Hacker That Refused 2yr Prison Deal Now Faces Decades

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Welcome to today’s installment of “how not to bargain with your freedom.” Prosecutors offered this so-called hacker a deal for 2 years and he turned it down? What an idiot.

A federal grand jury substantially upped the ante against the computer technician Thursday, ringing him up on additional charges (.pdf) of identity theft and two kiddie-porn accusations carrying lifetime sex-offender registration requirements. The authorities said he faces a maximum 20 years for the alleged porn distribution, 10 years for the porn-possession charge and five years each for the two hacking charges.
Does not bode well.

I didn't read the article, just what was posted on the front page, but honestly how does it go from 2yrs to 40? Did he deserve 40 in the first place? If so why was he given a "deal" of 2yrs? WTH!!

Our justice system is so screwed up it's not funny. Sigh.........
You don't turn down liver, when there is a whole pot of sh-t cooking on the stove.

What a dumbass.
just seem the norm USA make quick buck make an fast example of some one and now that has failed, they then come to the table with stuff that's Very bad if that's stuff has been held back this should just get thrown out of court (or what ever stage this is in) and fine the USA prosecutors 1 mil or more in fines for holding back stuff to make it go on for longer you cant just hold stuff like that (i am guessing what would of happened that harder stuff would of been called up in the USA courts where he would of been held for more then 2 years)

the things they bring forward i would think would make sure he stays in the UK

or he would of simply slipped off to the CIA or NSA or something after 2 years or less
I didn't read the article, just what was posted on the front page, but honestly how does it go from 2yrs to 40? Did he deserve 40 in the first place? If so why was he given a "deal" of 2yrs? WTH!!

Our justice system is so screwed up it's not funny. Sigh.........
Um, read it? He's facing child porn possession and distribution charges now since he included those in threatening emails to his coworkers.

He was being offered a deal to plead guilty to lesser charges. Now he's getting the book thrown at him for everything he's being accused of doing.
You don't turn down liver, when there is a whole pot of sh-t cooking on the stove.

What a dumbass.
Awesome. :D

Based on what he's being charged for, no doubt the guy is a grade A nutcase/moron.
Did anyone read that the case hasn't even gone to court yet? People will generally do this if they are actually innocent.
Couple of things I don't get. If he deserved 40 years ish, why offer 2? Does the evidence suck? Or do they really think he deserves 2 if he pleaded guilty?

In anycase, if I were accused of some of that stuff... I'd plead innocent too. distribution of child porn will ruin your life forever. Not to mention, he might be innocent as well.
I read it all. They need to lock this nutcase up for a long time. He messed up quite a few lives. Thank god for his victims they caught him.

I would think different if he was a kid however, he's 45? He will always be a badguy.
Sounds like he was trying to get somebody else in trouble for child porn, and it backfired. I'd say ram the book up his ass, and proceed to kick him in the ass until he bleeds.

If he'd have succeeded he could have completely and permanently fucked up his neighbor's life.. That kind of shit never goes way once it gets in the news and attached to somebody's name. What a douchebag.
Prison justice time.

Most prisoners woudn't consider ever involving child porn in something feloniously committed like this - because most prisoners have cherished sons and/or daughters, young and old.
Prison justice time.

Most prisoners woudn't consider ever involving child porn in something feloniously committed like this - because most prisoners have cherished sons and/or daughters, young and old.

Yeah if he gets convicted on this stuff he is NOT going to have a good time in prison.
Yes, have fun in prison. I think 40 is a bit too much for the crime. I am not condoning what he did and I still feel he deserves some time in prison. Should he really be in prison his whole life along side murderers and rapists for spreading lies about someone?
btw: as for what he did, it looks like his intent was for his neighbor to do all that jail time, or whatever. feeling no sorrow here.
Yes, have fun in prison. I think 40 is a bit too much for the crime. I am not condoning what he did and I still feel he deserves some time in prison. Should he really be in prison his whole life along side murderers and rapists for spreading lies about someone?

Who's to say that he did not produce the child porn himself? Even if he did not make it I have very little sympathy for people who traffic in that shit.
Yes, have fun in prison. I think 40 is a bit too much for the crime. I am not condoning what he did and I still feel he deserves some time in prison. Should he really be in prison his whole life along side murderers and rapists for spreading lies about someone?

When it comes to spreading lies about somebody that can completely and utterly destroy their life, yes. If he had succeeded in his plot the other person would have been completely screwed for life.

It backfired, so he should be screwed for life. Now he'll know what the target would have gone through, starting with a ++++++++ one could drive a bus through. :D

It's not like he lied and tried to get the neighbor nabbed for shoplifting.. He tried to get him nabbed for one of the worst things on Earth somebody could be accused of in this day and age.
When it comes to spreading lies about somebody that can completely and utterly destroy their life, yes. If he had succeeded in his plot the other person would have been completely screwed for life.

It backfired, so he should be screwed for life. Now he'll know what the target would have gone through, starting with a ++++++++ one could drive a bus through. :D

It's not like he lied and tried to get the neighbor nabbed for shoplifting.. He tried to get him nabbed for one of the worst things on Earth somebody could be accused of in this day and age.
Well, he should get charged for what he actually did, not what might have happened to the other guy had he succeeded. Getting labelled as a lifetime sex offender would be a bit much as he was clearly just looking for material to implicate "Victim A". Still, he violated Title 18...

Does anyone know why he had it in for this guy? This was a campaign of defamation.
Well, he should get charged for what he actually did, not what might have happened to the other guy had he succeeded. ...

Does anyone know why he had it in for this guy? This was a campaign of defamation.
He's getting charged with almost everything he did. That's part of the "throwing the book" at him mentioned above. I really don't think he will find much sympathy from a judge or jury due to the nature (harassment using child porn) or intent (framing a neighbor) of the crimes.

The reason: "The incident involved the neighbor's report to the Blaine Police Department that Ardolf had allegedly touched and kissed a toddler inappropriately."

Hmmm, probably no link between that incident and deciding to download, post and email child porn to frame the neighbor.

I posted the Star Tribune link above with details of the case.
Why would the offer a guy that distributed child porn 2 years? Probably a bunch of bs that a good defense lawyer would throw out, hence why it was held back. Or is this new evidence?
The DA offered him 2 figuring it was the most he could get, while having it to go away and him be able to claim he did his job.

Now it is going to trial.

The DA is asking for 40 in the hope that the judge/jury hands down 10, which will turn into 5 after the sentencing appeals, and then only 2 after the guy gets paroled on good behavior.
Why would the offer a guy that distributed child porn 2 years? Probably a bunch of bs that a good defense lawyer would throw out, hence why it was held back. Or is this new evidence?

It probably required being on the sex offender list for life on top of that.
The DA offered him 2 figuring it was the most he could get, while having it to go away and him be able to claim he did his job.

Now it is going to trial.

The DA is asking for 40 in the hope that the judge/jury hands down 10, which will turn into 5 after the sentencing appeals, and then only 2 after the guy gets paroled on good behavior.

He's getting charged with almost everything he did. That's part of the "throwing the book" at him mentioned above. I really don't think he will find much sympathy from a judge or jury due to the nature (harassment using child porn) or intent (framing a neighbor) of the crimes.

The reason: "The incident involved the neighbor's report to the Blaine Police Department that Ardolf had allegedly touched and kissed a toddler inappropriately."

Hmmm, probably no link between that incident and deciding to download, post and email child porn to frame the neighbor.

I posted the Star Tribune link above with details of the case.
I misread that on page 2 of your linked article as more framing by Arloff against the neighbour. However, THAT incident is not part of the present indictment. (Nor did I see any evidence of a history of child porn forwarding--other than the MySpace and e-mails sent while impersonating this one neighbour).

Don't get me wrong--I'm not going to shed a tear for this guy. But let's convict him for what he did, not what it's easy to get him for. Dude went mental after his wife died. Lock him up in a san.

Well gosh, that just kinda seems like the kinda information you might find in the article, huh? ;)
I looked at this (Steve's link): http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/06/hacker-faces-decades-imprisonment/

Which led me to this: http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel/2010/06/Ardolf-INDICTMENT.pdf

Maybe you can quote where it mentioned motive? (Seriously, I've got a bit of a migraine/haloing thing happening and probably just missed it. Time to step away from the computer...)
The guy was an asshole, guess he deserved a couple years in prison? But, wtf is with all the nasty people on here that are so vindictive? "Justice" and what not, none of you are innocent, remember that before you start spewing what should be done to this guy.
Oh, and this "sex offender" list thing has gotten out of hand. I've heard stories like even if you just got drunk and pissed on a fence, you could be convicted of a "sex crime" - or if you are a teenager and send a cell phone message with a topless picture, you could be put on the list for that? That is f#@ked up!

Our society is seriously going over the top about accusing/punishing others. If you have to pee and can't find a toilet (how many businesses even have signs saying "no public restroom") it shouldn't even be illegal to piss on a tree. Ridiculous.

As far as we know, this guy is totally not a pedophile, he just new that pictures like that are a click away on google and had anger management problems (which needed to be addressed, granted, he was going to really screw up some poor people's lives). What he needs is help, not hate. More hate = more problems in a never ending cycle, just getting worse and worse, like in the Middle East/Iran/Iraq/Isreal/Palestine etc.