Guess Who.....


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2006
Nov 27, 2004
Has the big C?
Yup..... stomach cancer.
This has been the worst year of my life.

Guys I've been slacking...... but I still am posting numbers.
Many projects in the works but I've just been dealing.
I'm so angry...... so sad..... so scared...... all at once.

Sorry I'm not around.

Took me a while to figure out what to say to you all and I still had to totally wing it.
I joke and try to bring humor into everything so here goes:

It's the BEST diet ever. I have lost SOO much fat.

Yeah I know... lame.

feel free to email me at home if you guys feel like I'm not around enough. I just don't know what to say to most people.... so my online friends it's been even harder talking to you.

Oh well.... at least I kept my job and still have insurance, right?
When I get through this someone is going to pay. I think I might just beat the piss out of a golf pro or something just for wearing those goofy ass pants.

[email protected]
Ahhh, shit man. That really sucks. I really don't know what to say. Was it detected early?
Going in for another round of colonoscopy, ultrasound and throat-scope (forget what it's called) on tuesday to decide the plan of action. It seems as though they think it's treatable.... but I have had some nasty symptoms since summer. They told me then that I have ulcerative-collitis..... or something..... and started getting ready to treat that.

My doctor sux. I need a new one and I've told him that.
We'll see after tuesday how things are and where I stand.

Thx for the support.
Sorry to hear man, we have been wondering where you have been... I think all of us here can share the fact that it really hurts when its someone who is close to you, family or friends, but when you find out yourself, there is nothing more shocking. Here is to hoping all of our, and all of YOUR hard work on this project, is going to kick some major C ass.

We are always here if you need us. Take care of yourself first, let us help keep the good fight going here, for you.
Aw man, that sucks! I'm sorry about uncle had stomach cancer last I feel for you. I don't even know what to really say...

We're all behind you Iron Nutz. This is why we do this. In the hopes that fewer and fewer people over time have to deal with this crap.

As you know, you're not alone and we're here. You've seen it before with others and it's no different for you. If there is something you need, just say so. That doesn't mean we can get it for you or anything, but you can ask for it. ;)

I hope they find your cancer is treatable and you beat it. We need the sound of the Iron Nutz clanging around for a long time.

We're all behind you bro.

As Smoke said, if you need anything, just ask. :)

Get well soon!
man that sucks. Sorry to hear that man.

what smoke was right on u need something ask.

Since I'm here, I have to say one of the people my dad works with has leukemia and is expected to live only 30 days. It is one of my dad's bosses, he had a heart attack yesterday and made it through, but the cancer got him.
Hey man,

While our 'problems' are not alike, I am going through a lot like you. Im going to e-mail you.

Hang in there man!
Fight it [H]ard, do not give up on yourself. Change the doctor if you need to, and definitely get a second opinion on major treatments.

I always hate seeing threads like this. Can't seem to find the right words. Here's to hoping for the best though.
Shit...sorry to hear about the terrible news. As everyone else has said, we're here and behind you.

BakedON said:
When I get through this someone is going to pay. I think I might just beat the piss out of a golf pro or something just for wearing those goofy ass pants.

You wanna borrow my Moose? He's good for a beating, daily...or hourly depending on my mood.

Best of luck to you, take care of yourself.
Best of luck fighting the big C, Baked. All the more reason to step up production. :cool: We're all here for ya.

Full Folding Ahead!

Wow, that sucks. That dosent say enough, but what else do you say.

That really sucks. I know we all talk about people we know getting Cancer and stuff, but not one of us!

Anywhoo, go take care of yourself, and kick the cancer in its saq. We will be around folding away.

I thought of you when I borged a 4200+ X2 today. We're all here for you whenever you need it pal!
Sorry to hear about it. But go with this thought: whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

God man sorry to hear of your dilemma. Well I hope yopu do find a better doctor. Have you ried contacting Cancer Centers of America and, see what their take is on it. From people I know they are really quite good in the cancer field. Well try and, keep a positive out look it will help in the treatment alot.
As a pharmacist I would like to tell you to believe in your doctor, or go through the also painful process of finding a Dr you believe in. One of my best friends is a guy that should have died 20 years ago from an incurable disease.... he is alive & kicking hard today (still fighting the same disease) because he refuses to take "no" for an answer.

RPhArrow --\\\\-------------->.
For a bit of comic relief, anyone want to count how many times the word suck is in this thread? :D
Viper87227 said:
For a bit of comic relief, anyone want to count how many times the work suck is in this thread? :D

Moose sucks.

wow dude, i hope you get better..

in situations like this, especially online ones, no matter what's said it seems to sound lame. sorry about that, just know that we're here for you.
Carnival Forces said:
in situations like this, especially online ones, no matter what's said it seems to sound lame. sorry about that, just know that we're here for you.

I agree, but I still want to say I hope everything goes your way man!
Wow Baked, what are we supposed to say? You know as well as anyone that this is the reason why we're here. Most of us started folding because we've been touched by somehting like this somewhere in our lives and families. You're a big part of the [H] family so if it helps you to know that you are going to be who we're thinking of every time we check our borgs and look at the stats then maybe we've done something to help you out. If that's not enough then feel free to tell us and we'll do whatever we can I'm sure. Fight like hell man, you can beat it.

Keep us as up to date as you can or want. Try not to be a stranger, we'll want to know how things are going for you. Take care of yourself.

Opteron 165 @ 2.4 for BakedON.

Never sit down, never quit. Beat the crap out of it, and come back for more, bro. It's all we've got.

Best wishes, be well.
Sorry to hear all that crap man, I was wondering where you've been lately since I haven't seen your posts like normal in my lurking. If you've got any questions about ulcerative collitis shoot me a PM or email . I've had it for about 13 years. Its a pain sometimes and yeah you do have to watch what you eat. I know I had to go through some pretty crapy medical procedures as well. Anyway, hope you get it licked for the time being. Best wishes and you're in our prayers.

There's nothing I can say that hasn't been said, but rest assured I'm behind you for whatever you can ask for.


I am really sorry to hear this. :( Like the others have said, hang in there and fight like hell. You can beat this. And the best part is, you will never be alone. We will always be here for you.


Sorry to hear. Good luck. It hurts to see a friend have any problems much less one of this magnitude. I'm rooting for you!
