 1080p at a full 60Hz but it depends on the manufacture to include the hardware support to do it. All the hardware between what accepts the signal to the display have to support it. Currently, I don't believe there is anything able to output 1080p except a computer. HD-DVD is currently maxed at 1080i and I'm not sure of BD yet.

But If I buy a HD DVD drive for my PC in 2007 and all my components are HDCP ready the 3007 is capable of displaying 1080p or is there a limitation to 720p?
slaWter said:
But If I buy a HD DVD drive for my PC in 2007 and all my components are HDCP ready the 3007 is capable of displaying 1080p or is there a limitation to 720p?

No, it can push 1080p from your computer but not from say a standalone HD-DVD/Blu-Ray player.
I don't think we need to worry about HDCP right now since those content provider won't reinforce it in the next 5 or more years.
that doesn't sound correct. BR is said to have 1080p output from teh get-go. toshiba is already outputting 1080i with the hopes of outputting 1080p in next gen HD-DVD players. not right now is correct, but in the future, i fully expect these mfr.'s to provide that. when that day comes, we all wanna' know if we retire these HDTV's to a kitchen or somn that it'll pull its own weight as 1080p display.

LittleMe said:
No, it can push 1080p from your computer but not from say a standalone HD-DVD/Blu-Ray player.
Mine will be retired to my son, I will have other panels for those purposes.
yeah, but not 1080p right? there's very few 1080p displays under 30" besides 3007 and 2407 and all the variants based on the samsung panels.