[H]orde|Bowl I, and the winner is....


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2006
Sep 27, 2004

After a hard fought season, we came down to the final two players, poddo and RPhArrow. Both players came from a different side of the tracks, RPhArrow was one of the best teams in his conference and got into the playoffs easily, and poddo snuck in on a wildcard and faced the top teams in his conference each of the last 3 games.

Both players showed during the playoffs that they really deserved to be here, and despite some last minute adversity, and rapidly changing WU conditions, our teams made the necessary adjustments to keep themselves in the game. Enough with the yammering though, here's the breakdown:

Points Breakdown
Total weekly points - RPhArrow (10 points)
Total weekly WU's - poddo (14 points)
PPD Average - RPhÅrrow (5 points)
WU per day Average - poddo (5 points)
Points per WU - RPhArrow (3 points)
Higest points in one day - RPhArrow (6 points)
Highest WU count in one day - poddo (10 points)
Daily High points and WU's - poddo (6 points), RPhArrow (4 points)

And based on that breakdown, we have poddo coming out on top with the 35 to 28 victory!!

Congratulations to poddo, the first annual [H]orde|Bowl Champion!!!

Congrats Poddo!!!!!

Your the proud winner of this brand new boxen:

Pentium 4 2Ghz
Compaq Mobo w/ onboard everything
512MB Ram
DVD+-RW Drive
300W Enermax PSU
HP mATX Case

Also, you get a Quakeon 2005 shirt. Lets hear it for Duster and Moose, as nearly all of these parts came from the two of them!

Thanks to shadow-13x, RPhArrow will not be leaving empty handed. Shadow volunteered to give the runner up any one item from his shop free of charge. Thanks shadow!

Its been a helluva lot of fun these past few months. Still, onto new things. I can almost assure you guys there will be something more before [H]ardBowl II.

Poddo, YGPM.
w00t! *shakes RPH's hand* great match man, I was really kinda worried near the end there, what with all the wrong sized WU's. It's been fun, and i can't wait to defend the title next year!
Congrats Pdood!!!!

Awww buggers, I found his user name right as you deaded the other thread...
Great game & great season poddo --- I was a bit slow here while changing my sig !! This was the most fun I've had this last year with the [H]orde :D

Fold ON !!

RphArrow --\\\-------------------------->

Yeah, this was a really great way to get people involved! I really want to thank all the guys that put this thing together, and kept it going through the season! you guys are great!
Congrats to you bro!

I have to agree, ol' p[H]ant0m hit a home run on this one. Another great contest down, many more to go.

Congratulations to everyone who participated, and helped out this great cause of ours.

[H] FTW!!
poddo said:
oh yeah. My secret name was BigHitter.
and for anyone looking at comparisons, mine was Eileen

(Early in the season I got a name change, but it was still a girl's name... hmmmmm) :rolleyes:

RPhArrow said:
and for anyone looking at comparisons, mine was Eileen

(Early in the season I got a name change, but it was still a girl's name... hmmmmm) :rolleyes:

That was all p[H] :D
poddo said:
So it was on purpose??

No, just coincidence. We had a pretty large list of names from the get-go, as we didnt know how many people would sign up. He just got the next name in line I guess...

Also, to everyone, be sure to check out this thread to post your comments, critism, and suggetions for [H]orde|Bowl II.
DarkJedi375 said:
So Poddo, you have just won the FIRST ANNUAL Horde Bowl! What are you going to do next?

I'm goin' to MOOSE-ney LAND!!!!! :D

RPhArrow, you bastard!, I lost BIG Dollars on you G-cookie Doh!

I look forward to destroying you all in the 2nd annual [H]orde Bowel movement!
Slayten said:

RPhArrow, you bastard!, I lost BIG Dollars on you G-cookie Doh!

I look forward to destroying you all in the 2nd annual [H]orde Bowel movement!
Well, I can tell you now, it always feels better after !! :D

Save your money now for a P5 !! You'll need it to win the next one...

RphArrow --\\\---------------------->
RPhArrow said:
Well, I can tell you now, it always feels better after !! :D

Save your money now for a P5 !! You'll need it to win the next one...

RphArrow --\\\---------------------->

yeah if i wanna defend my title, I'm gonna have to upgrade...
RPhArrow said:
Well, I can tell you now, it always feels better after !! :D

Save your money now for a new A64 !! You'll need it to win the next one...

RphArrow --\\\---------------------->

oh, rph, we should post our specs, and maybe the mods can edit into the frist post so it doesn't get lost. should be an interesting comparison.
Viper87227 said:


And look at this way, at least when you drop 3 grand you can tell the wife/girlfriend/whatever you're doing it for a good cause. :D
Yeah I got a little to excited... My name STARTS with "p".
poddo said:
oh, rph, we should post our specs, and maybe the mods can edit into the frist post so it doesn't get lost. should be an interesting comparison.
I agree. Here's my game boxen specs:

P4 540 (3.2 Ghz)
overclocked to 3.71GHZ on air with a Coolermaster Hyper48
1GB Corsair 5400UL (underclocked with 3:2 divider)
On an MSI P4N SLI mobo

I ran totally QMD's until the 2nd quarter of the final game -- went to big packets, no advmethods for last 3 quarters.

RPhArrow --\\\\----------------->
poddo said:
Yeah I got a little to excited... My name STARTS with "p".

I am just picturing the OMG I WON look on your face, only to realize you hadn't won yet :D

BTW, since i forgot to tell you in your PM, you also get a QuakeOn 05 shirt, courtisy of le moose.
Viper87227 said:
I am just picturing the OMG I WON look on your face, only to realize you hadn't won yet :D

Thats exactly it. Kinda like the picture in the "meet the horde" thread...

oh, and my box is:

AMD 64 4000+ (2.4)
OC'd to 2.68 on stock air cooling (243 x 11)
2 gigs of corsair value select, with a divider of some sort, don't remember which...
poddo said:
Thats exactly it. Kinda like the picture in the "meet the horde" thread...

oh, and my box is:

AMD 64 4000+ (2.4)
OC'd to 2.68 on stock air cooling (243 x 11)
2 gigs of corsair value select, with a divider of some sort, don't remember which...
Hide this thread .... So if i was going to buy a fast AMD 64 for folding.. (not ready for dual core & purely hypothetical of course) what motherboard should I put it on ? :cool:
