GTX 285 SC overheating and artifacting


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 2, 2004
I just bought my GTX 285 SC and I haven't overclocked it.
I upgraded from an 8800 GTS 512 so I don't know normal gt200 temps. I've tried searching but I can't find fan profiles for Rivatuner so I have it set up for:
temp speed
40 40%
50 60%
60 80%
70 100%

The problem is that when I play Dawn of War 2 my temps shoots up to 60+ and then eventually ends up in high 70s range.

But the strange thing is that around mid60s in DoW the card artifacts like crazy. I green dots and white flashes all over the screen. The whole screen will sometimes flash black textures.

I don't get as high temps in Crysis. I get high 60's low 70's if I keep the fan from going 100%. Even then, I don't get artifacts like that except when I really push I get some tiny black dots flashing at the highest temps.

So my first question is where I should be setting my fan speeds if those aren't adequate?
Why do I get artifacts in the 60 degree range?
Have I damaged my card or received a defective one that needs to be RMAd?

Or could this be due to a lack of power? It takes two 6pin plugs but I used the same main line with two 6pin plugs on it. Does it make a difference to use two separate wires?
Sounds like its a defective card.

My GTX285 will go up to around 82C without any issues.
I was gonna get this card until I heard of all the overheating / blue screen issues. Some apparently don't have that problem though buy why risk it I guess.
Sounds like its a defective card.

My GTX285 will go up to around 82C without any issues.
I'm only getting these problems in DoW2, though.

In the game, I will get flashes like this so that the whole HQ is black or completely white. Splotches of green/blinking white dots all over the screen.

Doesn't happen in Crysis, even with temps 10 degrees higher.
What does ATiTool artifacting test tell you? What happens if you don't use Rivatuner for fan speeds?
I'm only getting these problems in DoW2, though.

In the game, I will get flashes like this so that the whole HQ is black or completely white. Splotches of green/blinking white dots all over the screen.

Doesn't happen in Crysis, even with temps 10 degrees higher.

It could just be something with DoW2. Have you updated your drivers, tried reinstalling the game, etc.? Because if the card can run Crysis, of all games, fine it should be able to run anything else fine as well.

Just a thought....but it's probably more likely that it's a defective card.
If I don't use RT for fan speeds, it stays at 40% fan speed until like high 70s and then goes up about 43% fan speed. But I've never had nVidia fans really kick since they seem to think cards are fine up to 90C or something lol.

I did reinstall my drivers. I also went back to 181.22 and 182.05.
Reinstalled the game.

My concern was if it could be defective card but only have a problem in one game? My thought is if anything would show a problem it'd be crysis and warhead. but neither did.

I tried ati tool but didn't get errors. I could try it again.
EDIT: well, now when I run ati tools, I get artifacts right below 70 C.
If ATITool is artifacting at under 70C, then I think it's time to RMA the card.
that sounds like the game itself is messed up for some reason-- especially if it isn't artifacting in atitool and other games, I would uninstall/reinstall both game and drivers and see what happens; also make sure the game itself has all updates/patches

if that doesn't work RMA the card and try again
If you get artifacts in Atitool artifact scan with everything stock and default fan profile -> RMA

Every card will have to work 100% stable at the factory settings ;)

if you don't get artefacts till you mess with the clocks/fanspeed, it is not a valid RMA reason.
I just bought an XFX GTX 285 Black Edition and had nearly all the same issues you had and the Lian-Li 850w PSU I got with it was iffy too.

Basically, when I first did the system build the PC would hard crash on launching any 3D app. After swapping nearly every single component with my old PC (the new PC crashed halfway through Vantage with my 8800GTX in it - so something was wrong) I narrowed it down to either the mobo or the PSU and bought another of each.

With a 1kW HX corsair number under the hood the system ran fine, but more than 2 minutes in more intense games/benchmarks (Vantage, Crysis, DOWII) resulted in artifacting. The old 8800 didn't do either.

I'll be RMAing the 285 and the PSU.
I RMA'ed the 285 a few weeks ago. I got back a 285 SC that runs at SSC speeds out of the box and OC's to FTW speeds. I stopped pushing it at 730 clock, actually, so it's capable of higher than FTW speeds.
Nice. Does it have the squealing problem. Mine is getting worst. I'm tempted to try an RMA and pray I get one that doesn't squeal.
Nice. Does it have the squealing problem. Mine is getting worst. I'm tempted to try an RMA and pray I get one that doesn't squeal.
Nope, mine is perfect. But I might have been handled with care because when I called in I explained that I had only had my card for 1 week and was extremely bummed I couldn't just walk my card in since I live about 30 minutes from EVGA. Or it could have been luck...
I RMA'ed the 285 a few weeks ago. I got back a 285 SC that runs at SSC speeds out of the box and OC's to FTW speeds. I stopped pushing it at 730 clock, actually, so it's capable of higher than FTW speeds.

Hi mope54, can you confirm that RMA'ing the old card and getting a new one resolved your issue? I'm getting the exact same issue as yourself.

My old 8800GTX died whilst playing DoW2. As it was out of warranty I ended up buying a new card (an eVGA GTX 260 (216) SSC) and this new card is having the texture problems in DoW2 that you described - although my old card had no such problems.

I first found this Steam forum post and I tried upping my fan speed and it seems to stop the texture problems from occurring. I have to raise my fan speed from 40% to 75% to stop the textures going black and white etc. If I don't and I keep my fan speed at 40% the temps go up to 65-70 centigrade and the problems start.

Just wondering whether I should RMA my card?
Yes, NoC0de, I rma'ed my card and resoved the issue. My card was a couple weeks old when I finally decided to send it in so I wouldn't call it "old" but rather the defective or first card ;). The card you bought should not be artificating at 65-70 degrees. My best guess is that DoW2 is stressing memory and cores to the point where weak components are failing. Unless they are causing failure on otherwise strong hardware (doesn't seem to be the case because my new card does not artifact even up to 90 degrees), then the stress is merely revealing weak components that would fail eventually in the future.
Thanks mope54. I think I may be looking to RMA my card then. Seems such a shame as I had a 8800GTX die on me and this GTX 260 SSC was a replacement. I noticed the problem within a day or two of getting the card - so it's so frustrating to get something new and have to return it, doh.

Strange that I haven't noticed any problems in other games. Also, I ran Furmark last night, 1920 x 1200 (16x AA) for about 20 minutes. My GPU temps got up to about 81c but didn't encounter any issues (this was all on 40% fan) and DoW2 would have gone wrong in the first 5 mins or so - it never would have stood for 20 mins at those temps.

Unless it is just a problem with the texture memory on the card and DoW2 utilises that bad memory whereas Furmark and the other games don't?

Thoughts on a postcard...
Unless it is just a problem with the texture memory on the card and DoW2 utilises that bad memory whereas Furmark and the other games don't?

Thoughts on a postcard...
That's the best I could figure. I didn't have problems in other games or benchmarks, but after the first week the problem became progressively worse and then I did start experiencing problems in other games. Needless to say, RMA resolved whatever was going on :)
That's the best I could figure. I didn't have problems in other games or benchmarks, but after the first week the problem became progressively worse and then I did start experiencing problems in other games. Needless to say, RMA resolved whatever was going on :)

Cool, ok RMA here I come. Thanks for your help mope54.